[Event] Mileage Auction Event (1/29 – 2/18)

[h3]Mileage Auction Event (1/29 – 2/18)[/h3]
You can access the auction during the event from the Mileage Auction button at the bottom of the lobby screen.
- Auction Details
- Auction Time: 1 hour for all items
- Number of Listings: 2 (Can be increased based on VIP rank)
- Market Price of Items: When listing an item, you can check the current Auction House market price (Lowest bid and direct purchase prices).
- Item Display: Only items with the lowest bid or have a direct purchase price are displayed.
- Auction Settings: You can search by bid/direct purchase price, enhancement level, and weapon name.
- Sell-to-System Feature: When an auction is unsuccessful, you'll have the opportunity to use the sell-to-system feature.
- Auction Hours: 24 Hours (12:00 AM - 11:59 PM). When the auction is over, all currently listed items will be canceled.
- New Regular Auction Items: Devastator, Failnaught
- Auction Time: 1 hour for all items
- Other Details
- The remaining time is shown in 5-minute increments for listed auction items.
- You can only bid on one item at a time.
- Regular auction items will be listed with a 30% fee included in the initial bidding price.
- If an item listed for auction is not sold, the item will be returned.
- Items listed for auction can be purchased immediately at the direct purchase price.
- If you list an item for auction, you cannot withdraw it until the auction's duration has ended.
- The item you listed may be shown on the bid page.
- When listing an item, you can easily check the actual amount you will receive under the Net Reward section.
- Some recently released weapons cannot be listed at auction.
- The remaining time is shown in 5-minute increments for listed auction items.
[h3]Mileage Special Auction Event (1/29 – 2/18)[/h3]
Sometimes great deals on listings will appear! You could become the lucky winner!
- Time and Special Items
- Week 1 (1/29 - 2/4) 14:30 - 15:30 / 20:30 - 21:30 : Warhammer Blood Lord
- Week 2 (2/5 - 2/11) 14:30 - 15:30 / 20:30 - 21:30 : AK47 Royal Knight
- Week 3 (2/12 - 2/18) 14:30 - 15:30 / 20:30 - 21:30 : M4A1 Shadow Knight
- Week 1 (1/29 - 2/4) 14:30 - 15:30 / 20:30 - 21:30 : Warhammer Blood Lord
- Misc.
- Auction items only appear at specific times.
- Bidding Time: 60 minutes for the public bid, then 10 minutes for the private bid.
- Auction items only appear at specific times.