1. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
  2. News
  3. Patch Notes v1.2.10

Patch Notes v1.2.10


The patch has been released to Steam and will follow to other platforms once the remaining obstacles have been resolved.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred in encyclopedia when switching between characters quickly.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning a commander to a formation during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a multithread issue during siege and hideout missions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during a conversation with a freed prisoner if multiple prisoners had been saved from the enemy party.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assisting a settlement under siege while a peace vote was under way between the factions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the destruction of cloth meshes.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to drag two objects at the same time (as a result of Alt+Tabbing).
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing texts.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing map nameplates.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing the “Click to continue" button during the very first frame of a map conversation.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when setting a hotkey in Options.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when refreshing battle menus after a peace declaration.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a battle against bandits.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save file that contained an item from a deleted crafting template.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the “Manage Prisoners" game menu option in castles.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a settlement while having the town management menu open.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while hovering over highlightable rich texts.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a kingdom tried to make a decision related to an eliminated kingdom.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to “Sell All” on an equipped item.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when declaring peace via the Kingdom screen and doing the Save & Load immediately after.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning a hero to a claimed alley.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save file.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when sieging a settlement as an army member.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when joining an army through the conversation with the army leader inside a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when starting a conversation via the “Visit” button.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when visiting the target village during the “Snare The Wealthy” issue quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using the "Wound all enemies" cheat.
  • Fixed a bug that caused donated troops and prisoners to stay in your party.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain crafting recipes from producing legendary items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some clans to have heroes of other clans as their leaders in older saves.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parties to abandon their army when the army leader was inside a settlement under siege.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parties/armies to continue besiegeing the settlement even in the presence of a larger threat nearby or when that was otherwise no longer logical.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Coming of age” notification from appearing.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some companions from being listed on the party role selection list.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Preventive Medicine” perk from healing you after performing some hostile actions against villages.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the assigned governor from teleporting to the target settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the brother and sister to spawn when they reached 18, even if they were not rescued.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to get stuck after finishing a siege while having an active “Lord Needs Horses” issue quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused numeric input fields to be unresponsive to a certain digit, if that digit was the last remaining one and was previously erased.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero", “campaign.declare_peace”, and “campaign.declare_war” cheats from working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a defending army in a siege to disperse without a valid reason.
  • Fixed a bug that caused breakout mechanics calculations to use player army count instead of the player party count when the player is not the army leader.
  • Reduced the loading time on consoles.


  • Fixed a client crash that occurred when you switched sides.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the lobby screen friends list from being updated correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused taunts and cheers to still receive inputs when holding the cheer button even after the radial menu had been closed.
  • Siege Scene Fixes
    • Ayzar Stronghold
      • Fixed a bug that allowed you to use the right-side ballista while in cover behind the palisade.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of a destroyed wall near the attackers’ spawn.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck inside the wooden columns on some castle walls.
    • Castle of Fen Altai
      • Fixed a bug that allowed you to climb the big rocks on the right-side in order to back cap the G flag.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of the well.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach the warehouse roof by jumping on the shelves.
    • Baravenos Encirclement
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk into the castle windows.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach spawn and character selection locations.
    • Skala Landings
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk through an inaccessible door.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck on the castle walls.
  • TeamDeathMatch Scene Fixes
    • Tsagaan Castle
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between a barrel.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump over barrels to reach inaccessible locations of the castle wall and roofs of certain buildings.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and get stuck between the walls and props.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between carts and walls.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between the barrels and fences.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on the castle walls via the props near them.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk through a scene prop.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and bypass the map barrier near the edge of the map.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between the castle merlons.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to attack other players while inside of a tent (outside the castle).
    • Harbour of Ovsk
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of the roof of a building.
    • Nord Town
      • Fixed a bug that allowed you to fire your bow/crossbow from an unreachable spot inside a house.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to fall in between the walls and the props.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk inside of an inaccessible building through a window.
      • Fixed a bug that caused horses to get stuck between the small planks located on the road.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach the top of the shelves and get stuck.
  • Skirmish Scene Fixes
    • Zendyar
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and walk through some cliffs.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to drop through the map while on a mount.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to walk unevenly over some props.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk on top of some rocks.
    • Xauna
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk and climb the tower walls.
    • Trading Post
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to drop down and walk on top of some walls.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump down and not take any damage on some locations.
      • Fixed a bug that caused stray mounts to get stuck and block the stairs on Flag B.
      • Fixed a bug that caused mounts to get stuck between stair walls while jumping.
    • Port at Omor
      • Removed an object located outside of the playable area that was causing a graphical glitch.
      • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck while jumping with a horse on some props.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented players from accessing the wooden walkway near the beach.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to walk near the camera location where classes are selected.
    • Town Outskirts
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump and get stuck inside a wall.
      • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump glitch through some prefabs on the map.