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Hero Siege News

Season 5 Patch Notes

- Sub Skills; All non-buff/passive skills now have a sub skill tree which includes 10 small nodes that boost the skills attributes and 4 big nodes that change how the skill works. This makes up for a total of 2800 new skill nodes to boost build variety and make up for some very cool interactions!
- Star Levels; Items now have star levels up to 5, you can upgrade an item by using dusts that you obtain from prospecting items or combining unstable dusts from rifts.
- Local Co-op; We are now bringing back a new improved local co-op with a merging 360 degree split screen and improved controller navigation and binding systems. You can now both open your own inventories etc!
- Performance; We have been going deep into the code and optimized many underlying systems reducing overhead and minimizing loading non-essential code blocks which has increased the performance of the game a lot!
- Amun-Ra; The uber version of Anubis as the season 5 mechanic. Explore the world and find Shrines of Anubis on Hell difficulty to get started!
- Codex of Eternity; Force your own satanic zones with the new consumable item Codex of Eternity which can be obtained as a random drop or crafted using materials. You can socket new orb drops into this item to boost the satanic zone, or even create a Runeword giving a massive buff to the zone!
- Helheim River; The minigame is now gone, fight the jörmundgar the classic way!
- Visual Polish; Improved various UI elements such as player and boss health bars etc! (You can now change the scale of player health bar!)
- Town Portal; You can now create a town portal anywhere but other players cannot enter it if its in a restricted zone. Restricted town portals show the zone name color as red.
- Augments; Skill based Angelic augments replaced by all of the old weapon augments + glyph effects. Weapon Augments no longer exist.
- Glyphs; Glyphs completely re-worked to give you map utilities etc, old glyphs moved into the angelic augment pool like stated above.
- Inventory; Improved inventory positioning + added belt to the inventory.
- Companion; Improved AI + added loot vacuum.
- Angelic Realm; Angelic Realm armor upgrade now requires keys x the level of the upgrade, new augment is still 1 key for choices and 5 keys to choose from any of them.

[h2]Solo Self Found[/h2]
- Removed the option to convert a character from SSF to trade
- Increased unique item drop rates by 22%
- Increased rune drop rates by 22%
- Increased boss part drop rates by 22%
- Inceased boss gem drop rates by 22%
- Increased dungeon key drop rates by 22%
- Increased angelic key drop rates by 22%
- Increased satanic dice drop rates by 22%
- Increased battle fragment drop rates by 22%
- Increased dimensional shard drop rates by 22%

[h2]Chaos Tower / Wormholes[/h2]
- Adjusted Chaos Tower and Wormhole scaling

- Dolls re-worked: Normal dolls release 5 balls that decay on walls, Champions release 7 balls that decay on walls, Ancients release 10 balls that bounce and Legions release 12 balls that bounce.
- Nugget now splits into 3
- "Ambushing" enemy packs now appear from a longer range
- Lowered damage on death effects
- Access to shadow reaper now takes 40 dimensional shards
- Added new monster affixes; Bloating, Berserker, Pyromaniac

- Highlighted Items now show on the map
- Added unique skill slots for runewords so that the skills in them dont overlap with skills in bases.
- Potion autofill now remembers what potion types you have in which slot and fills accordingly, also prioritizes stronger potions first.
- Added new runes that only drop from bosses, ancient+ monsters and ruby chests on hell 5.
- Enchanted Sigil can no longer be sold on market
- Lowered common charm drop rates
- Runes above Vex can no longer be prospected

- Removed Forking Bolts charm
- Reverse Card re-worked: Now has a chance on hit to throw spinning reverse cards from the player towards the target. The cards return back to the origin point after a short duration.
- Buffed St. Rexis Sundering Axe
- Buffed St. Draxis Pigstick
- Buffed St. Jupes Plate of Command
- Buffed Fury of Tarethiel
- Buffed St. Gabriel´s Retribution
- Buffed St. Soloyolo´s Holy Bow
- Buffed St. Amitiels Truth
- Buffed St. Neri´s Rainbow Lance
- Buffed St. Draxis Longsaw
- Buffed St. Aaron´s
- Nerfed Elemental Gem (20 > 15)
- Nerfed Zed Rune (10 > 8)

