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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord News

Mount & Blade Spring Sale!

With spring around the corner, don't miss your chance to get Bannerlord at a massive 40% discount! You can also pick up all previous Mount & Blade titles with 75% off.


Community Tales #13

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Before we dive into this edition of #CommunityTales, we would like to invite you to the next official Multiplayer event.

[h2]Calradian War #11 - 3x Loot & Exp [/h2]
The battlefield calls once more! Following the recent Calradian War event, we’ve further improved the server stability - ergo, prepare for an all-out war on the TaleWorlds official Siege event server next Saturday. Up to 500 players will clash on the same server, fighting it out in the usual messy and bloody way.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.

⚔ Are you ready for war? ⚔

📅 Date & Time: Saturday, 8th of March, 20:00 CET
🎯 Event Type: Large-scale Siege
📍 Server Name: [EVENT] Calradian War #11 - 3x Loot & Exp
👥 Players: Up to 500 warriors

Don’t miss it—victory awaits!

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!
[h2]Artisan's Atelier [/h2]

Long live Vlandia! by pacienciaaa&克白

Vlandian Levy Infantry by chamomile

[h2]Knightly Vistas[/h2]

Misty Swamp by МИСТЕРИОНЫЧ

Surveying the battlefield by top112

[h2]Crafting Marvels[/h2]

BannerBand by janis
This mod reimagines Warband’s factions and map in the Bannerlord engine, blending nostalgia with updated mechanics. Along with recreating existing Warband factions, it introduces two new factions, Calsea and Geroia, inspired by Calradian lore. Settlements have been redistributed to enhance map variety, and each faction has its own culture for an immersive experience.

Internal Diplomacy by Lluid
This mod lets you influence noble relations by arranging meetings based on their traits. Nobles with a high enough relation can interact with others in the same settlement or army, potentially forming friendships or rivalries. These shifts can impact kingdom politics, affecting clan dynamics and voting, offering more role-play opportunities.

ChatAi Mod by Watamote
Enhance your immersion with this mod, by enabling dynamic, AI-driven conversations with NPCs. Engage in deeper interactions where NPCs discuss their roles, fiefs, and personalities, with dialogue choices influencing relationships. You can also issue commands, such as having NPCs follow you or travel to specific locations, adding new layers to role-playing and gameplay.

[h2]Chronicles in Motion[/h2]

Burning Empires Mod Gameplay by ReformistTM

I created a ONE MAN ARMY in Bannerlord by Laith

A Rogue Trader's Guide to Politics by Halcylion
[h2]Chivalrous Assemblies[/h2]

[h3]Bannerlord Native League #6[/h3]

After five seasons of wonderful work with the organization and maintenance of the tournament, the Bannerlord Native League organizers have treated us with its sixth iteration!

BNL#6 is under way, having 9 divisions in total, and with its 3rd-week matches behind us.

For those unfamiliar with BNL, it is a community skirmish tournament where teams are split into divisions - with multiple teams in each division. Usually, one match is played per week against the other teams. This leads to some epic competitive fights with teams on similar footing, with more skilled players in higher divisions!

[h3]Casting Your Vote - Bannerlord Calradic Campaign #54[/h3]

The Calradic Campaign team is organizing the fifty-fourth event in their Bannerlord series - “Casting Your Vote”. Join up for some hack & slash today, March 1st, at 4:00 pm EST on their Calradic_Campaign server using their Module.

If you would like a quick overview of the CC events, check out this video - What is the Calradic Campaign?

You can check all the details, including how to join, on their Reddit page.

[h3]Multiplayer skirmish map-making competition[/h3]

The community-ran Skirmish Map-Making Competition has announced the winners!

🥇 Purple Haze by Reginald

🥈 Festival by LizardWizard

🥉 Lakeside by Tom54p

We congratulate the winners, as well as everyone that participated.
Some of the maps will already be used in the ongoing Bannerlord Native League #6.
We are excited about the future of community initiatives like these, and hope to see many more coming!

If you would like to suggest content for the next #CommunityTales, make sure to tag @Mount_and_Blade on X or @mountandblade on Facebook with the #CommunityTales. Alternatively, you can reach out on our forums to Piconi or Dejan.

Community Tales #12

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Community Tales - highlighting some fantastic creations and events that you can join!

We wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new year. Stay tuned and take care!

Without further ado, let’s jump right in!
[h2]Artisan's Atelier [/h2]

The faithful followers by [BRE] Guiskard

Aserai man by Senior-Ad335

[h2]Knightly Vistas[/h2]

Ready for battle by červený motor

The Battle of Qasira by maskoffTND

[h2]Crafting Marvels[/h2]

Enhanced Troops by Ulfkarl
This mod transforms troop appearances with carefully curated equipment from different equipment mods, bringing distinct and cohesive gear to each faction. It adds variety and enhances historical immersion while maintaining balance, ensuring that troops feel unique and authentic to their culture.

