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Maxwell's puzzling demon News

Maxwell's puzzling demon v1.1.9

[h3]Levels update[/h3]

  • Changed 0-γ and 0-γ₃.

[h3]Other changes[/h3]

  • Fixed a bug that the BGM failed to switch under certain conditions.

Maxwell's puzzling demon v1.1.8

[h3]Levels update[/h3]

  • Changed the layout around 3-17 in w3 so that it's less likely to fall into an incorrect solution when clearing w3.
  • Changed the layout around 5-14 in w5 so that you can see where it is before you reach it.
  • Adjusted 5-14, 5-15 and 8-8 for difficulty.
  • Adjusted 7-19, 9-5 and 0-20 for appearance.

[h3]Other changes[/h3]

  • Fixed a bug related to resetting, which occurs under certain conditions, mainly in w9.

Maxwell's puzzling demon v1.1.7

[h3]Levels update[/h3]

  • Changed 4-1 and 7-14 so that they work better as the tutorial.
  • Adjusted 8-10 and 8-18 for difficulty.
  • Fixed (6-J, 6-K and) 6-I to prevent an unintended solution.

Maxwell's puzzling demon v1.1.6

[h3]Levels update[/h3]

  • Changed 6-J, 6-K and 7-19.
  • Fixed 4-I and 6-I to prevent unintended solutions.
  • Fixed 5-8 and 0-1 to prevent unwanted situations.

Maxwell's puzzling demon v1.1.5

[h3]Levels update[/h3]

  • Changed 4-3 so that it works better as the tutorial.
  • Adjusted 4-13 for difficulty.
  • Fixed 4-I, 5-6, 5-17 and 6-B to prevent unintended or accidental solutions.