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Worshippers of Cthulhu News


Patch notes:
* Mission for conquering 7 islands on sub chapter 1 fixed (but you need to restart the map for effect, sorry!)
* Sunflower plantation modifier fixed (icon + tooltip)
* Fixed ruins that get stuck while collecting
* When faith goes down to 0 no a "game over" window with instructions how to gather faith is displayed. This was a non-recoverable situation so this is not a new game over condition. - fixed disappearing "hire" buttons patch notes:
* Option to change display in settings
* Decrees affecting building range now extend the range
* Buttons in the follower assignment panel do not disappear
* Tentacles can destroy production buildings (crash fixed)
* Removed Sand Pit ruins on Chapter 01

Achievement bugfixes

Patch notes:
* Achievements for chapter 2 and subchapter 1 now should unlock properly after maps are finished (does not work backward, sorry!)
* The wording in Dreamspires adjusted

Better homeless management

Hello Cult Leaders,

With patch you can now switch any T1 follower with any homeless from your pool. This helps to control which homeless people get to live on your islands.

The option can be found in the house UI:

Also some more bugs have been fixed. - Corn and Robes balanced

Patch notes:
* Corn and Robers balanced, eat a bit less (but you need to restart map for this effect)
* Bug with locked chapters in HUB when they should be available fixed
* Ascencion of people now ignores fluctuating resources. But if you have * Workers swapping between islands now also swaps their workplaces