1. Path of Exile 2
  2. News
  3. Path of Exile 2 - Act 3 Race Starts Soon

Path of Exile 2 - Act 3 Race Starts Soon

The second Path of Exile 2: Act 3 Doryani Kill race event begins in one hour! Establish yourself as one of the fastest racers and earn your very own Demigod’s Virtue Unique item. Think you’re faster than Angormous? You can create a character in 30 minutes to prove it! In order to join, click the "Join" button for the race in the Character Select screen. You'll then be prompted to create a character. Once you've spawned in, you won't be able to move your character until the race starts.

The ladder links are available here for you to check who's leading in real-time, or to check the best times after the race to see how you fare against the top.

Click here to view the full announcement and learn more about the race events and their rules.

Please note that in order to provide an even playing field for all participants and a much more enjoyable viewing experience, we'll be restricting the aspect ratio to 16:9 for these race events. Any players found to be circumventing this change by modifying their game files will be disqualified from the event and their account will be banned for breaching our Terms of Use.

If you would rather sit back and enjoy the spectacle this race will be hosted live on twitch.tv/pathofexile with shoutcasting by ZiggyD and RaizQT. Co-streaming is welcome!

Good luck to everyone who plans to participate!