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  3. Tiny Actions, Huge Impact!

Tiny Actions, Huge Impact!

Hi defenders!

Last couple of weeks have been crazy. We've received lots of feedback from players and streamers, and it has been super useful!

We're not much more confident and ready for next week's Steam Next Fest.

Balances Changes:
- Decreased Shaman's auto-healing to 10% of their damage.
- Buffed Magic Beam - now the effect is 33% faster - yes, it was annoyingly slow!
- Boss' Taunt now attracts more. You will always be able to escape independently of the weapon and movement speed you have, but the more movement speed the easier it will be.
- Swapped relics that grant certain effects when you get to10 or 20 stacks for the other one. Summoning when reaching 10 stacks was too OP!

Improving information:
- Added tooltips to elements in the Pause menu for easier understanding.
- Added weapon stats in the Run Book - when hovering the weapon.
- Now in shop you can compare a weapon's stats to your weapons before purchasing it.
- Added a Run Book tutorial.

Visual Changes:
- Reworked wave progress bar
- Increased size of currencies and curses in the battle UI,
- Added shadows to enemies.
- Shadows are fixed now, they don't change their direction with the character movements.
- Decreased some details in Barbarian. Now it has less abs! :)
- Added a new font to replace the secondary font.
- Changed text sizes so they are more consistent.
- Visual popups when spending gold or resources.
- Resources collection bar progress and resources collected popup.
- New animations for hero when they attack and run at the same time.
- Reworked all Cursors to better match the cartoony aesthetics of the game.
- When not starting the battle, the button will start shaking every 10s in case someone doesn't see it.
- When hero dies, now it shows their dead face and respawn counter in the Hero Bar (bottom left corner) also. And the respawning animation is back.
- Changed the "?" tip icon to follow the other buttons' consistency.

- Fixed a rare bug where sometimes weapons were not visually changing in the UI
- Now boss again has their own music.
- Fixed a bug were the Tutorial was shown again when retrying a wav
- Fixed a visual bug when sometimes you saw a negative death respawn time for their trait.
- (Hopefully) Fixed a weird bug where the game paused when quickly entering the merchant.
- (Hopefully) FIxed a weird bug where some enemies get stuck in their path finding.
- Fixed Ogre Elite attack effect visual bug

- Default FPS = 60
- New setting to turn on/off showing range of hero or towers when hovering.
- New setting to turn on/off damage popups.
- New cursor size option

- Enhanced text and localization. We've remastered the whole text, corrected typos, explained things better and localized everything from scratch.
- Decreased Mastery Experience required to level up at earlier levels.
- Changed Valkyries death sound
- Clearer tooltip explaining you can't upgrade to level 3 towers at first map.

[h3]What’s next?[/h3]

We still have a roadmap ahead before the full release. Among others:
- Story and dialogue (working on it)
- Controller support
- Maps 4 and 5 fully balanced, including the 25 new enemies that can appear in there.
- More content: relics, skills,…
- Endless Mode
- Further polish and quality of life
- And more…