World 2 missing sprites fix
-Version 02.03.2024-
Hi everyone, this is a mini update fixing missing sprites in World 2.
I am still working on the gameplay test arena. It's not that easy to accomplish since many bosses depend on special variables and conditions in order to spawn and I need to sort this out :). I will reply to the forum messages soon. Sorry I really wished I could be full time on this
The arena will be available through the "beta" version. Coming soon!
thank you for your patience!
Hi everyone, this is a mini update fixing missing sprites in World 2.
I am still working on the gameplay test arena. It's not that easy to accomplish since many bosses depend on special variables and conditions in order to spawn and I need to sort this out :). I will reply to the forum messages soon. Sorry I really wished I could be full time on this
The arena will be available through the "beta" version. Coming soon!
thank you for your patience!