1. Supermarket Simulator
  2. News
  3. Patch v0.5.1
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Patch v0.5.1

[h2]Hello Traders![/h2]

[h2]Here's the Patch v0.5.1[/h2]

  • Fixed Security Cameras reset rotation on loading from save.
  • Fixed gamepad navigation issues for Security Guard buttons.
  • Fixed gamepad navigation to enable shoplifters.
  • Fixed customers getting stuck.
  • Fixed customers interacting with the checkout counter from a distance.
  • Fixed computer menu focus issue when using a gamepad.
  • Fixed invisible products on shelves.
  • Fixed highlighting the same product on different shelves.
  • Fixed spawning extra Spot Lights on loading from save.
  • Fixed customers passing through each other while waiting in the checkout queue.
  • Fixed not being able to scan products on the checkout belt.
  • Fixed restocker speech text not displaying.
  • Optimized Security Guard behavior.
  • Visual fixes.

[h3]What's next[/h3]
We're working on Fruits & Veggies and Janitor for the next update.
Please let us know when you encounter any issue on our Discord or Steam community so that we can fix it asap.

[h3]About Localization Issues[/h3]
If you encounter any translation or localization issues, please visit our Localizor page.
You can submit the correct translations there to help us improve support for your preferred language with accurate and grammatically correct updates.

For more information, please check out our Discord Server.

[h3]Thank you and happy new year![/h3]