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The Whims of the Gods News

Let's look at the backstage #4

Hello, fans of strategic city-builders!

Today’s update is for all players eagerly awaiting the release of The Whims of the Gods! We’re diving into one of the most crucial gameplay mechanics—the Calendar System. This feature shapes the world of The Whims of the Gods, determining the challenges and surprises that await you throughout the game. This will also be the fourth and final part of our behind-the-scenes series, as our entire team is now fully focused on polishing the game to deliver the best possible experience before launch!

Today’s featured developers:

Błażej Brzykcy – responsible for implementing new features and gameplay systems
Mikołaj Trekner – our Environment Artist
Wojciech Lipiec – specializing in game design

Let’s hear what they have to say!


The Calendar in our game is more than just a simple time tracker. It’s a dynamic system that controls events, shaping the life of your settlement and its inhabitants. Some events will bring advantages—extra resources, unit buffs, or other beneficial effects. Others, however, will put your strategic thinking and management skills to the test. Plagues, natural disasters, or even volcanic eruptions can completely disrupt your plans.

One of the biggest challenges in implementing the Calendar system was ensuring that each event functions seamlessly, regardless of when it occurs. I had to make sure that all events are correctly recorded and can be restored even after a long time—something that’s crucial, especially in long-term scenarios. It was a demanding yet rewarding challenge that deepened my understanding of how complex dynamic event systems are in games.

Among the most interesting events I worked on, you’ll find:

  • Plague, which weakens your inhabitants
  • Mood Modifier, affecting the overall morale of your settlement
  • Consumption Shifts, forcing you to reorganize your food economy

Each event has unique effects and can push you to make tough decisions. Implementing them was incredibly fun—especially seeing how they impact the gameplay in unexpected ways!


The concept of the Calendar and how players interact with it evolved. You activate it using kinetic and thermal energy by placing the right buildings nearby. These structures power up devices that trigger activations essential for progressing in the game. We wanted players to instantly recognize the Calendar as an important gameplay element while ensuring it was visually appealing. That’s why it’s positioned at an elevated angle—to better catch the daylight and stand out in your settlement.

During modeling, an unexpected challenge emerged: visualizing how energy is transferred to the Calendar. We wanted to showcase the geometric and spatial aspects of the "cables" delivering energy, assigning distinct colors to the pathways, and creating a visually striking structure. We hope we succeeded!


The Calendar in The Whims of the Gods isn’t just a gameplay mechanic — it’s also a key narrative element. The events it brings? They are nothing less than the whims of the gods themselves. This system is also a great example of iterative design in action.

At first, we designed events as simple buffs and debuffs. We didn’t want to make things unnecessarily difficult for players. When you first discover the Calendar, you’ll find positive effects waiting for you—such as increased population happiness or more efficient production chains.

We knew what we wanted to display on the Calendar’s rotating rings, but we struggled to find a clear way to present it. Our first concept included multiple rings, each representing a different aspect of gameplay—one for agriculture, another for social life, and so on. Each ring moved at a different pace, influenced by the player's actions. However, we soon realized that while this looked great on paper, it became overwhelming in practice. The system had to be simplified.

In the next iteration, we reduced it to two rings—one for positive events, the other for negative ones—spinning at the same speed. However, event readability was still an issue because the Calendar followed the game’s real-time flow. To fix this, we combined aspects of our previous designs, keeping two types of events on separate rings but making two major changes:

We flattened the Calendar into a single ring where each event appears as a tile, containing all necessary details without visually indicating its duration.

We separated game time from Calendar time. The center of the Calendar now works like a clock mechanism, and the ring rotates only after the internal system completes a full cycle. This means that the new whims of the gods aren’t dictated by in-game day/night cycles but by the gods themselves!

We can’t wait for you to experience the Calendar and see how it challenges your strategic skills!

Don't forget to JOIN OUR DISCORD to talk about The Whims of the Gods with the development team! All the people featured in this announcement are there (almost) every day!

Happy New Year 2025!

Dear amazing fans of city builders and co-op games!

On the occasion of the upcoming 2025:
  • thank you for your presence, liking our social media channels, feedback, support, and numerous private messages. The Whims of the Gods is being created for you, which inspires us every morning when we sit down at our computers

  • we wish you a lot of peace, love, health... blah, blah, blah... Okay, no kidding! In fact, we wish you awesome games, great experiences, victories in online co-op battles, keyboards that never break down, and patience. It will come in handy to last until the release of our game!

  • we wish ourselves perseverance, achieving our goals, releasing the most polished game possible, as few hotfixes as possible after the release, and positive reviews on Steam. And that we open champagne not only for the New Year but also after we let The Whims of the Gods go!

[h3]All the best for 2025!🎉[/h3]

PS: Don't forget about our two important communities — DISCORD and TIKTOK. Cool things are happening there, and we cordially invite you to join!

Let's look at the backstage #3

Hello, fans of strategic city-builders!

Today's announcement will allow all players waiting for the release of The Whims of the Gods to learn a little more about our studio and the production itself. It will be the third part; you can check the first one here and the second one here! Today, our celebrities are:

Błażej Brzykcy - who focuses on implementing new features and gameplay systems for the game
Mikołaj Trekner - our Environment Artist
Wojciech Lipiec - he is all about the broad spectrum of game design

Let's give them a voice!


