ComiPo! Ver.3.50 Update - UI zoom, Smart Phone and much more
We're happy to bring you another major update to ComiPo!
ComiPo! is now updated to V3.50.00.
## Zoom option for Tool buttons and Layer control handles
To support higher resolution display, you can now select the UI zoom in "preference" / "edit screen"
The Tool Size option can be left to Automatic, or changed from 100% ~ 200%
On the main UI, Toolbar, Layer Property, and Layer Control Handles will be affected.
The "Create Character" dialog will also be affected likewise.
Also the Layer Control Handles now has the following options:
## New 3D Item "Smart Phone" and corresponding poses
Now ComiPo chan can also hold a phone as big as her hand too!
Smart Phone was added to the "03.Home Appliances" in 3D Item.
It comes in 4 different colors.
You can choose from 2 holding types in your model "Change Item" / R or L Hand
and 3 new poses have been added to all models too: Talking, watching, and playing with the Phone.
## Extended features for "Change Face"
You can now control the vertical position of the eyebrows, and change your character's pupils.
## Better lower eyelid
3D models have been upgraded to show a thinner lower eyelid for better effect.
## New variations for DLC
Collections 5 "Office Wear": 3 new variations for each male and female.
Collections 8 "Work & Training Wear": 6 new color variations for each male and female, including Pajamas!
## New parts for "Create Character"
- 4 variations of "Glasses" without the 3D edge
- 4 new colors variations to some of the existing "Glasses"
- 3 new color variations to "Mask"
- 12 new color variation to "Accessory" / "Santa Hat"
## New 3D Items
- 03.Home Appliances: Cell Phone D_02
- 04.Daily Items: Mask
- 05.Food & Drink: Mug Cup B, Mug Cup C
- 06.Clothing: Leather Shoes A (Ladies)(One side),
Leather Shoes A (Men's)(One side),
School Slippers (One side)
- 21.Events: Cracker (Party Popper)(New)
- 41.Animals: Cat (Tortoiseshell, Flip)_01 ~ 05
- 41.Animals_ 」 : Bull_01 ~ 10, Cow_01 ~ 10, Ox_01 ~ 10
- 51.Plants & the Like : Tulip_01b ~ 01d
Flower_01b ~ 01d, Flower_02b ~ 02d,
Flower_11a ~ 11d, Flower_12a ~ 12d,
Flower_13a ~ 13d
## New Comic Mark
- "05.Motion & Shiver" : Motion & Shiver_001a, 002a, 003, 003a, 004a,
011a, 024a, 031a, 151, 304, 304a, 351, 352
- "11.Sweat & Tears" : Sweat & Tears_201a
- "12.Breath & Smoke" : Breath & Smoke_203
- "14.Shine & Bubble" : Shine & Bubble_110a, 110b_
- "22.Exclamation & Question" : Exclamation_205, 213, 222,
Question_002, 012, 021
## New Item Image
- "13.Water & Tear" : Bubble_110a, 110b,
Liquid_02a, 02b,
Water & Tear_03a, 05a
- "14.Scope" : Scope_11d, 12d
## Update to "Maru-Maru Character"
You can now choose any 3D Item for the "Change Item" / "Head Item"
## Other changes
・Collections 5 "Office Wear" the position of the head of the male character was lowered to be more natural.
* This will not affect already created comics
・[Ctrl]+[0] change the zoom of the edition screen to 100%
・When doing "Change Item" you can now change the mouse color separately in each "L Hand", "R Hand"
・An "Application Folder" option was added to the "Help" menu, with a shortcut to the user or application folder.
ComiPo! is now updated to V3.50.00.
ComiPo! Ver.3.50.00 Update Content
## Zoom option for Tool buttons and Layer control handles
To support higher resolution display, you can now select the UI zoom in "preference" / "edit screen"
The Tool Size option can be left to Automatic, or changed from 100% ~ 200%
On the main UI, Toolbar, Layer Property, and Layer Control Handles will be affected.
The "Create Character" dialog will also be affected likewise.
Also the Layer Control Handles now has the following options:
## New 3D Item "Smart Phone" and corresponding poses
Now ComiPo chan can also hold a phone as big as her hand too!
Smart Phone was added to the "03.Home Appliances" in 3D Item.
It comes in 4 different colors.
You can choose from 2 holding types in your model "Change Item" / R or L Hand
and 3 new poses have been added to all models too: Talking, watching, and playing with the Phone.
## Extended features for "Change Face"
You can now control the vertical position of the eyebrows, and change your character's pupils.
## Better lower eyelid
3D models have been upgraded to show a thinner lower eyelid for better effect.
## New variations for DLC
Collections 5 "Office Wear": 3 new variations for each male and female.
Collections 8 "Work & Training Wear": 6 new color variations for each male and female, including Pajamas!
## New parts for "Create Character"
- 4 variations of "Glasses" without the 3D edge
- 4 new colors variations to some of the existing "Glasses"
- 3 new color variations to "Mask"
- 12 new color variation to "Accessory" / "Santa Hat"
## New 3D Items
- 03.Home Appliances: Cell Phone D_02
- 04.Daily Items: Mask
- 05.Food & Drink: Mug Cup B, Mug Cup C
- 06.Clothing: Leather Shoes A (Ladies)(One side),
Leather Shoes A (Men's)(One side),
School Slippers (One side)
- 21.Events: Cracker (Party Popper)(New)
- 41.Animals: Cat (Tortoiseshell, Flip)_01 ~ 05
- 41.Animals_ 」 : Bull_01 ~ 10, Cow_01 ~ 10, Ox_01 ~ 10
- 51.Plants & the Like : Tulip_01b ~ 01d
Flower_01b ~ 01d, Flower_02b ~ 02d,
Flower_11a ~ 11d, Flower_12a ~ 12d,
Flower_13a ~ 13d
## New Comic Mark
- "05.Motion & Shiver" : Motion & Shiver_001a, 002a, 003, 003a, 004a,
011a, 024a, 031a, 151, 304, 304a, 351, 352
- "11.Sweat & Tears" : Sweat & Tears_201a
- "12.Breath & Smoke" : Breath & Smoke_203
- "14.Shine & Bubble" : Shine & Bubble_110a, 110b_
- "22.Exclamation & Question" : Exclamation_205, 213, 222,
Question_002, 012, 021
## New Item Image
- "13.Water & Tear" : Bubble_110a, 110b,
Liquid_02a, 02b,
Water & Tear_03a, 05a
- "14.Scope" : Scope_11d, 12d
## Update to "Maru-Maru Character"
You can now choose any 3D Item for the "Change Item" / "Head Item"
## Other changes
・Collections 5 "Office Wear" the position of the head of the male character was lowered to be more natural.
* This will not affect already created comics
・[Ctrl]+[0] change the zoom of the edition screen to 100%
・When doing "Change Item" you can now change the mouse color separately in each "L Hand", "R Hand"
・An "Application Folder" option was added to the "Help" menu, with a shortcut to the user or application folder.