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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord News

Patch Notes v1.2.10


The patch has been released to Steam and will follow to other platforms once the remaining obstacles have been resolved.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred in encyclopedia when switching between characters quickly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning a commander to a formation during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a multithread issue during siege and hideout missions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during a conversation with a freed prisoner if multiple prisoners had been saved from the enemy party.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assisting a settlement under siege while a peace vote was under way between the factions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the destruction of cloth meshes.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to drag two objects at the same time (as a result of Alt+Tabbing).
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing texts.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing map nameplates.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing the “Click to continue" button during the very first frame of a map conversation.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when setting a hotkey in Options.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing battle menus after a peace declaration.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a battle against bandits.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save file that contained an item from a deleted crafting template.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the “Manage Prisoners" game menu option in castles.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a settlement while having the town management menu open.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while hovering over highlightable rich texts.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a kingdom tried to make a decision related to an eliminated kingdom.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to “Sell All” on an equipped item.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when declaring peace via the Kingdom screen and doing the Save & Load immediately after.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning a hero to a claimed alley.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save file.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when sieging a settlement as an army member.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when joining an army through the conversation with the army leader inside a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when starting a conversation via the “Visit” button.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when visiting the target village during the “Snare The Wealthy” issue quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the "Wound all enemies" cheat.
  • Fixed a bug that caused donated troops and prisoners to stay in your party.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain crafting recipes from producing legendary items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some clans to have heroes of other clans as their leaders in older saves.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parties to abandon their army when the army leader was inside a settlement under siege.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parties/armies to continue besiegeing the settlement even in the presence of a larger threat nearby or when that was otherwise no longer logical.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Coming of age” notification from appearing.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some companions from being listed on the party role selection list.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Preventive Medicine” perk from healing you after performing some hostile actions against villages.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the assigned governor from teleporting to the target settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the brother and sister to spawn when they reached 18, even if they were not rescued.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to get stuck after finishing a siege while having an active “Lord Needs Horses” issue quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused numeric input fields to be unresponsive to a certain digit, if that digit was the last remaining one and was previously erased.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero", “campaign.declare_peace”, and “campaign.declare_war” cheats from working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a defending army in a siege to disperse without a valid reason.
  • Fixed a bug that caused breakout mechanics calculations to use player army count instead of the player party count when the player is not the army leader.
  • Reduced the loading time on consoles.


  • Fixed a client crash that occurred when you switched sides.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the lobby screen friends list from being updated correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused taunts and cheers to still receive inputs when holding the cheer button even after the radial menu had been closed.
  • Siege Scene Fixes
    • Ayzar Stronghold
      • Fixed a bug that allowed you to use the right-side ballista while in cover behind the palisade.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of a destroyed wall near the attackers’ spawn.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck inside the wooden columns on some castle walls.
    • Castle of Fen Altai
      • Fixed a bug that allowed you to climb the big rocks on the right-side in order to back cap the G flag.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of the well.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach the warehouse roof by jumping on the shelves.
    • Baravenos Encirclement
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk into the castle windows.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach spawn and character selection locations.
    • Skala Landings
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk through an inaccessible door.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck on the castle walls.
  • TeamDeathMatch Scene Fixes
    • Tsagaan Castle
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between a barrel.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump over barrels to reach inaccessible locations of the castle wall and roofs of certain buildings.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and get stuck between the walls and props.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between carts and walls.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between the barrels and fences.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on the castle walls via the props near them.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk through a scene prop.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and bypass the map barrier near the edge of the map.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between the castle merlons.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to attack other players while inside of a tent (outside the castle).
    • Harbour of Ovsk
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of the roof of a building.
    • Nord Town
      • Fixed a bug that allowed you to fire your bow/crossbow from an unreachable spot inside a house.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to fall in between the walls and the props.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk inside of an inaccessible building through a window.
      • Fixed a bug that caused horses to get stuck between the small planks located on the road.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach the top of the shelves and get stuck.
  • Skirmish Scene Fixes
    • Zendyar
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and walk through some cliffs.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to drop through the map while on a mount.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to walk unevenly over some props.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of some rocks.
    • Xauna
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk and climb the tower walls.
    • Trading Post
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to drop down and walk on top of some walls.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump down and not take any damage on some locations.
      • Fixed a bug that caused stray mounts to get stuck and block the stairs on Flag B.
      • Fixed a bug that caused mounts to get stuck between stair walls while jumping.
    • Port at Omor
      • Removed an object located outside of the playable area that was causing a graphical glitch.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck while jumping with a horse on some props.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented players from accessing the wooden walkway near the beach.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk near the camera location where classes are selected.
    • Town Outskirts
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and get stuck inside a wall.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump glitch through some prefabs on the map.

Summer Sale & Age of Empires II Bundle!

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Summer brings warm weather, sandy beaches, and massive discounts! Don't miss your chance to get Bannerlord 50% off! You can also pick up all previous Mount & Blade titles with a 75% discount.

We’re also teaming up with our friends behind Age of Empires II to provide you with an epic medieval strategy bundle. Craft your character, expand your empire, raise armies, and conquer the ages!


Community Tales #9

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Before we dive into this month's #CommunityTales, let us briefly touch on the future of Bannerlord! During our release, we shared our intent to continue supporting the title with content updates - which has led to new features such as Fog of War, Retirement, Player-owned Alleys, World Map & Mission Weather, Formation Targeting, Warehouses, and Multiplayer Taunts among others. We want to reassure you that we're still on this path and working towards future updates. We share your enthusiasm for what lies ahead and although it will take a while longer to finalize the new additions, be confident that they are coming.

