Hello Everyone!
First of all, a
HUGE thank you to everyone who has taken part in the RBO playtests since we started sending out invites, your participation has been vital in helping us improve the game and the response has been unbelievable!
In the time since the RBO playtest launched, we've received an incredible amount of feedback and suggestions on how to improve and balance the game, and with that our developers have been hard at work addressing all of this feedback and working to improve your experience in the prototype.
Here's a list of everything that's changed since the playtest began:
[h3]New Features & Improvements:[/h3]
- Direct Session Joining: You can now join a session directly using the Session ID.
- Hidden Sessions: Create sessions that are hidden from the main list but can be joined directly by Session ID.
- Esc-Menu Enhancements: The Esc-menu has been made clearer and easier to use.
- Graphic Settings Saving: Players can now save their graphic settings, including resolution, windowed mode, anti-aliasing options, motion blur, SSR, and Lumen (GI) toggles.
- Load-Out Management: Save up to three load-out setups for quick access before each game. Clothes bought or loaded are now automatically equipped at the start of the game.
- Improved Game Start Experience: Fixed the issue with the game failing to start if a person disconnects during the countdown.
- UI Optimizations: The UI has been reworked for better optimization.
[h3]Map & Gameplay Fixes:[/h3]
- Map Errors Resolved: Fixed map issues such as missing walls.
- Trunk Item Persistence: Items from the trunk no longer disappear when the intruder escapes.
- Main Menu Return Option: Added an option to return to the main menu.
- Login Screen Fix: Resolved the issue of getting stuck on the "Logging you in" screen.
- Player Connection Notifications: Added pop-up notifications for connected and disconnected players.
- Player Count Display: The current amount of players is now displayed in the Esc-menu.
- Improved Player Tracking: Enhanced tracking of connected and disconnected players.
[h3]Balance Adjustments:[/h3]
- Rifle Access: The rifle can now only be picked up in the Protector's start room.
- Vehicle Security: Increased the lockpicking time for cars, making them safer.
- Lawnmower Changes: Lawnmowers are now slower, have shorter sight, and take longer to recover from stun.
- Protector Gameplay: The Protector now starts with powerful pre-crafted clothes in the starting room. Protectors' items are better balanced, and they can hear sound highlights from a further distance.
[h3]Enhanced Interactions & Visuals:[/h3]
- Object and House Optimization: Multiple objects' appearance and logic have been reworked, and house geometry is now more optimized.
- Camera & Bot Detection: Cameras and Bots now show visual highlights when detecting intruders.
- Consistent Lighting: Improved lighting consistency between low and high settings.
- Map Hints: Added helpful hints to the map.
[h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3]
- Full Screen Toggle Fix: The game no longer jumps to full screen each time ESC is pressed.
- Game Stability: Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash on landing or getting into a bear trap.
- Fall Damage Prevention: Landing on boxes now prevents fall damage.
- Jumping Mechanics: Falling from great heights results in dropping items on landing.
- Movement and Collision Fixes: Fixed walking during the Load Out phase and doors breaking boards upon collision.
- Visual Glitches: Resolved issues with jars appearing incorrectly after camouflage.
[h3]Miscellaneous Fixes:[/h3]
- Crowbar, hammer, and car issues resolved.
- Map improvements for more consistent lighting and colors.
- Fixed various exploits related to movement and item interaction.
If you haven't had the opportunity to try out RBO yet, head over to the steam page and sign up for the playtests now at the link below
Once again, massive thanks to everyone who has participated, you folks rock!