1. Silent Depth 2: Pacific
  2. News
  3. Patch Notes 0.0.5

Patch Notes 0.0.5

Good Morning Commanders,

This update brings some improvements to collisions with the camera and addresses some of the reported issues.

  • Smoother camera-sub collision
  • Camera-sub collision when in free cam mode

  • Added Submarine Camera Collisions
  • Added Midway Dock Camera Collisions

[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]
  • Fixed: Using map travel you could end up with the sub on top of Midway's dock
  • Fixed: camera jitter during collisions
  • Fixed: camera could get stuck at water level while docked at Midway

Thanks for all your issue reports here on Steam and on discord. We are preparing to dive into the next set of tasks and will surface again soon with another update.