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Wild Assault Dev Log: Designing the Third Map (W.I.P.)!

The Third Map! 🗺️

What's up, Wild Ones!
Though it's still in its early design stage, in this episode we'd like to share with you what we've been working on for the third map in Wild Assault! We also want to collect your feedback on our designs and ideas. Let's make it happen together!

The Background 📖

[h2]Lore 📜[/h2]

As our attention shifts away from the Ricky Mountains, warfare over the Feral Relic intensifies at Crescent Bay, located along the shore of the Pacific Ocean. Beneath the waves, dark currents stir beside the coastline. The story begins here. Our valiants will join different factions in the complex terrain of Crescent Bay and engage in a battle of strength and strategy.

[h2]Design Concept 📏[/h2]

In order to offer various visual styles and gameplay experiences to our players, we designed the first three maps in Wild Assault based on different approaches. Operation Mojave and the Ricky Mountains were designed with a focus on freedom of gameplay and unique terrains, while our core concept for the third map is "multi-layer combat space."

"Multi-Layer Combat Space" 🤔

We use the term "multi-layer combat space" to define the core gameplay of our third map. Our goal is to create a complex combat area that combines natural landscapes and infrastructure, featuring multiple platforms, both interior & exterior spaces, and varying vertical height differences.

[h2]"The Maniac Arena" 🧐[/h2]

After making up our minds, we started to evaluate multiple designs through level whiteboxing. "What about setting the battle in a huge facility? That sounds cool!" However, after messing around with the white boxes, we found it's rather hard to realize the "multi-layer" design without twisting the reality. The finished level looks like a deathmatch battle arena designed by a war maniac instead of a well crafted defensive military facility.

("Maniac Arena" level whiteboxing project. For demonstration purposes only. Not a final version. IP belongs to Combat Cat Studio)

Hmm... Maybe our poor imagination limited us when creating a proper lore for the "Maniac Arena," but the concept of setting the battle in a huge facility does sound cool. Anyway, we decided to put a pin in it and see what happens! If you have great ideas for this project, please let us know in the comments!

[h2]Visually Differentiate the Priorities 💡🤓[/h2]

After further discussion on this very topic, we’ve decided to craft the third map using a combination of natural landscapes and man-made structures.

Originally posted by designer
To be more specific, we will use natural landscapes to create paths that connect different strategic locations and establish height differences. On the other hand, we will utilize man-made structures to efficiently create a core combat area with various attacking and defending routes, as well as multiple platforms in a limited space.

By intentionally arranging natural landscapes and man-made structures in different locations, we aim to visually differentiate the primary and secondary combat areas, making it easier for players to identify the type of combat area they are in, prioritize their goals (whether to push forward or prepare to capture a target), and make decisions accordingly. Additionally, by incorporating a nuance of visual noise, we hope to spice up the battle in an enjoyable way.

(Third map level whiteboxing project. For demonstration purposes only. Not a final version. IP belongs to Combat Cat Studio)

[h2]The Core Combat Area 🎯[/h2]

In order to create intense and immersive combat gameplay, we divided the core combat area into two strongholds. You and your team need to capture both strongholds to take full control of the area. This way, combat can spread throughout the entire strategic location.

Normally, teams that control either stronghold can counterbalance each other to some extent. However, as you can see in the demonstration, the two strongholds are on different levels, and there are no direct pathways between them. This means teams that control one stronghold cannot directly interfere with the other.

Through our design, the entire area can hopefully be utilized to a greater degree. We hope this design introduces more interesting uncertainty to your matches, further enhancing the variety of combat in this core area.

(Third map level whiteboxing project. For demonstration purposes only. Not a final version. IP belongs to Combat Cat Studio)

[h3]💡What do you think the final look of the core combat area will be? We’d love to see your ideas if you’re interested in sharing a sketch! 🎨[/h3]

What's Next 📋

We’re happy to let you know that even more maps are in the plan! We will continue to conduct bold experiments when designing these maps to provide you with all kinds of unique gameplay experiences. Throughout the entire process, we will also make sure to take note of your likes & dislikes, and adjust future development accordingly. 🫡

Combat Cat Studio

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Wild Assault Dev Log: Post-Gamma Test Optimizations!

Hello, Wild Ones!

In this episode, we’d like to show you the optimizations we’ve been working on recently.

Since the beta test, we’ve been trying to balance new content development with optimizations. It’s tricky work, but we’re glad to have figured out a way to handle both. However that’s a topic for another dev log. Without further ado, let’s dive into it!

