The Road Ahead and Patch Notes #5
Hello again!
Today we have another patch and also a message to tell you what our plan for the first stage of the Early Access is.
You can find the patch at the end of this message. ;)

[h2]The Road Ahead:[/h2]
As you know we are working hard to address the most important issues reported.
Here is a list of them and what we are doing to correct them:
- Quests are too Constraining:
We have added the ability to skip the tutorial quests, added a free mode, and we are now working on implementing the Research System we had in Tropical Island. We believe we should have it up and running a few days from now. :)
- Screen too Dark:
We will be adding a brightness slider to the options as soon as we are done with the Research System.
While we know this will not solve all related issues it should hopefully help make things better.
- Food Rots too fast and Starving all the time:
We have substantially increased the shelf-life of most edibles in the game. We have also reworked satiation so that it now takes 10 additional hours to reach the ravenous (hungriest) state which we believe is more realistic than what we had before and works much better.
- Getting Lost in the Woods:
We're already working on the first update (called the Exploration Update) which should include many new landmarks for the forest, some special things to find while foraging and a way to find your way if you get lost. We believe these things will help enrich the forest and make it more interesting to explore.
- Not Enough Content:
Once the other main issues have been addressed, the plan we have is to keep releasing regular content updates every 1-2 weeks while we work on improving performance.
Here are some of the things you can expect from the next updates;
- Squirrel and Partridge Spirits.
- Archery with different arrow types and enchantable arrows.
- Toxins for weapons and arrows.
- Household Spirits.
- Salves, Soap and Candles.
- Bread Making.
- Beer Brewing.
- Snow Shoes.
Once performance is in a place we are happy with and we feel we have released enough updates we will proceed to release the first big update (the Mountain one), which should increase the map size and add a good amount of additional content, including new animals (normal and legendary), a metallurgy system featuring multiple metals and a lot more.
[h2]Patch Notes for EA_0.09[/h2]
- Fixed a bug where dropping cards into other rooms in your mud hut would make them disappear.
- Updated the Chinese and Korean localizations.
- Cellar inside the mud hut can no longer be built in a river or wetland location.
- Physical trait no longer gives you wellbeing when entering and exiting the Waterfall Caves.
- Kiln Now reaches max Temperature in 6 hours.
- Fresh, cooked and dried Forest Caps can now be boiled.
- Added dismantle action to all the leather and fur items and they now return the exact materials they were made from.
- Tweaked Satiation status visualisation.
- It is now possible to collect unsafe water in flooded tunnel. Boil it to make it safe.
- River, Frozen River and Ice Hole now show up in Food filter.
- Carnivore and Herbivore perks are now mutually exclusive.
- Knife Sheath can now be enchanted and properly reduces the weight of its contents.
- Pine areas temporarily spawn Oak Trees until the Pines are fully implemented.
- Ice holes now disappear when a frozen river thaws.
- Fixed the missing art for Dormant Appleweed.
- Fixed spirits having weight.
- Flute Compose action will no longer Compose songs which were already composed.
- Frostbite and Frostnip should no longer happen if you warm up when you wake up from the Cold.
[h2]Final Notes:[/h2]
To all the players that were disappointed with Fantasy Forests, we will be working on ways to improve our communication with you, so that we can get to know each other better and not disappoint you again.
And, to all our players, thank you for giving us your support, and please let's all be nice to each other and not fight!
We'll do our best so that this game keeps being or becomes a good game for all of you.
We are very excited for the months, and years to come!
We hope you'll all stay with us and help us make Fantasy Forest one of the largest and most complete survival simulation games out there. :)
Today we have another patch and also a message to tell you what our plan for the first stage of the Early Access is.
You can find the patch at the end of this message. ;)

[h2]The Road Ahead:[/h2]
As you know we are working hard to address the most important issues reported.
Here is a list of them and what we are doing to correct them:
- Quests are too Constraining:
We have added the ability to skip the tutorial quests, added a free mode, and we are now working on implementing the Research System we had in Tropical Island. We believe we should have it up and running a few days from now. :)
- Screen too Dark:
We will be adding a brightness slider to the options as soon as we are done with the Research System.
While we know this will not solve all related issues it should hopefully help make things better.
- Food Rots too fast and Starving all the time:
We have substantially increased the shelf-life of most edibles in the game. We have also reworked satiation so that it now takes 10 additional hours to reach the ravenous (hungriest) state which we believe is more realistic than what we had before and works much better.
- Getting Lost in the Woods:
We're already working on the first update (called the Exploration Update) which should include many new landmarks for the forest, some special things to find while foraging and a way to find your way if you get lost. We believe these things will help enrich the forest and make it more interesting to explore.
- Not Enough Content:
Once the other main issues have been addressed, the plan we have is to keep releasing regular content updates every 1-2 weeks while we work on improving performance.
Here are some of the things you can expect from the next updates;
- Squirrel and Partridge Spirits.
- Archery with different arrow types and enchantable arrows.
- Toxins for weapons and arrows.
- Household Spirits.
- Salves, Soap and Candles.
- Bread Making.
- Beer Brewing.
- Snow Shoes.
Once performance is in a place we are happy with and we feel we have released enough updates we will proceed to release the first big update (the Mountain one), which should increase the map size and add a good amount of additional content, including new animals (normal and legendary), a metallurgy system featuring multiple metals and a lot more.
[h2]Patch Notes for EA_0.09[/h2]
- Fixed a bug where dropping cards into other rooms in your mud hut would make them disappear.
- Updated the Chinese and Korean localizations.
- Cellar inside the mud hut can no longer be built in a river or wetland location.
- Physical trait no longer gives you wellbeing when entering and exiting the Waterfall Caves.
- Kiln Now reaches max Temperature in 6 hours.
- Fresh, cooked and dried Forest Caps can now be boiled.
- Added dismantle action to all the leather and fur items and they now return the exact materials they were made from.
- Tweaked Satiation status visualisation.
- It is now possible to collect unsafe water in flooded tunnel. Boil it to make it safe.
- River, Frozen River and Ice Hole now show up in Food filter.
- Carnivore and Herbivore perks are now mutually exclusive.
- Knife Sheath can now be enchanted and properly reduces the weight of its contents.
- Pine areas temporarily spawn Oak Trees until the Pines are fully implemented.
- Ice holes now disappear when a frozen river thaws.
- Fixed the missing art for Dormant Appleweed.
- Fixed spirits having weight.
- Flute Compose action will no longer Compose songs which were already composed.
- Frostbite and Frostnip should no longer happen if you warm up when you wake up from the Cold.
[h2]Final Notes:[/h2]
To all the players that were disappointed with Fantasy Forests, we will be working on ways to improve our communication with you, so that we can get to know each other better and not disappoint you again.
And, to all our players, thank you for giving us your support, and please let's all be nice to each other and not fight!
We'll do our best so that this game keeps being or becomes a good game for all of you.
We are very excited for the months, and years to come!
We hope you'll all stay with us and help us make Fantasy Forest one of the largest and most complete survival simulation games out there. :)