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  3. Sugardew Island – Update & Thank You!

Sugardew Island – Update & Thank You!

[h3]Hey everyone![/h3]

We want to express our heartfelt thanks for all your incredible feedback, it’s truly amazing to see so many of you actively participating! 🎉The first Kickstarter backers have now gained access to the full version, and your feedback has been invaluable in helping us improve the game.

[h3]Our Plan for the Coming Weeks[/h3]
We're working hard on your bug reports and planning to release updates every Friday (subject to change) for beta users. Only one month until release – we're giving it our all! 🚀

[h3]Today's Fixes & Improvements[/h3]
✅ Shop tables: Inventory bag was broken
✅ Item placement (B): Canceling now works correctly for bag, chest, and table
✅ CountPanel: Darker background for better readability
✅ CountPanel: X-Button now properly in the background
✅ RB/LB: Better positioning & improved visibility
✅ Controller & mouse input: Fix for “Feed All” input prompt
✅ Upgrades: Now properly unlock when loading a savegame
✅ Controller navigation: Now works without needing to press a button first
✅ Mailbox popup: No longer opens at incorrect moments
✅ Missing description text for dead plants added
✅ Corrected term for "Place" in inventory
✅ Renamed “Reward” → “Unlocks”
✅ Multiple seeds per day from animals? (Still under testing)
✅ Various text improvements
✅ Handbook bug with controller input fixed
✅ Some sound issues fixed
❓ Intro videos on Steam Deck: Fix implemented, but not yet tested 😉

And that’s just part of the improvements – we’ve fixed even more!

We’ll continue working on Monday, and we’re absolutely loving all your feedback.
Thank you so much for your support – you’re amazing! 💖

Team rokaplay