Patch Notes v1.2.0 - Endless Mode Update & New Hero: Warlock
#2 Promised Free Content Update for Dice & Fold - Estimated additional content: 3 Hours
Hey Heroes!
Dice & Fold has been the biggest hit of our studio by far with over 40,000 copies sold in less than 2 months. As promised, I'm happy to share the new free content update we promised: Endless Mode.
In this update, even though we didn't plan at the start, we also added a new Hero called Warlock.
[h2]Endless Mode[/h2]
This update features a new gameplay mode, where your Hero will keep going deeper into the dungeon after fighting the boss. Every boss fold will increase the level of elite-ness of the monsters you face. Making long-term beneficial item combos are very important if you want to stay alive in this mode.

Endless Mode will be unlocked for a Hero, if you complete it in at least in Easy Mode. And it also features a Steam Achievement, which you can get it by completing the 50th stage with every hero.
[h2]New Hero: Warlock[/h2]
We wanted to make sure to add at least a new hero to play in this free content update. Warlock as a concept fits perfectly with Dice & Fold, and this hero also foreshadows the new mechanic we will use for our future Nemesis Update: Soul.
Soul is a type of hero stat that you acquire by folding enemies. You gain a new Soul by folding a monster card. Soul Mechanic also adds a new dice type: Purple Dice. This can be dropped on your hero's Soul Slot to increase it, just like Gray and Red Dice.

Some heroes, in this case, Warlock skill use Soul to function: Warlock's skill is called Soul Eater, discards all your available souls and Rolls a dice for every 3 souls.
Warlock Hero will especially be fun to play in the Endless mode ;)
[h2]New Bosses & Enemies[/h2]
With the update, Dice & Fold now features 2 additional bosses that you will have to beat. Fallen King
& Nuckelavee.
Fallen King, Turn End: Unfolds a random enemy of any rarity
Nuckelavee, When a Slot is Completed: Damages you by 15

Additionally, to flatten the difficulty curve, we added some additional monsters to the game for specific monster tiers. These are mostly to balance the game, and hopefully fun to fold.
Stone Knight, Turn End: Gains +2 Damage
Gravedigger, Once Folded: Unfolds as Ghoul
Solitary Knight, Once Folded: Heals your Hero by 4
Ghoul, Turn End: Gains +1 Damage

Let us know what you think about the new monster art :)
[h2]New Items & Trinkets[/h2]
This update also adds around 20 new items & 5 new trinkets.
You can see the details of these new items in the Codex section of your game. While the items focused on synergic and combo potential for their function, the new trinkets focus on heroes with Shields. Our goal was to balance the difficulty of the shield heroes with the new trinkets.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
In this update, we solved a crazy amount of bugs and implemented some fallbacks to some issues that we are confident will make the game feel way more polished. We fixed the most common bugs and focused on fixing some niche interactions.
It's a long list of fixes and you can track the bugs that we already solved or currently working on solving in this link:

