1. Pinhead Adventures
  2. News
  3. Patch 0.3.6

Patch 0.3.6

Adventurers! This may be the last update for a while until we launch the Revamped update. We are making core changes to how the game begins and to some of the systems leading into The Zino and Zortan's Ship, so please be patient!

Fixed many buttons triggering incorrectly
Fixed Big Purp completion percent not showing on the space UI before planet entry

Increased spitter spit ball generation time while out of combat; will slow down how fast a spitter can create spods
Spitters and Spods will shoot at hurt spikers to heal them
Spit balls now heal 10 health to spikers on direct hit

Adjusted spiker nest ground alignment logic, shouldnt climb up walls anymore, will face away from any walls directly infront of it as well

Fixed Swoopers sometimes spawning an extra nest when switching to a stalled state

As always, feel free to follow us on X, Youtube, or here on the Steam forums!