1. The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™
  2. News
  3. Winter Update 1.4 + DLC + Dedicated Servers LIVE

Winter Update 1.4 + DLC + Dedicated Servers LIVE

[h2]Lîmîn dâlul hîhî[/h2]
Winter is here

The Winter Update is here! It is a time to celebrate and give thanks to our great community. Our best gift? Our fourth major title update with two of our most requested features: Dedicated Servers and Cosmetics.

We can’t say thank you enough times to the over 1 million players who have delved with us into the Mines of Moria. Cheers for a great 2024 and we can’t wait to see you in 2025!

This title update provides bug fixes, gameplay additions and infrastructure to enable new downloadable content (DLC) including free and paid content packs. It also offers an early release of Dedicated Servers as a limited alpha. Please see below for more details on how to apply to be one of our first Alpha Testers!

[h2]Patch Notes for Title Update 4[/h2]
Please ensure you have the correct build number on the main menu. You must complete the update before playing.
  • Epic: 1.4.1 [net.8.4.6.boe951]
  • Steam: 1.4.1 [net.8.4.6.boe951]
  • PS5: 1.4.0 [net.8.4.6.boe951]
  • Xbox X|S: 1.4.0 [net.8.4.6.boe951]
  • Xbox and PS5 update from version 1.3.4 to 1.4.0
  • Steam and Epic update form version 1.3.4 to 1.4.1

[h2]Cosmetic Armor Skins[/h2]
This update has a new cosmetic armor skins feature: the ability to add helmet, chest, glove, boots and origin outfits as cosmetic items via the new Wardrobe screen, accessible in the menu. Once cosmetic items are added to the wardrobe, they are available to be applied to all dwarves associated with your account. Applying these new cosmetic items will override the equipped armor visuals while keeping the stats of the armor you have equipped. Wardrobe Skins also come with all of their tints for free!

[h2]‍New Downloadable Content (DLC) Support[/h2]
On the main menu of the game is now an Add-On and DLC screen that shows what is available and what you have already purchased.

[h2]The Yule-tide Pack[/h2]
We have created a free Holiday Yule-tide Pack that includes new festive food, decoration and lighting options as a gift for the community! Decorate your base, invite some friends over, and enjoy the holidays!

The full list of what is included:
  • Mulled Cider Brew Recipe
  • Yule-tide Feast Meal Recipe
  • Yule Fruit Crust-cake Ration Recipe
  • Present Pile Building Recipe
  • Yule-tide Hearth Building Recipe
  • Celebration Meal Table Building Recipe
  • String of Lights Building Recipe
  • Chain of Lights Building Recipe
  • Simple Candelabra Building Recipe
  • Candelabra Building Recipe
  • Elaborate Candelabra Building Recipe

[h2]The Rohan Pack[/h2]
Our first premium content pack is inspired by the Horse Lords of Rohan, and the friendship forged by Lord Gimli with King Eomer of Rohan. Check out our trailer and join the Yerêg Guard today!

The full list of what is included:
  • Rohan Helmet Cosmetic Skin
  • Rohan Armor Cosmetic Skin
  • Rohan Gauntlets Cosmetic Skin
  • Rohan Boots Cosmetic Skin
  • Rohirrim Spear Recipe
  • Rohirrim Shield Recipe
  • Rohirrim Banner & Flag Building Recipes
  • Rohan Yerêg Stew Meal Recipe
  • Smoked Mead Brew Recipe

Note: Skins unlock for All Dwarves. They are cosmetic only. Weapon, Shield, Brew, Meal, and Building Recipes will be available when the appropriate resources are available.

[h2]Dedicated Servers Alpha Playtest[/h2]
This update provides the ability to host and join a player-hosted dedicated server. Dedicated Servers are available as a limited alpha and we will need your feedback as we refine the experience. Please visit the RtM Discord if you are interested in hosting a dedicated server. Joining a dedicated server does not require any special installation. Once you have the 1.4.x game update and a join code, you may join a dedicated server through the existing “Join Game” interface.

Refer to The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™: Dedicated Servers Guide (Alpha) on the website and the "ds-info" channel in our Discord for more information. And look for the full, open release early in 2025.

[h2]Gameplay Improvements[/h2]
  • Treasure Pile management. Players may now see what is in a Treasure Pile, same as other forms of visual storage. No more losing where you put those Black Diamonds!
  • Renamable Storage. Players can now edit the display names of chest and tavern signs.
  • Added controller sensitivity sliders for looking and while aiming with ranged weapons
  • Trees and Ubasam mushrooms now regrow after a number of sleeps. They will not regrow within a hearth radius.
  • Players can now plant Cranberries into Farm Patches and Boxes.
  • Added a player-buildable version of the Statue of Elbereth that unlocks late in the game.
  • Updated the [redacted] of Durin’s Axe to [redacted] in a much [redacted] way.
  • The Dwarf Select screen now shows the currently equipped armor look.
  • Improvements to gamepad navigation in chest and inventory slots.
  • Added recipes to craft iron ore from scrap metal, and craft ironwood from scrap metal and wood scraps, both unlocked at late-game forges. Yes it's good to craft Ironwood, but it's even better to get rid of those pallets of abundant early game resources!

[h2]General Fixes[/h2]
  • Fixed platform specific crashes.
  • Fixed desyncs of certain items in multiplayer where an item may appear floating in mid air.
  • Fixed issue where attempting to pick up items with a full inventory caused their VFX to disappear.
  • Fixed issues with saving of dropped items while level is loading.
  • Fixed issue where Wanderkeg is empty after singing a tavern song.
  • Increased interaction radius of death chests to fix issues where they may be inaccessible by the player and items could not be picked up.
  • Fixed silent sound effects when rebuilding Great Forges.
  • Fixed an issue where a Dwarf is not prompted to sing when mining certain deposits.
  • Fixed issue where Small Crystal Lamps still spawn after being deconstructed.
  • Fixed some worlds being generated without certain items needed to progress.
  • Fixed issue where player could not drop items from Inventory and Action Bar with Gamepad.
  • Fixed missing UI action for right-mouse-button to aim on bow and crossbows.
  • Fixed inability to equip Mahal’s Gift from the action bar.
  • Fixed text for mislabeled items and misspellings.
  • Fixed several icons that were offset incorrectly or were using the wrong image.
  • When aiming with the Quarrymaster, players will swing instead of kick.

[h2]Known Issues[/h2]
The following issues are known and will be addressed in a future patch. If you encounter these please feel free to submit a support ticket here with any information that will help us resolve the issue.
  • Cosmetic Armor Skins that have been added to the player’s Wardrobe while online will not appear while playing Offline. Skins added when playing offline do not appear while playing online. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue may cause.
  • Purchased DLC may not be available while playing offline. This behaviour is dependent on which platform you are playing.
  • In multiplayer games, dwarves may sometimes enter the world in the wrong location.
  • In multiplayer games with a large number of players, there can be issues with fast travel.
  • There are known issues with the Dedicated Server Alpha’s CPU usage and performance. You may experience longer load times and more frequent dot walls than we consider acceptable. We will be working on this before the full release.
  • Blocking players on Dedicated Servers currently only works when the player-to-be-blocked is online.
  • There is a rare occurrence of the Steam Deck on certain versions of the OS showing issues with the keyboard, as well as quitting the game.