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  2. News
  3. Patch v0.135 is live

Patch v0.135 is live

Improved bomber orders. Now it is impossible to give an order to a block from which there is nothing to blow up. Orders that potentially don't blow anything up are automatically deleted. These changes will reduce microcontrol and increase the effectiveness of bombers.
Player can change main menu background on "Game speed change" button.
Previous main menu screen now available for everyone.
The second phase visualization of the Phoenix Core has been added.
F11 now resets window to 0, 0 position on the monitor.

Now all parts of the cores are located at a depth of 150-350m.
Number of core parts required to unlock cores reduced from 5 to 3.
Liana block timer increased from 7 to 12 sec.
If an upgrade of the number of turret slots is purchased or a modification is selected that increases the number of turret slots, then the minimum number of turrets on one side increases.
Bombers damage slightly increased.

Bartender's forced evacuation fixed.
Fixed a bug when Sporelord can spawn permanent ore outside shaft.
Fixed a bug where carriers could sometimes ignore ore on the platform after drilling.
Fixed a visual bug of swapping block. On pause + retreat if it was swapping, animation freeze.
Fixed a bug when the planet's condition for reducing the number of technology reroll was reduced by 1 instead of 4.
Fixed a bug where the Meteor shower event message was written to the log file and console every frame during the night and the Meteor Shower event.