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Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead News

Dead Age 2 Release Version - 48 Hours Sale!!!


Dear Grotesque Players & Dear Survivors,

Our latest RPG Dead Age 2 is on sale for 48 hours. We had done a lot of fine tuning in the last months, and integrated some customer requests.
The last free update was the Survival options for veterans who want an even harder challenge.
Don't forget our last big update. Here we have improved the higher skills.

Furthermore, we are working on the next Dead Age with a lot new & cool features and you are welcome to write your wishes or comments here.

If you want to support us now, please write a review, so that we also survive on our huge quest. It's really hardcore difficulty level for developers to survive with masses of indie games on Steam.

If you have any problems, please use the forum.
And you can always visit us in discord: DISCORD

Have fun and stay healthy!
Rayk (HolyAvatar in Steam Forum) & the Silent Dreams Team


Dead Age 2: Currently on Sale - Update 17: Threat Meter & new events


Dear Grotesque players,

Our latest game Dead Age 2 is currently on Sale.
In this third Roadmap Update (Update 17) we have included the Threat Barometer. The barometer shows more information about the threat and the current area where the party is located. Depending on the level of the threat, other travel events will also take place.

The Wishlist Event offers additional events for Dead Age 2, you can check the changelist to see where the changes are. Some new events will be added in the last big Roadmap Update.


Here is the current Wishlist Event Status:

Still a few thousand wishes or purchases are missing to unlock the next content. If you have friends, please just send them the link of the store page of Dead age 2 to increase some more wishes.

If you want to support us, please write a review, so that we also survive in our huge quest.


area threat meter and new events:
-added a new visual display for the threat level of the area you're currently in
-added a new quest for every area on the map that give you an opportunity to lower the threat level of that area
-added several new events that can occur while traveling between points or inside a loot point scenario
New Events in City : Diner, Park, Police Station, Water Tower, Gas Station, Desert: Highway
- New Travel events after threat "Friendly"
-added a new random event that can appear somewhere on the map for you to inspect
-added 4 new achievements


-fixed a crash that occurred when the blood soaked trap was placed so that it would lure zombies towards just two empty slots behind it
-added a more descriptive message when "small hound" or "tiger" skill are blocked because of story progress
-fixed a crash that occurred after having an encounter during subway travel and then entering random encounter during normal node travel
-fixed that antidote spray did not work against complex poison and in some cases buff particles would stay active although their buff was removed
-fixed that in some cases after an event in a combat scene, NPCs in the party would end up not holding their weapon and not playing any attack animations

All the best and stay healthy!
Rayk & the Silent Dreams Team

Dead Age 2: Currently on Sale & Update 13: Customer Wishes


Dear Grotesque players,

Our latest game Dead Age 2 is currently on Sale. Here you can see our current roadmap , check this out:
If you want to support us, please write a review, so that we also survive in our huge quest.

Customer Wishes

-enabled Steam Cloud Sync for the 3 save slots
-added new Spanish - Spain localization since the current one was more Latin American Spain
-added new character chatters when a character gets infected
-added new character chatters when ammunition for a weapon type gets low
-added a new retreat button to the ingame menu that lets you reset your run immediately and sends you back to the character selection screen


-fixed that the "skip intro" button in the character selection screen could behave inconsistently
-fixed that healing values of medical items were not displayed correctly in inventory gui
-fixed an AI bug that could cause the combat to get stuck
-added new hint messages when a character in your camp is about to die because of infection, hunger etc.
-fixed that the ambush encounter in the cave at the abandoned camping site was not working like an actual ambush fight
-fixed that there was no passage from forest grave to the northern smuggler base by foot which should be possible after the first trip via the yacht
-fixed some possible inconsistencies with the fullscreen and borderless window settings and how they are saved to disk and reapplied on next game start
-fixed that the injured civilian event always had the ambush outcome and none of the other
-fixed missing achievement names in the list of achievements and fix for cramped text formatting in the description field of the upgrade screen

All the best and stay healthy!
Rayk & the Silent Dreams Team (HolyAvatar im Steam Forum)

The Dead Age 2 Early Access Zombie Apocalypse begins now!

Dear survivors,

The day has finally come: Dead Age 2 is NOW available on Steam Early Access!

Exactly four years and two days after the release of Dead Age, its successor is finally available! And we are really overjoyed that you are able to play Dead Age 2 for yourself now! It was a lot of fun and hard work to improve the gameplay of Dead Age and extend it with a bunch of new features.

Today’s Early Access launch includes the first 27 days of the full game. In the coming months we will complete the game together with you and further optimize it - our Early Access Roadmap gives you an overview of the coming months:

But enough words now! We can't wait to see you all play Dead Age 2 after such a long time of developing the game - and we are really looking forward to your feedback! So, let us know your thoughts in the Dead Age 2 Discord channel or here in the Dead Age 2 Steam Community.

See you all at the zombie apocalypse!

All the best and stay healthy!
Rayk & the Silent Dreams Team


10,000 Wishes Unlocked: Animated Portraits!

To all survivors out there,

as written in our last update here on Steam: Our Wishlist Event for Dead Age 2 shows first results!

At the end of February, we nearly unlocked the first step of our Wishlist Event: 10,000 wishes to unlock the animated portraits for Dead Age 2 - only 1,000 wishes were missing.

And now the good news: In the meantime, we reached 10,000 wishes for Dead Age 2 and unlocked the animated portraits! Our designers are now getting to work to create the animated portraits for all characters. Thank you very, very much for wishlisting the game, for your ongoing support and also for your feedback. Everything is very much appreciated!

And what's next? With 20,000 wishes you will unlock additional animations for humans and zombies in combat.

Meanwhile, be sure to join the other survivors on our Dead Age Discord channel!

See ya all at the zombie apocalypse!
Rayk & the Silent Dreams Team
