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The Whims of the Gods News

Public playtests are live!

Hello, fans of strategic city-builders!

We are pleased to announce that today open playtests of our game are starting. For now, however, on a slightly smaller scale and only on our Discord.


The Whims of the Gods is already polished enough that we can present it to all interested people (although it is not without minor stumbles). If you are one of the folks who want to play and give us your feedback, or fill out the survey (after you play;) we will be obliged.

That's why we cordially invite you to join our Discord community, where you will be able to leave feedback on the game we are creating. We will be grateful for any comments regarding UX/UI, graphics, gameplay, understanding of mechanics, crashes, or ideas for improvement. We will appreciate information about the smallest errors and your suggestions or questions will also be answered by the team responsible for creating the game.

We sincerely encourage you to participate, especially since the three most polished feedback will be appreciated with a small surprise prize ๐ŸŽ


3... 2... 1...

The first public playtests of The Whims of the Gods are starting right now! ๐ŸŽ‰

Development update #2

Hello, city-builders fans!

Today we share the second update of the work on The Whims of the Gods. It will be short and technical, but we want you all to know how our game is changing day-by-day. For the better, of course.


  • Forester changes. We have changed the way of selecting points for tree planting. Previously, he planted trees next to each other, creating a dense group of trees. Now he plants them more naturally in random places within his range.

  • Implementation of the trainer mechanic. He will train domesticated animals and turn them into draft animals, which can be used to generate energy or help in the fields.

  • Connecting target warrior models instead of placeholders. Infantry, cavalry, and war machines are connected. In ranged and melee versions. Now enemies are waiting in line.

  • Added catalog of formations in which enemies line up before the fight. It takes into account the increasing progression of difficulty and the number of enemies in the battle.

  • Further development of the save system. All identified bugs have been fixed. Added support for saving roads and bridges.

  • Loading and saving the game no longer requires debug functions. The UI for saving and loading the game has been added to the main menu and the in-game menu.


We are happy that the production of The Whims of the Gods has entered a phase where we can publicly document the daily progress. And it will be even better!

PS: Do not forget to join our Discord. To do so, just scan the graphic on our Steam card or click the button below. Only in our community will you know more and a little earlier than others.

Let's look at the backstage #2

Hello, fans of strategic city-builders!

Today's announcement will allow all players waiting for the premiere of The Whims of the Gods to learn a little more about our studio and the production itself. It will be the second part; you can check the first one here! Our stars are once again:

ลukasz Janczuk - responsible for the design of the production
Paweล‚ Truong - dealing with technical issues/programming
Magdalena Stadnicka - working on the artistic side of The Whims of the Gods

Let's give them a voice!


The biggest challenge for me was creating cooperation in a city-builder game. What exactly would the players be doing? How should their responsibilities for the city be divided?

In the earliest version of the game, the division between players assumed that one would handle city construction, resource production, and the economy, while the other would take care of city defense and military training. This division seemed interesting because it offered asymmetrical gameplay and defined roles. However, we quickly realized this wouldn't work; we couldn't offer equal engagement for both players. Building an ancient metropolis is a long process that requires careful preparation and planning while defending the city is much more intense and fast-paced.

We tried to find a way to balance the players' involvement. One approach was to give each player as many tasks as possible. But we soon noticed that this made the game larger and more complex, almost as if we were creating two games at once. It was a dead end...

This forced us to rethink our assumptions and search for a different way to divide responsibilities. This is how the idea emerged to split each responsibility between players instead of assigning distinct roles. Rather than giving one player food production and the other steelworking, both would be involved in food production. One would focus on crop cultivation and processing, while the other would manage livestock farming. This approach allowed us to balance player engagement and, at the same time, created interesting opportunities for cooperation between them.


Creating a game is one of the more interesting activities, but it can sometimes be tedious...

Let's take, for example, a bridge. Sure, everyone knows what it looks like and what it's for, but how do you make it "come to life" in the game? This is where the collaboration between designers, programmers, and artists begins.



Designers have a vision for why they need a bridge and how it should be integrated into the gameplay. As a programmer, I gather their information and extract repeatable scenarios with various parameters. I check whether we can use existing systems or if a new one needs to be designed. I have to be diligent, thoroughly describe the issue, and plan its technical implementation, but at the same time, I must avoid becoming too perfectionistic in trying to design the perfect system.

