A New Beginning
The time has come to lead your Squad to victory as a master of 1v1 turn-based combat in the ARBO: Arena Tactics February Alpha Playtest!
[h2]Register Now[/h2]
Curious to be a part of the fun? Register now to become a playtester for us. Keys will be distributed on the 17th.
✅ https://community.arbo.xyz/
[h2]Note on Bugs[/h2]
Because ARBO: Arena Tactics is in such an early stage of development, some of the Ops, Protocols, mechanics, UI elements, and other interactions in the game aren't yet fully rigged or animated. While some are fully playable, others are missing polish, VFX, SFX, and features that have yet to be implemented. Above all, we encourage our playtesters to share their open and honest feedback with us so we can make the best game possible. All feedback is good feedback, so don't be shy!
Creating this game has been such a long, unpredictable journey for our team, and we’re so proud to finally get to welcome our first round of players into the unique gaming experience that we’ve crafted.
We hope you enjoy all the incredible things that you’ll soon discover in ARBO: Arena Tactics! Creating this game has been such a long, unpredictable journey for our team, and we’re so proud to finally get to welcome our first round of players into the unique gaming experience that we’ve crafted. See you in battle!
[h2]Wishlist Now To Support Us[/h2]
[h2]Register Now[/h2]
Curious to be a part of the fun? Register now to become a playtester for us. Keys will be distributed on the 17th.
✅ https://community.arbo.xyz/
- 4 playable Hero Classes, each with unique traits and proficiencies
- 6 Premade Combat Strategies, each designed to showcase different playstyles
- 60 different playable Protocol cards
- 30 different playable Trait Ops
- Numerous Modes: PvP Ranked Mode with a Timer, PvP Casual Mode with no Timer, and a PvE Mode vs. an AI Player
- Fully-interactive battle Arena, with two Win Conditions, destructible Obstacles, dynamic Line of Sight system, and environmental Hexes with unique properties
- Info modals that provide tooltips, values, and other in-game info
- A Leaderboard that tracks all Alpha players’ win record and ELO
[h2]Note on Bugs[/h2]
Because ARBO: Arena Tactics is in such an early stage of development, some of the Ops, Protocols, mechanics, UI elements, and other interactions in the game aren't yet fully rigged or animated. While some are fully playable, others are missing polish, VFX, SFX, and features that have yet to be implemented. Above all, we encourage our playtesters to share their open and honest feedback with us so we can make the best game possible. All feedback is good feedback, so don't be shy!
Creating this game has been such a long, unpredictable journey for our team, and we’re so proud to finally get to welcome our first round of players into the unique gaming experience that we’ve crafted.
We hope you enjoy all the incredible things that you’ll soon discover in ARBO: Arena Tactics! Creating this game has been such a long, unpredictable journey for our team, and we’re so proud to finally get to welcome our first round of players into the unique gaming experience that we’ve crafted. See you in battle!
[h2]Wishlist Now To Support Us[/h2]