The AMD Issue

Good news for our Team Red users!

After purchasing an RX 580 and identifying the cause, we've completely resolved the crash issues that occurred with specific AMD GPU models during the gamma test.

It turns out that the hair module in Unreal Engine v5.4 has compatibility issues with several AMD graphics cards. Combat Cat Studio carried out a proper fix and submitted the code to the Unreal Engine team. Now the fix is implemented in Unreal Engine v5.5, and the issue is resolved once and for all for all related games and GPUs.

Refer to: Unreal Engine v5.5 Release Notes

(source: https://www.reddit.com/r/AyyMD/comments/bjk2ly/this_meme_is_powered_by_ryzen_radeon/ )


Indeed, mantling is one of the biggest challenges we faced during the entire development process of Wild Assault. In fact, it is more complicated than it looks, since there is a huge amount of mechanisms and algorithms behind it. As you might remember, the producer spent a lot of time discussing mantling in multiple Q&A sessions this year. Our resolve to optimize mantling in Wild Assault and address related issues has never changed, and we learned a lot during the process as well.

Instead of going deep into the tech behind it, let's check out the mantling experience in our latest build:

Thanks to three major open tests, we've collected valuable results and feedback from our supportive community. As you can see, the current mantling has improved significantly compared to the one in alpha. (Indeed, animals do mantle higher than humans. Thanks for the tips!) As we've mentioned a hundred times, we truly enjoyed every minute of co-creating the game with our players. We believe you will definitely enjoy mantling in Wild Assault the next time you play!

Optimizations for Vladimir's Field Fort

Originally posted by Forger
Dear Vladimir,

I apologize that the Field Fort used to block your bullets during combat. I have made a small change so that you can shoot freely behind the shield while it blocks damage from your enemies. Good luck on the battleground, товарищ!

Best wishes,

Field Fort Forger

Matchmaking: Joining the Game Midway

Back in the alpha, beta, and gamma tests, joining the game midway always resulted in poor player experiences, such as a significant difference in game points and little match time remaining. This could also lead to longer matchmaking times for new matches.

Now, we've set up a new mechanism that allows players to avoid joining such matches during matchmaking. To be more specific, with this new mechanism, matches with certain differences in game points and remaining time will no longer accept new players. We hope this will improve players' experiences and match balance. Let's see if you like it!

Misc. Optimizations

Some other optimizations we've worked on include, but are not limited to:
  • Added an options button on the ESC menu for better accessibility.
  • Visual improvements for the Best Squad page so that players can easily recognize themselves.
  • Visual adjustment and improvement for bullet shells on the ground.
  • Set the default key for the shoulder view switch to "X".
  • Now players can hold the "T" button to voice chat with squad mates.
  • Now the game will notify you if you are experiencing latency, packet loss, or network traffic issues.

That's all we'd like to share with you in this episode! More content is being worked on now, and we can't wait to share it with you soon! Please follow us on social media and stay tuned for more! 🫡

As always, don't forget to add Wild Assault to your wishlist, and be sure to ask your mom, dad, cousin, uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, classmates, and colleagues to do the same! It means a lot to us. Thank you! ❤️


Combat Cat Studio

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Wild Assault Dev Log: New Game Mode Spotlight - WA Raid

👋 Hello Wild Ones! I'm Kang, the Wild Assault gameplay designer here at Combat Cat Studio.

Do you remember the sneak peek dev log we posted earlier in September about the new map "the Ricky Mountains"?
We've received comments from players mentioning possible new game modes that could be related to this new map. And you guys were right! This time, we’d like to introduce the new game mode we've been working on: WA Raid. The Ricky Mountains will be released as the first map for this game mode.

[h3]Ricky Mountains Operation Information Roundup[/h3]
  • Back in the 1990s, the WealthGuard BioTech Research Institute discovered a significant amount of Feral Relics hidden deep within the Ricky Mountains. The news quickly made waves in the international intelligence market, commanding a shocking $$$.
  • To seize this valuable resource for future regional control, multiple countries and military organizations deployed troops to the area. As the threat of war quietly emerged on the horizon, the serene and beautiful scenery of the Ricky Mountains was about to be shattered.
  • In the WA Raid mode, valiants are engaged in the regional conflict as mercenaries for both the defending and attacking sides.
  • Defending side: Make good use of the unique terrain, facilities, and bunkers of the Ricky Mountains to defend strategic locations. Maintain control of the area or reduce the opponent's game points to zero to win the game (More details TBA).
  • Attacking side: Time is of the essence. With limited time and game points, do everything you can to capture all strategic locations in the Ricky Mountains. Avoid casualties to preserve your game points (More details TBA).
  • As always, remember to utilize the valiants' abilities effectively to gain the upper hand or even turn the tide!