If I started coding right away, I might realize later that I overlooked a scenario, and all the time saved by skipping proper planning would turn into time spent on fixesโ€”or worse, the code might end up being scrapped entirely. That's why designing and fully understanding the problem is key. Making changes to diagrams, electronic documents, or even on paper is easy and relatively quick compared to altering programmed structures, classes, methods, and assets. It's also important to ask designers how they intend to configure the functionality. If the system design covers all the identified scenarios, the next phase is creating a prototype. Placeholder assets can be used at this stage, allowing us to discover any unforeseen technical issues.

Once the artists refine the project, the testers find bugs in the old version, and the programmer creates fixes and tackles technical challenges like navigation, AI, collisions, calculations, network replication, textures, and models, the testers return, and once again, programmers watch the world burn.

Artist: K.C.Green


At my first meeting, I was tasked with evaluating the content created so far from an artistic perspective. One thing was clear. It didnโ€™t create a cohesive world, and the individual elements didnโ€™t fit together. At this stage, I also had to make a final but important decision: do we go with a typical low-poly style and adjust everything to match that direction (including trees and water), or do we take a risk and try to create something more unique and individual?

The environment was the first focus. Rocks were easy - they fit perfectly with our style. Water had to wait, as it required more advanced technical solutions. Treesโ€ฆ well... they were the real challenge!

I knew the trees needed a simplified, geometric form that would align with the chosen style. I sketched some quick concepts, and the artist created a 3D draft. Unfortunately, the idea didnโ€™t work. While the trees gained a stylized, geometric shape, they looked heavy, and increasing the density didnโ€™t help much. In the meantime, I was giving feedback on the developing concepts and models for buildings, characters, and UI... Everything was going wellโ€”except for the trees! They were a real nightmare! I kept thinking about how they should look and what technical solution would work best for us.
So, I wrote on paper all the elements of ideal trees should have, like "fluffy but still geometric" and "letโ€™s try creating the leaves as polygons," etc. In the end, we found the perfect result, and I love our trees! ๐Ÿ™‚

Don't forget to JOIN OUR DISCORD to talk about The Whims of the Gods with the development team! All the people featured in this announcement are there (almost) every day!

Tarnished Blood is coming to Early Access, October 2nd!

Hello, fellow Hunters!

The day has finally come, we are ready to release our game. After many months and hours of crafting, producing, and playtesting, Tarnished Blood is ready to drop onto Early Access.

In less than 2 days, the Early Access will be available to all of you who have supported us and encouraged us to keep going. Your feedback, especially during major events such as Gamescom, PAX West and Tokyo Game Show, has been incomparable, and weโ€™re more than grateful for it. Your criticism and pointers helped the game take the shape it has today.

The game will launch on Steam October 2nd at 7pm CEST.

But that's not all !!!

We are thrilled to announce that Tarnished Blood has claimed the #1 spot on the Popular Upcoming list during the ongoing Turn-Based RPG Festival! ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ”ฅ

With the release of our Early Access version set for Wednesday, we wanted to give back to our amazing community by updating the Steam demo right now! ๐Ÿš€ This update includes new features, polish, and a few surprises to give you an even better taste of whatโ€™s to come in the full version!

With immense gratitude,
The Juggler Games Team

PS. We hope you decide to play our game and share your experience with us through our social media channels or discord.

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If you want to be up-to-date with all the news regarding "Tarnished Blood", join our Discord and follow us on our social media


Development update #1

Hello, city-builders fans!

Today we share with you the first update of the work on The Whims of the Gods. It will be short and technical, but we want you all to know how our game is changing day by day. For the better, of course.


  • We have added the ability to click on the citizens to view details about a specific villager

  • After your feedback at the fair (Gamescom and PAX West), we have added support for the ESC button to close the interface windows

  • We have improved the behavior of building workers. Now, when they are full, the residents will take everything out of them before starting a new production cycle. Previously, they would take everything out only once to make some space and then go back to work

  • We are testing saving the game and we have completed the ship - the Ark - which is one of the ways to end the game

  • We are also presenting the first version of the tool showing which buildings connect, e.g. houses connecting to food distributors. The reference video attached below shows how it looks now (of course, the appearance is not final)


We are happy that the production of The Whims of the Gods has entered a phase where we can publicly document the daily progress. And it will be even better!

PS: Do not forget to join our Discord. To do so, just scan the graphic on our Steam card or click the button below. Only in our community will you know more and a little earlier than others.