[h3]Shop and Item Bugs:[/h3]
- Stuck in Shop (unable to leave or progress forward)
- Shop bug (Gold coins not dropping as item cards unfold)
- Shop freezes while gold coins are dropping causes a soft lock; player is able to save and exit but rerolls the shop
- Cannot choose items or re-roll (a Save and Quit, then Continue fixed the issue)
- Golden whip to appear at earlier stage shops
- Silver engraved cauldron not working as described (a varying amount of shields, still only get 10/20 silver coins)
- Trinket issues (Select trinkets before the game, does not show up in the game; Pickled remains unable to use if player skips purchasing item in the first shop)
- Player purchased a lot of items during the game but unable to scroll through the items on the victory screen
[h3]Hero and Companion Bugs:[/h3]
- Hero Health Cap (players found all heroes cap at 149)
- Game freezes after hero is defeated but companion still alive (all buttons shadowed but music keeps going)
- Progress bug (player got to 100% completion on easy mode but played one run as Blood Mage on -Normal and lost, -25% on progress and some heroes got locked)
- Hero Folded at Stage 15 but player still able to play the next stages with companion, companion also folded but player was able to play up to Boss Level and folded hero took ATK damage
- Hero folded but game didn’t end (workaround: save & exit). Player able to play the same stage again.
[h3]Skill and Ability Interactions:[/h3]
- Savant + Coup de Grace skill permanently reduces dice rolled
- Lucent Dagger deactivates Knight's skill "Sword Mastery"
- Savant Skills - stuck on jester head skill & no coupe de grace on muted enemies
- Synchronization of trinkets and hero (Knight Sword mastery + Shiny hammer)
- Sage tea doesn’t trigger at the beginning of the stage and during Boss fights
- Solitarian and Virtuoso's Cookbook interaction exploit
- Player used companion (Bard) skill to silence Devourer until the attack is at 96 but somehow End turn button doesn’t work anymore and roll again.
[h3]Soft Lock and Crashes:[/h3]
- Player unable to get back to menu after defeating Boss on the Victory page, Player force close which makes all their progress lost (no trinkets or victory from the match)
- Extreme difficulty missing on victory screen
- Shop stage soft lock (header says choose companion; player able to save and quit, then continue to fix the lock)
- First companion pick softlock
- Soft Lock on Boss using Paladin; Boss changed on Save & Quit Reload
[h3]Enemy and Stage Issues:[/h3]
- Dungeon Master bug
- Booby trap and garlic items don’t work on Boss dragon fight
- Mad Villager + Seer (Wisdom of Night ability) - enemy card stuck behind another enemy card and player unable to fill slots
- Following enemy Cards bugged after Watcher skill killed an enemy
- Fold an enemy that spawns another enemy with weak ATK and fold the dungeon master; player can loop the game to farm dice
- If an enemy appears with the "double" slots and you fill one slot, you are unable to undo your move
- Human Trap enemies stacked on top of each other
If you face any bugs, feel free to drop it in Steam Community forums or on our Discord. We will make sure to track this bug and let you know when we deploy a fix for it.
Hey Heroes!
Dice & Fold has been the biggest hit of our studio by far with over 40,000 copies sold in less than 2 months. As promised, I'm happy to share the new free content update we promised: Endless Mode.
In this update, even though we didn't plan at the start, we also added a new Hero called Warlock.
[h2]Endless Mode[/h2]
This update features a new gameplay mode, where your Hero will keep going deeper into the dungeon after fighting the boss. Every boss fold will increase the level of elite-ness of the monsters you face. Making long-term beneficial item combos are very important if you want to stay alive in this mode.

Endless Mode will be unlocked for a Hero, if you complete it in at least in Easy Mode. And it also features a Steam Achievement, which you can get it by completing the 50th stage with every hero.
[h2]New Hero: Warlock[/h2]
We wanted to make sure to add at least a new hero to play in this free content update. Warlock as a concept fits perfectly with Dice & Fold, and this hero also foreshadows the new mechanic we will use for our future Nemesis Update: Soul.
Soul is a type of hero stat that you acquire by folding enemies. You gain a new Soul by folding a monster card. Soul Mechanic also adds a new dice type: Purple Dice. This can be dropped on your hero's Soul Slot to increase it, just like Gray and Red Dice.

Some heroes, in this case, Warlock skill use Soul to function: Warlock's skill is called Soul Eater, discards all your available souls and Rolls a dice for every 3 souls.
Warlock Hero will especially be fun to play in the Endless mode ;)
[h2]New Bosses & Enemies[/h2]
With the update, Dice & Fold now features 2 additional bosses that you will have to beat. Fallen King
& Nuckelavee.
Fallen King, Turn End: Unfolds a random enemy of any rarity
Nuckelavee, When a Slot is Completed: Damages you by 15