On a daily basis, I focus on implementing new features and gameplay systems for the game. It’s a responsible, challenging, and incredibly rewarding role. As a programmer, my mission is to ensure that the systems I build run smoothly and accurately reflect the design team’s vision. My job is all about turning designers’ creative ideas into tangible in-game mechanics – from small features to core gameplay components.

One of the biggest challenges I faced on this project was creating a save system. While it seems simple from a player’s perspective – save, close the game, and come back exactly where you left off – behind the scenes, it’s a massive undertaking. The save system needs to track every choice the player makes, every variable, and every game state, while ensuring this data is stored reliably and remains compatible with future updates.

When I started implementing this system, the game was already in a late production stage, which made it even trickier. I had to design and implement complex data structures that not only stored all game state information but also integrated seamlessly with existing mechanics. Another key focus was ensuring the system was future-proof – flexible and extendable enough to support new features and allow players to keep their saves even after major updates.

Working on systems like this is the essence of the challenges I love in game dev – blending technical complexity with the team’s creative vision. Thanks to this collaboration, every system we build gains character and contributes to creating a game that will leave a lasting impression on our players.


I am an Environment Artist and I'm responsible for 3D models of buildings, vegetation, and many more. I work directly with Magda on tasks and maintain a visual style for the game. I also help other graphic designers implement models and use shaders to maintain a low-poly style.

The hardest task that I ever had was implementing and integrating the gate to the battle. It was a difficult task, and took me a couple of weeks because the gate concept on paper was hard, many ideas were added to the gate from the first concept.

Graphic references

In the beginning, the team chose to implement lava on the front of the gate. Still, from a game perspective, I suggested changing that to water because, when the game progresses the volcano activates and creates certain phases of lava flow, and finally lava appears at some point on the gate. It was hard because many elements on the gate are not static, they appear while the game progresses, from calendar, lava, stones, and barracks for archers and warriors. We also added many visuals to the final version like statues, and the hanging plants by the concept from Magda.

Currently, I am working on the rest of the buildings. We have over 80 of them, and when you're reading this announcement I'm checking them and improving them visually. Soon, I will create a second ending for the game because there will be... at least three endings for every map.


My name's Wojtek, and at PJ Games, I'm all about the broad spectrum of game design. Beyond brainstorming mechanics and mapping them out on whiteboards, I take a big part in bringing those ideas to life in the game engine. You could say I fill the game with "content," but not just the technical or narrative stuff—I'm operating on the edge of multiple aspects of game creation.

Here’s how the process usually works: once the design team comes up with a concept for a mechanic, the programmers step in to build the tools to make that idea functional. If the feature requires custom visuals, those assets get drawn or modeled, depending on what’s needed. Then it’s my time to shine—I swoop in to piece it all together like a big LEGO set 🙂. I love this part of the job because it lets me learn a ton about all the different aspects of making a video game.

In my career so far, I’ve done a bit of everything—designing, modeling, animating, programming—but my favorite thing is diving into the engine and working with visual scripting using blueprints. Of course, there are challenges! The biggest one for me has been tutorials.

First, tutorials have this sneaky way of messing with other people’s work—adding indicators, hints, disabling and re-enabling buttons—all of which can break the carefully crafted assets we’ve made. Second, implementing a tutorial is a long, drawn-out process. Mechanics don’t all come together at once, so you can’t just treat the tutorial as a single task. It has to evolve in sync with the game’s development, step by step.

Right now, I’m in the thick of layering the gameplay and narrative elements into the game. With each new quest I implement, I’m pushing for crazier objectives and more creative conditions to meet. It can’t be too easy or too hard, but above all, my golden rule is: it can’t be boring!

Don't forget to JOIN OUR DISCORD to talk about The Whims of the Gods with the development team! All the people featured in this announcement are there (almost) every day!

Winter Publisher Sale ❄️🎄⛸️

Dear strategic city-builders fans!

Starting today (until December 19) The Whims of the Gods participates in the "Winter Publisher Sale" event organized by Untold Tales.


Of course, we are in good company there. Together with us are VARSAV Game Studios, Ancient Forge, Anshar Publishing, CreativeForge Games, and many other studios whose games you can buy at a discount or add their upcoming ones to your wishlists.

And speaking of the devil, do not forget to add The Whims of the Gods!


Don't forget to join our social channels also. Links? Sure! Here they are!


Public playtests are closed!

Our first public playtests of The Whims of the Gods have just finished. And telling the truth, the interest in our title has outstripped us!

More people than we expected signed up for the playtests, including content creators, potential publishers, and editorial staff of gaming portals, which we are very happy about. Not only because we received very detailed responses and commentary, but also because every one of our playtesters showed understanding, gave us constructive criticism, and was in touch with us.

These were exceptional two weeks with you on our Discord channel. Thanks to you, we improved the game, fixed some of the glitches you found, and patched the build, which will soon be publicly... available again! We want even more people to get to know The Whims of the Gods before the release and see for themselves the power of the title we are creating.

Thank you for your time! Thank you for your detailed feedback!

Until the next playtest, folks! 🎮 ❤️