Scaling HP by Pyrolyzed
Experience scalable HP based on level and endurance with this modification, adding more depth to character progression. Complete, on-the-fly customization allows you to tweak endurance and level bonuses, apply changes to companions and troops, and adjust values as percentages or flat amounts. A great addition for those seeking a personalized and dynamic health system.

Player Settlement by B0TLANNER
With this mod, you can build and customize your own towns, castles, and villages anywhere on the map. Once constructed, your settlements become fully functional, supporting tournaments, caravans, production, and even sieges or raids. The mod offers deep customization, enabling features like culture selection, garrison and notable generation, and flexible construction settings.

[h2]Chronicles in Motion[/h2]

Beginner's Guide To Bannerlord Even Grandma Would Understand by Strat Gaming Guides

I Spent 100 Days as a SOLDIER by Arean

My Greatest Army Command On Bannerlord by Benoni
[h2]Chivalrous Assemblies[/h2]

[h3]Bannerlord Native League #5[/h3]

The Bannerlord Native League #5 has come to an end. All the divisions have gotten their new champions who won their share of the loot prize pool.

Congratulations to Vineyard Workers (VW) for taking the gold in the Division A grand finals (watch here), as well as to the winners of all the other divisions, and well done to all the teams that participated!

The BNL administration team has done wonderful work with the organization and maintenance of this tournament and we hope to see many more iterations of the Bannerlord Native League.

[h3]Rhesos' Reckoning - Bannerlord Calradic Campaign #49[/h3]

The Calradic Campaign team is organizing the fourthy-ninth event in their Bannerlord series - “Rhesos' Reckoning”. Join up for some hack & slash today on Saturday, December 21st, at 4:00pm EST on their Calradic_Campaign server using their Module.

If you would like a quick overview of the CC events, check out this video - What is the Calradic Campaign?

You can check all the details, including how to join, on their Reddit page.

[h3]Multiplayer skirmish map-making competition[/h3]

Our NA and EU multiplayer communities are hosting a Skirmish Map-Making Competition aimed at expanding the competitive map pool for multiplayer battles.

This community-run initiative is a great chance for creative players to dive into the mapping scene and leave their mark on Bannerlord's competitive landscape!

The submissions will be made open-source and may be used in tournaments, skirmish games, and other events hosted by the skirmish community.

Submission Deadline: 24th of January 2025.

For details on how to join, the contest rules, as well as the prizes for the winners, head over here.

If you would like to suggest content for the next #CommunityTales, make sure to tag @Mount_and_Blade on X or @mountandblade on Facebook with the #CommunityTales. Alternatively, you can reach out on our forums to Piconi or Dejan.

Mount & Blade Winter Sale!

With the holidays approaching fast, don't miss your chance to get Bannerlord at a massive 50% discount! You can also pick up all previous Mount & Blade titles with 75% off.

We wish you a wonderful Christmas and a happy holiday season!


Patch Notes v1.2.12

The patch has been released on PC and will follow to other platforms once the remaining obstacles have been resolved.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when parties entered a settlement to exchange troops.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player rescued an imprisoned companion and gave them to a new party, while having a custom filter on the Party screen.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when riderless mounts tried to find a retreat position.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a deprecated policy being referenced in map notifications.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning traits to teen heroes.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to someone through the Clan screen while being in a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to attack the besieger party after accepting a peace offer from that same enemy faction.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a raid of a village that had no notables finished.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a settlement claimant decision was canceled.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering missions or the campaign map.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when ending the mercenary contract through dialogue.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from leaving a siege after making peace with the enemy as an independent clan.
  • Fixed a bug that caused party roles to be reset after the Rival Gang Leader quest battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the town’s security to increase on success rather than decrease (and the other way around) during the Bounty Hunter quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the courtship to end due to the player being in an army.
  • Certain Aserai helmets that were previously unavailable in shops have been made accessible.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when exiting the lobby as the News items were loading.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from speeding its mount up after dying and taking control of another unit in Captain mode.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the LogOutputPath launch argument from working for Dedicated Servers - now replaced with LocalOutputDir.
  • A multiplayer refactor that represents a deeper technical change towards a more scalable infrastructure has gone Live over a week ago. We expect it to provide greater flexibility in the backend development, help with our long-term server support, and resolve several issues with services not scaling appropriately during heavy load - i.e. it should help with lobby connectivity during a sudden increase in player numbers during f.e. an event.