1. The Whims of the Gods
  2. News
  3. Second public playtests are closed!

Second public playtests are closed!

Our second public playtests of The Whims of the Gods have just finished. And telling the truth, the interest in our title has outstripped us!

More people than we expected signed up for the playtests, including content creators, potential publishers, and editorial staff of gaming portals, which we are very happy about. Not only because we received very detailed responses and commentary, but also because every one of our playtesters showed understanding, gave us constructive criticism, and was in touch with us.

These were exceptional ten days with you on our Discord channel. Thanks to you, we improved the game, fixed some of the glitches you found, and patched the build. What exactly? Well, here is a quick summary of the changes we've implemented so far after your feedback:

🛠️ fixed a bug with residents getting stuck when building a bridge
🛠️ fixes to correctly restoring quests after loading the game
🛠️ fixes to quests that fix bugs by completing them
🛠️ stacking notifications - repeats of the same notifications will appear as one
🛠️ fixed bug with building in places where shrines were previously - roads will not hang in the air and residents will have correct access to buildings built in such areas

Thank you for your time, folks! 🎮 ❤️