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Supermarket Simulator News

Supermarket Simulator Celebrates one year since launch!

[h2]We’re taking a look back at where Supermarket Simulator started and where it is now[/h2]

It’s already been one entire year since the launch of Supermarket Simulator in Early

As with most games, we didn’t begin exactly with what you see today. Supermarket Simulator started from humble beginnings as a passion project by a single developer. Even the name was different, first appearing as Market Simulator before becoming what it is today.

For a long time, it was a one-man show, until eventually the scope of the project grew and eventually a solo dev became an indie studio: Nokta Games.

To really get a scope of how much has been worked on in the span of just a year we made a timeline - and this does not include the many patches along the way!

Looking back we couldn’t have predicted how far a year would take us, so we had to celebrate. Enjoy 30% off during our Anniversary Sale started yesterday until the 27th, with big announcements and a special AMA. Keep your eyes out for those and from the bottom of our hearts thank you to everyone who showed such amazing support last year!

We couldn’t have done it without you and are excited to continue to improve Supermarket Simulator. Thanks for playing!

Veggies & Fruits Update

[h2]Hello Everyone![/h2]

[h3]Here's The Well Anticipated Update![/h3]

[h2]What's new:[/h2]
[h3]Added Vegetables and Fruits![/h3]

Now you can sell Vegetables and Fruits in your store. Don't forget to buy your scale too! Customer helpers also help weighing veggies & fruits

[h3]Added Janitors[/h3]

Tired of cleaning your store? Now you can hire Janitors to keep your store squeaky clean!

  • Fixed an issue where customers get stuck on some occasions.
  • Fixed an issue where players could interact with items from behind shelves.
  • Fixed an issue where stocking or throwing the boxes can cause players to drop out of the map.
  • Fixed various UI issues when playing with a gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where some furniture did not reflect on the electricity bill.

[h2]What's next... Bigger City Map For Delivery Around the Town![/h2]

[h3]Online Orders and Delivery, Wholesale Orders...[/h3]

[h2]We're coming closer to the full version[/h2]
Thank you to all our early supporters! We're working hard to complete the game and will continue to improve it even after the full release.

[h2]About Localization Issues[/h2]
[h3]If you encounter any translation or localization issues, please visit our Localizor page. [/h3]
You can submit the correct translations there to help us improve support for your preferred language with accurate and grammatically correct updates.
For more information, please check out our Discord Server.

See You All in the Next Update!

Patch v0.5.1

[h2]Hello Traders![/h2]

[h2]Here's the Patch v0.5.1[/h2]

  • Fixed Security Cameras reset rotation on loading from save.
  • Fixed gamepad navigation issues for Security Guard buttons.
  • Fixed gamepad navigation to enable shoplifters.
  • Fixed customers getting stuck.
  • Fixed customers interacting with the checkout counter from a distance.
  • Fixed computer menu focus issue when using a gamepad.
  • Fixed invisible products on shelves.
  • Fixed highlighting the same product on different shelves.
  • Fixed spawning extra Spot Lights on loading from save.
  • Fixed customers passing through each other while waiting in the checkout queue.
  • Fixed not being able to scan products on the checkout belt.
  • Fixed restocker speech text not displaying.
  • Optimized Security Guard behavior.
  • Visual fixes.

[h3]What's next[/h3]
We're working on Fruits & Veggies and Janitor for the next update.
Please let us know when you encounter any issue on our Discord or Steam community so that we can fix it asap.

[h3]About Localization Issues[/h3]
If you encounter any translation or localization issues, please visit our Localizor page.
You can submit the correct translations there to help us improve support for your preferred language with accurate and grammatically correct updates.

For more information, please check out our Discord Server.

[h3]Thank you and happy new year![/h3]

Shoplifter Update

[h2]Hello Traders![/h2]

[h3]Here's The First Content Update of 2025![/h3]

[h2]What's new:[/h2]
[h3]Added Shoplifters[/h3]

Shoplifters are sneaky ones who enter your store disguised as customers and attempt to steal items!
You can disable shoplifters on settings.

[h3]Added Security Guard, Security Camera and Antenna[/h3]

Security guards are stationed at your store's entrance. They will chase and engage shoplifters identified by cameras or antennas.

  • Redesigned and polished all tutorial pop-ups.
  • UI optimizations.
  • Added sound effects for throwing a trash bag into the trashcan.
  • Added and corrected various localizations.
  • Resolved a visual glitch on the store wall.
  • Added and corrected various localizations.

[h2]What's next... Janitors, Veggies & Fruits, Online Orders and Delivery[/h2]

[h3]…also, a Bigger Map![/h3]

[h2]About Localization Issues[/h2]
[h3]If you encounter any translation or localization issues, please visit our Localizor page. [/h3]
You can submit the correct translations there to help us improve support for your preferred language with accurate and grammatically correct updates.
For more information, please check out our Discord Server.

See You All On The Next Update!

Patch v0.4.1

[h2]Hello everyone![/h2]

[h2]Here's the Patch v0.4.1![/h2]

  • Fixed restockers' stocking to shelves setting is off by default
  • Fixed customers getting stuck on checkout with no products
  • Fixed tablet objective is not getting triggered
  • Fixed Self-Checkout count data to unlock customer helpers is not getting updated when store is closed

[h3]Known issue with pathfinding[/h3]
We are aware of a bug that causes NPCs and/or customers to get stuck on pathfinding and customers are not entering the store. We're working on the fix.
Till then, whenever customers can't enter your store, try moving shelves that are close to the entrance.

Please let us know when you encounter any issue on our Discord or Steam community so that we can fix it asap.

[h3]Thank you and happy new year![/h3]