Want to test our new update?

Hi there!
First and foremost, a happy new year from us to you! We’ve (mostly) kept quiet here on Steam since the holidays. That’s because we’ve been busy with some new stuff for the new update, which is due next week!
In the past, we’ve tested with a dedicated group on our Discord. To include players who joined in the last few months and are interested in testing, we’re clearing that group and adding new members!
The first test will be conducted this Wednesday (15:00 & 23:00 CET). If you are free and want to test the upcoming update, please JOIN OUR DISCORD and react to the recent post in #announcements. We’ll select a fixed number of players that will be allowed to join these tests.
Missed out? No worries! As our community grows, we’ll continue to refresh this group more regularly. Keep an eye on our Discord to see when new opportunities arise.
Thanks in advance!
Curious about the next update? Head to the #development channel on Discord for a sneak peek!