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  2. News
  3. 🛠️Early Access - Update 8 Patch

🛠️Early Access - Update 8 Patch

🤝 Cooldown-related Wizard Traits are now shown correctly as “-10%” instead of “+10%”.

🤝 Fixed an issue where Moon Mage’s Wizard Trait only worked on Team Leaders (Hosts).
🤝 Fixed an issue where the amount Spell Augmentations were no longer tracked in Reginald’s and Hatti’s Quests.
🤝 Fixed a rare issue where in some cases, players would lose their game progress.
🤝 Fixed an issue where in some cases, enemies were unkillable.
🤝 Fixed an issue where, when the last player goes down, the Spectator Cam would not start following the player that gets automatically revived.
🤝 Fixed an issue where Elemental Damage didn’t work on split or bounced projectiles.
🤝 Fixed an issue where sometimes players would not be able to see the names of other players that are still choosing Upgrades in the Level Up Menu.
✅ Fixed some inconsistent formatting for the Wizard aliases in the Lore Menu.
✅ Fixed an issue in the Wizard Menu where the currently highlighted button would remain highlighted after hiding the cursor.
✅ Fixed an issue where Wizard or Outfit info would update when the button was hovered over instead of pressed on (mouse only).

🤝 = changes inspired by community feedback