New Items
- Added Amun Ra´s Demise [Unholy Potion]
- Added Sobek´s Fall [Unholy Charm]
- Added Blood Moon Crescent [Unholy 1-handed sword]
- Added Crow´s Whisper [Unholy Staff]
- Added Eternal Death [Unholy Helmet]
- Added Finger of Despair [Unholy Charm]
- Added Thoth´s Agony [Unholy Amulet]
- Added Eternity [Unholy Crossbow]
- Added Crown of the Antichrist [Runeword Helmet]
- Added Babylon´s Fall [Runeword Body Armor]
- Added Colossus [Runeword Shield]
- Added Flowing Agony [Runeword Boots]
- Added Graxy´s Mom Lure [Heroic Charm]
- Added Stofflix Cooking Cleaver [Unholy 1-handed sword]
- Added Feral [Runeword Claw Weapon]

- Overall class balance overhaul, we did not write exact numbers due to the sub skills changing the meta so much that it would be pointless. We will provide detailed changes for the next season!
- Summon counter now shows number for the summons
- Movement Speed diminish now starts at 200% and is decreased from 0.8 power to 0.9 power
- Strike Procs and Cast Procs now have increased cooldown from 1.25 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
- Summons no longer benefit from auras (Caused too much imbalance).

Season 5

[h2]Season 5 will be releasing on the 13th of December 2024 at 14PM GMT+2![/h2]

Greetings noble heroes!

Our development kitchen has been full of steam from all the cooking we have been doing during the 5 month long development cycle! It has been a roller coaster of emotions from depression and despair to hype and excitement with a hint of burnout. We managed to pull off something we can be really proud of! We can finally take a small break before putting our hands to our next colossal barrel of ideas!

[h2]So what exactly was cooked? Lets get right to it![/h2]

Sub Skills

Each non-buff/passive skill now has 14 sub skill nodes. 10 small nodes to boost its attributes/add an effect and 4 big nodes to completely change how that skill works. 2800 nodes in total!

The sub skills provide a wide variety possibilities and play styles for every class in the game. This also caused the meta to shift which should give players more to find out and explore!


A new uber boss version of Anubis with its own unique drop pool of new items!

Star Levels

You can now upgrade items by using dust obtained from unstable rifts or prospecting items increasing its stats!

Codex of Eternity

Craft or farm these codexes with randomly rolled zone, duration and sockets to force a custom satanic zone! Socket orbs into the codex to gain the buffs you want or you can even turn the codex into a runeword for a really insane buff on the zone for its duration!

Local Co-Op

New an improved local co-op is re-introduced to hero siege! We are releasing the game on PlayStation 5 very soon, so we had to overhaul everything regarding gamepads and local co-op!


Many uniques have been balanced based on player feedback. We will put more focus on items in future seasons as the workload for this one was insane.

We have also added some new items with the time we had left!

[h2]Season Supporter Packs[/h2]
We are removing the old season packs from sale for the foreseeable future, so this is the last chance to buy them. Just a heads up!


Update 6.4.3

- 6.4.3 is a security update!

Patch 6.4.2

Patch notes for version 6.4.2

- Fixed Mercenary crashing when he casts Rogue Chainsaw
- Fixed Highlight filter
- Various Crash Fixes

Season 4.5 is here!

Season 4.5 has started! A fresh start with new leaderboards and season rewards await!
We're excited to share the patch notes for Season 4.5!
Due to character limitations on Steam Posts, you can check them out HERE !

If you are also interested about Season 5 progress, you can check live progress from our document HERE !

Good luck and have an awesome weekend!