Compared to WA Conquest in Op. Mojave, WA Raid in the Ricky Mountains features a more focused line of battle, a faster combat pace and a more intense gaming experience.

The team is currently finalizing both the map and the game mode. To ensure a top-notch attacking and defending experience, we will also optimize the current in-game UI, VFX, SFX and more accordingly. We’ll keep you updated, so please stay tuned!

Don't forget to add Wild Assault to your wishlist!


Combat Cat Studio

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Wild Assault Dev Log: The Untold Stories

Hello Wild Ones! I'm Vincent, the lead writer for Wild Assault. At Combat Cat Studio, I handle things like lore, character stories, voice lines, etc. Today, I'd like to talk to you about the Wild Assault universe.

I created a folder called "Player Feedback" and started collecting your thoughts on Wild Assault lore since the alpha test. After reading your feedback, we realized that many players are eager to know more about the Wild Assault universe and its valiant lore.

A few days ago, Shawn suggested that we need a dev log focused on the worldview in order to better communicate with our community about Wild Assault's unique stories. Hence, we created this post that you are reading right now.

First of all, we apologize for not having enough lore in Wild Assault. We are working hard to develop the Wild Assault world that we would like to proudly share with you. The good news is that we are already addressing some of the things you suggested, such as the valiant affinity system and in-depth valiant stories. We will continuously improve the Wild Assault universe during the development process and showcase it to you in future releases.

Okay, let's talk business.

Have you noticed the encrypted message on the Neutral Item in our trailer Assemble? Here's a screenshot:

And here's the encrypted text:

The neutral item is distributed to the battleground by a secret cross-border organization called Serene. The text on the screen is encrypted using the Caesar cipher. Try to give it a shot and decipher it if you are interested. See if you can dig up more truths about this organization.

Here's what we know about Serene: they airdrop the neutral items everywhere in the war in the name of peace. Its funding is unknown, but the herd generally think that Serene is controlled by a large financial group called Riven Inc.

The feral relic is a precious resource during wartime. Many countries and legions are fighting for the feral relic because whoever controls it controls the regional order.

The special supply airdropped on the battleground in Wild Assault contains the feral relic. It can always turn the tide and bring whoever captures it victory.

Have you ever wondered where your team stores all the captured neutral items? Well, they do not just disappear into thin air. As a matter of fact, neutral items are stored temporarily in a warehouse on the battleground and will fly back to the Serene HQ once the battle is settled.

Speaking of which, did you find the warehouse during the new player tutorial?

What else do we know about Serene, Riven Inc., and Desolate Legion? What are their relationships? We’ll reveal more answers through the valiants' perspectives. Please stay tuned!

As for the organizations in Wild Assault, we know that valiants such as Akai Hime, Hongying, and Jack are all members of the Desolate Legion, a regional mercenary group that seeks to claim its title during the war. They each joined the legion with different agendas and built friendships along the way. On the other hand, Marquez was once an outstanding scientist at the WealthGuard BioTech Research Institute (Working Title). In future releases, there will also be new valiants who work for other organizations or only for themselves. Let’s see if we can share more information with you in our upcoming dev logs!

Creating the Wild Assault universe: I remember reading about this very question in a game writer interview:

Originally posted by unknown
What part do stories play in a video game?
Is it the plot that gives meaning to the player's actions, just like any actions we take in reality?
Is it simply the pursuit of pleasure? Or is it the awareness of what one is fighting for?

As one of the Wild Assault storytellers, the one truth I believe in is that my work can't touch people if it doesn't touch me. In order to truly tell the story, I used forms such as valiant self-introduction, comments, conversations, and even rumors to develop the lore. As a result, the lore reshaped me throughout the entire process. It means a lot to me if you find what you are reading somewhat interesting, inspiring, or even resonant.

That's all I would like to share with you in this dev log. Thank you very much for your continuous support. We look forward to talking to you again soon in the next one.

Combat Cat Studio

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Wild Assault Post Gamma Test Producer Q&A Session


Wild Assault producer Lantin is here again to talk about some of the most discussed topics during the gamma test and Steam Next Fest! 🎙️
Feel free to engage with us further in the comments below. Staying in touch with the community is one of our top priorities! 🤓

Combat Cat Studio

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