Additionally, to flatten the difficulty curve, we added some additional monsters to the game for specific monster tiers. These are mostly to balance the game, and hopefully fun to fold.
Stone Knight, Turn End: Gains +2 Damage
Gravedigger, Once Folded: Unfolds as Ghoul
Solitary Knight, Once Folded: Heals your Hero by 4
Ghoul, Turn End: Gains +1 Damage

Let us know what you think about the new monster art :)
[h2]New Items & Trinkets[/h2]
This update also adds around 20 new items & 5 new trinkets.
You can see the details of these new items in the Codex section of your game. While the items focused on synergic and combo potential for their function, the new trinkets focus on heroes with Shields. Our goal was to balance the difficulty of the shield heroes with the new trinkets.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
In this update, we solved a crazy amount of bugs and implemented some fallbacks to some issues that we are confident will make the game feel way more polished. We fixed the most common bugs and focused on fixing some niche interactions.
It's a long list of fixes and you can track the bugs that we already solved or currently working on solving in this link:

[h3]Shop and Item Bugs:[/h3]
- Stuck in Shop (unable to leave or progress forward)
- Shop bug (Gold coins not dropping as item cards unfold)
- Shop freezes while gold coins are dropping causes a soft lock; player is able to save and exit but rerolls the shop
- Cannot choose items or re-roll (a Save and Quit, then Continue fixed the issue)
- Golden whip to appear at earlier stage shops
- Silver engraved cauldron not working as described (a varying amount of shields, still only get 10/20 silver coins)
- Trinket issues (Select trinkets before the game, does not show up in the game; Pickled remains unable to use if player skips purchasing item in the first shop)
- Player purchased a lot of items during the game but unable to scroll through the items on the victory screen
[h3]Hero and Companion Bugs:[/h3]
- Hero Health Cap (players found all heroes cap at 149)
- Game freezes after hero is defeated but companion still alive (all buttons shadowed but music keeps going)
- Progress bug (player got to 100% completion on easy mode but played one run as Blood Mage on -Normal and lost, -25% on progress and some heroes got locked)
- Hero Folded at Stage 15 but player still able to play the next stages with companion, companion also folded but player was able to play up to Boss Level and folded hero took ATK damage
- Hero folded but game didn’t end (workaround: save & exit). Player able to play the same stage again.
[h3]Skill and Ability Interactions:[/h3]
- Savant + Coup de Grace skill permanently reduces dice rolled
- Lucent Dagger deactivates Knight's skill "Sword Mastery"
- Savant Skills - stuck on jester head skill & no coupe de grace on muted enemies
- Synchronization of trinkets and hero (Knight Sword mastery + Shiny hammer)
- Sage tea doesn’t trigger at the beginning of the stage and during Boss fights
- Solitarian and Virtuoso's Cookbook interaction exploit
- Player used companion (Bard) skill to silence Devourer until the attack is at 96 but somehow End turn button doesn’t work anymore and roll again.
[h3]Soft Lock and Crashes:[/h3]
- Player unable to get back to menu after defeating Boss on the Victory page, Player force close which makes all their progress lost (no trinkets or victory from the match)
- Extreme difficulty missing on victory screen
- Shop stage soft lock (header says choose companion; player able to save and quit, then continue to fix the lock)
- First companion pick softlock
- Soft Lock on Boss using Paladin; Boss changed on Save & Quit Reload
[h3]Enemy and Stage Issues:[/h3]
- Dungeon Master bug
- Booby trap and garlic items don’t work on Boss dragon fight
- Mad Villager + Seer (Wisdom of Night ability) - enemy card stuck behind another enemy card and player unable to fill slots
- Following enemy Cards bugged after Watcher skill killed an enemy
- Fold an enemy that spawns another enemy with weak ATK and fold the dungeon master; player can loop the game to farm dice
- If an enemy appears with the "double" slots and you fill one slot, you are unable to undo your move
- Human Trap enemies stacked on top of each other
If you face any bugs, feel free to drop it in Steam Community forums or on our Discord. We will make sure to track this bug and let you know when we deploy a fix for it.