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  3. New Update - Quality of Life

New Update - Quality of Life

Hi defenders!

Last update of the year, featuring many quality of life improvements:

[/h3]- More diverse, more crazy maps.
- New Curse added which adds 1-2 more paths to the map.

[/h3]- New level 2 tower upgrade for all towers: Strong Projectile - damage x2. This gives more build versatility, so you can build pure damage not involving Status Effects applied.

[h3]Enemies Friendly Fire:
[/h3]- Enemies can now damage themselves or other enemies. Also some enemies like Shaman can heal other enemies of the same species if the attack hits them.
- Enemies in map 1-3 that can damage other enemies are: Ogre, Ogre Elite, Shaman.
- Updated enemy descriptions to reflect this

[h3]Quality of Life:
[/h3]- Now Relics and Skill Upgrades draw have rerolls.
- New mode during Character Select to select a random combination of Hero - Starting Relics.

[/h3]- Healing Tower only will show area when hovered
- When hover over Hero, the area of effect will show
- HP Bar is shown on top of the hero apart from the bottom HP bar.
- Improve highlighting of selected enemies or towers on hover.

[h3]Balance Changes:
[/h3]- Drops are now much more dependent on current build.
- Nerfed Archer's starting relic "Chaos Contagion". Before it added a random SE for each SE applied. Now it has a X% chance to do so.
- Nerfed Burst Mortar's Status Effect projectile. Before each projectile had 100 Status Effect Power. Now each will have 25.
- Boss has now more HP but there are less enemies to compensate for it.