1. Achilles: Survivor
  2. News
  3. DevLog #1

DevLog #1


Your feedback during the Steam Next Fest demo was invaluable, and we’ve been working tirelessly to improve Achilles: Survivor. Our mission is to ensure you have a thrilling and smooth experience, making it easier to immerse yourself in the action and create the ultimate survivor who can crush enemies with ease.

Here are some highlights of what we’ve been working on:

🔧 Enhanced UI for Build Mode

You mentioned the Cancel button wasn’t as visible as it should be during building—so we fixed it! The improved UI is now clearer and intuitive, ensuring you can focus on building strategies instead of hunting for buttons.

🃏 Improvement Card Rarity Readability

We’ve reworked the visuals on improvement cards to make their rarity distinct and easy to identify—even in the heat of battle. Now, you can swiftly adapt your strategies without missing a beat.

🔄 Favor Reset Functionality

We’ve added a reset button for favors! This handy new feature lets you refund all your spent resources and reallocate them to fit your latest strategies. With updated graphics and seamless functionality, it’s easier than ever to experiment with your builds.

Your feedback is shaping Achilles: Survivor. These updates are just the beginning, and we can’t wait to share more as we continue developing this action-packed adventure.

These updates, along with many other improvements, have been made since the demo. We’ll be back soon with more news about our progress!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on these changes—which one are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments! Your feedback is shaping Achilles: Survivor into a truly special game, and these updates are just the beginning.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Don’t forget to wishlist Achilles: Survivor on Steam and join us on Discord to stay updated!

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