1. Hold The Noise
  2. News

Hold The Noise News

Hold The Noise 배포 종료

Hello, I'm !CyberApex.
Hold The Noise decided to stop distributing on Steam.

The reasons are as follows.
Hold The Noise was developed with an experimental goal on the subject of noise. However, contrary to the experimental goal, it was perceived as an unpleasant factor by the players, resulting in a serious public sentiment.

The message and reason are unclear, which makes it difficult to maintain the presence of Hold The Noise soon.

I'd like to say sorry for not producing a good game.
In the future, we will not release experimental games on the Steam page, and we will not produce and distribute them.

We are currently developing a new game. The new game will be more proper than the previous one.
I'll see you again with a better and proper game in the future.

Thank you for playing Hold The Noise.

If you would like to ask me any questions, criticisms, or comments related to the game, please contact the email.

[email protected]

Hold The Noise Steam Deployment Discontinued Notice

Hello, I'm !CyberApex.
Hold The Noise decided to stop distributing on Steam.

The reasons are as follows.
Hold The Noise was developed with an experimental goal on the subject of noise. However, contrary to the experimental goal, it was perceived as an unpleasant factor by the players, resulting in a serious public sentiment.

The message and reason are unclear, which makes it difficult to maintain the presence of Hold The Noise soon.

I'd like to say sorry for not producing a good game.
In the future, we will not release experimental games on the Steam page, and we will not produce and distribute them.

We are currently developing a new game. The new game will be more proper than the previous one.
I'll see you again with a better and proper game in the future.

Thank you for playing Hold The Noise.

If you would like to ask me any questions, criticisms, or comments related to the game, please contact the email.


Hi. My name is !CyberApex.
I Updated Hold The Noise.

1. The problem occurred again in the challenge "1972.11.21", so I urgently corrected it. If there is another problem with the challenge, please contact Steam discussion or my email.

[email protected]

and If you think the game has been damaged by the recent
negative game ratings, I apologize for that.

I'm currently developing my next work. I'll see you in a normal way for my next work.

Thank you.


Before we release the updates..

Hi. I'm !CyberApex. I've confirmed that the Bug Fix update on Hold The Noise still hasn't resolved the issue. I'd like to apologize for this.

If there is a new bug or if there is still a problem, please contact us via email or in the community discussion and we will check and resolve it.

Then I'll explain the updates. The updates are as follows.

1. Fixed a bug that the challenge "1972.11.21" did not achieve. (I fixed the bug before, but the cause was not resolved, but I re-checked and revised the cause today.)
2. Added speed function. (LSshift, left shoulder button for gamepad)

Thank you for reading it.


Updated Hold The Noise.

1. Fixed a bug for some of the challenges.