1. Godrop
  2. News
  3. V1.401


1. Decreased completion time for low energy regeneration zones.
2. Low energy regeneration zones will no longer refresh outside the boundaries.
3. Reduced the required active skill level for all synthesis variations' buffs to level three.
4. Changed the color of blocking walls (boss defense shields and large spaceship interior walls) to red, and weak points (spaceship core) to blue.
5. Reduced the invincibility duration before the boss 3 in the third level to 5 seconds, and improved the color indication of invincibility zones.
6. Decreased the width of blocking walls to prevent complete overlapping with the spaceship core. Optimize the width of the AT shield
7. Endless mode will no longer generate the same type of active BUFF after picking one, ensuring that unnecessary active Buffs are no longer accumulated.
8. Decreased wall collision bounce and improved the experience of parkour levels and shield-type Boss.