In the meantime, we encourage you to continue sharing your feedback and ideas with us. Your input plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Bannerlord, and we value your ongoing support.

We would also like to invite you to the next official Multiplayer event. Hope to see you there!

[h3]Storming the Enemy[/h3]

Come join us next Saturday as we try something new. We will be playing on existing Battle & Siege maps but with a twist. We have added storms, rain and lightning which immerse you into medieval warfare at scale even more with up to 500 players on the same server.

Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.
  • Date & Time: Saturday, 11th of May, 18:00 UTC
  • Server Name: Storming the Enemy
  • Game Mode: Battle & Siege
Now Let’s check out some of the most recent creations from our community.
[h2]Artisan's Atelier [/h2]

Roblox Battanian Fian Champion by EthanTheProRBLX

Swadian Winged Helmet by 101ho

[h2]Knightly Vistas[/h2]

A Taste Of Iron by Urocyon

Perfectly Timed Selfie by 咸蛋糙人

[h2]Crafting Marvels[/h2]

High Middle Ages Calradia by Maty743
This troop overhaul mod changes the unit aesthetics and performance to be in line with the high Middle Ages. The mod adds a number of weapon and armor variations for each unit, a complete rebalance of the troop trees, as well as a desaturated color palette for uniforms and banners, aiming for higher immersion.

Nords of Sturgia by Snusmumriken
This troop overhaul mod expands troop trees by making a distinction between three main types of soldiers - irregular, regular, and noble, each in their own separate tree. This offers alternative ways of adjusting army compositions and aims to rebalance starting factions in a way that pronounces both their weaknesses and strengths.

My Little Warband by LL Muse
If you want a fully unique custom troop tree, this is the mod for you. With this mod, you can customize both regular and noble troop trees, allocating attribute points and denars towards shaping each troop and its upgrades to perfectly fit your personal playstyle.

[h2]Chronicles in Motion[/h2]

Battle Tactics by Knightly Guides

Smithing Tips and Tricks by Hero

How To Make Money With Caravans by PixelJohnny
[h2]Chivalrous Assemblies[/h2]

[h3]Bloody Steppes - Bannerlord Calradic Campaign #34[/h3]

The Calradic Campaign team is organizing the thirty-fourth event in their Bannerlord series - "Bloody Steppes". Join up for some hack & slash tomorrow, 4th of May at 20:00 UTC on their Calradic_Campaign server using their Module.

If you would like a quick overview of the CC events, check out this video - What is the Calradic Campaign?

You can check all the details, including how to join, on their Reddit page.

If you would like to suggest content for the next #CommunityTales, make sure to tag @Mount_and_Blade on X or @mountandblade on Facebook with the #CommunityTales. Alternatively, you can reach out on our forums to Piconi or Dejan.

Community Tales #8

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Before we jump into the #CommunityTales, we would like to share the details about the upcoming Official Multiplayer event. Hope to see you there!

[h3]Vlandian Valour[/h3]

Come join us next Saturday as we test the Vlandian Valour on the battlefield - on a large scale with up to 600 players on the same server! Playing in the event will also grant you three times the Loot & Exp that you would normally get.
  • Date & Time: Saturday, 6th of April, 18:00 UTC
  • Server Name: Vlandian Valour
  • Game Mode: Battle & Siege
Now Let’s check out some of the most recent creations from our community.
[h2]Artisan's Atelier [/h2]

Vaegir Guard by BL4RT4CT

Saint by Flappy

[h2]Knightly Vistas[/h2]

Battanian archers by Fin

Sunset Battle by Gutufú

[h2]Crafting Marvels[/h2]

Adventurer by Carter Drake
With this mod, you can focus on the solo part of the gameplay, via the random encounters while waiting in towns, sparring with heroes, escorting any caravan outside of the quests, additional dialogue options, and more.

DeReMilitari by Luke Danger
This troop overhaul mod expands troop trees by making a distinction between three main types of soldiers - irregular, regular, and noble, each in their own separate tree. This offers alternative ways of adjusting army compositions and aims to rebalance starting factions in a way that pronounces both their weaknesses and strengths.

Europe1100 by Rodimus
This mod is a historical conversion based on Europe at the turn of the 12th century. The mod leverages Lemmy's Europe Map, adds a host of historical factions, cultures, clans, individuals, troops, and settlements - all appropriate to the time period.

[h2]Chronicles in Motion[/h2]

BEST CAVALRY in 2024? by Mr.Chicken Bannerlord

I Survived 30 days as a Desert Bandit by Halcylion

Life Of A Legionary by Jackie Fish
[h2]Chivalrous Assemblies[/h2]

[h3]European Duel Tournament Edition VI[/h3]

The European Duel Tournament is on the way with its sixth edition. The EDT is a community-organized duel tournament, often with attractive prizes for the winners. Its format dictates that the duels are to be played with one of the six one-handed swords offered, without shields, and FirstTo7 wins.

You can follow the outcome of the duels on their live tournament brackets here.

[h3]Bannerlord Calradic Campaign #32[/h3]

The Calradic Campaign team is organizing the thirty-second event in their Bannerlord series. Join up for some hack & slash on Saturday, 6th of April at 20:00 UTC on their Calradic_Campaign server using their Module.

If you would like a quick overview of the CC events, check out this video - What is the Calradic Campaign?

You can check all the details, including how to join, on their Discord server.

If you would like to suggest content for the next #CommunityTales, make sure to tag @Mount_and_Blade on X or @mountandblade on Facebook with the #CommunityTales. Alternatively, you can reach out on our forums to Piconi or Dejan.

Mount & Blade Spring Sale!

With spring around the corner, don't miss your chance to get Bannerlord at a massive 40% discount! You can also pick up all previous Mount & Blade titles with 75% off.
