1. Entropy Survivors
  2. News
  3. 1.2.2 Patch Notes

1.2.2 Patch Notes

FIX: Heroes standing in two overlapping Enchanter sigils no longer lose the sigil effect early
FIX: Multiple rocket launcher performance improvements
FIX: Fixed bug allowing multiple copies of the mission select menu to be open at once
FIX: Reconfigured memory management to avoid CPU-heavy memory operations in the middle of combat
UPDATE: Endless leaderboards show more players.
UPDATE: The game now saves hourly automatic backups to %LOCALAPPDATA%/EntropySurvivors/Saved/SaveGames/LocalBackups. We do not believe there are any save-losing bugs in the Entropy Survivors game code, however accidents are always possible with conflicting cloud saves, hardware failures, full disks, and so on, so we wanted to give players an emergency backup option. These backups are not synced to Steam's cloud.