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  3. Wild Assault Gamma Test Hotfix #6 Changelog

Wild Assault Gamma Test Hotfix #6 Changelog

Hello guys,
Our Gamma Test Hotfix #6 is scheduled to roll out at 11:00 AM UTC on October 15.
Please exit the game, check for updates via Steam, and relaunch once the update is complete.


  • Slightly increased assault rifles' accuracy while moving.
  • Slightly decreased marksman rifles' accuracy while moving.
  • Adjusted ARs' headshot dmg from x2 to x2.2.
  • Adjusted SMGs' headshot dmg from x1.4 to x1.2.
  • Adjusted MK4's damage falloff start distance from 100m to 75m.
  • Improved shotgun crosshair VFX.

[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]
  • Fixed the visual defect when Uly aims down sights.
  • Fixed the Tactical Laser Pointer's incorrect description.
  • Fixed an issue where the buff gained after capturing the Neutral Item did not disappear.
  • Fixed an issue where Norman still carries his weapon after activating his Ultimate ability.
  • Fixed the incorrect midair trajectory of Vladimir's Burning Barrel.
  • Fixed an issue where the same weapon was incorrectly unlocked multiple times in Ryan's proficiency progression.
  • Fixed an issue where casting Uly's E ability right before being knocked down caused the ability's indicator to become incorrectly stuck on the player's screen.
  • Fixed an issue where Uly could cast the Land Diving ability while on Vladimir's shield.
  • Fixed an issue with collision anomalies on certain walls in Point B.
  • Fixed an issue where players could reach the radar antenna at Point B through special methods.
  • Temporarily resolved compatibility issues with certain AMD GPUs (a permanent solution is in progress).

Cover art created by: https://x.com/the_berry_ber

Combat Cat Studio

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