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  3. 【Playmeow】Next stop, a pure love story between a master and his slave❤️Will you destroy the world together or save this story with her?It'll all be __⏳

【Playmeow】Next stop, a pure love story between a master and his slave❤️Will you destroy the world together or save this story with her?It'll all be __⏳

[h2]《Magic Maiden and Slave Summoning》[/h2]



When I took over as Lord of the City after my father's death, I tried to summon a protector, but I accidentally summoned a silver-haired girl called Liz! With her comes a curse and a prophecy of the city-state's destruction.

The warning of the prophet resounded in the ears ——

「At the end of the flames stands the white-haired woman with the blood-stained evil sword, and ......」
「In that inferno, you stood beside her. 」


Every five days you can deal with political issues that affect the value of the land. You can also train by 【walking】 around the castle.When you choose 【Out】, you can go to 【Square】 to receive tasks and solve the problems of the residents.Go 【exploring】 in the countryside to find materials for missions and cooking, as well as a chance to trigger an episode with Liz ......?

If you want to get closer to Liz, you can either get to know her better by 【chatting】 or replenish your magic with erotic activities by selecting 【H】. Touching Liz's body parts on the main page will trigger different reactions.

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