Patch Notes 0.0.4:
Good Morning Captains,
Latest intel report on what has been updated in the latest patch.
[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]
Thanks for your continued support and please feel free to reach out with any issues you are having in the comments, forums or on the MicroProse discord.
Latest intel report on what has been updated in the latest patch.
- Adjust Battleship, Destroyer and Light Cruiser turning rates
- Define constants for min/max range of depth charges. Currently set to 110-130ft
- Decrease ship's speed when doing an attack run with depth charges
- Add a small delay so ships won't instantly detect the sub after being spawned.
[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]
- Fixed: Ships won't detect sub while in the engagement UI. Players must click engage first.
- Fixed: Ships guns only track the sub when they have detected it.
- Fixed: Heavy Cruisers not being tracked by service report
Thanks for your continued support and please feel free to reach out with any issues you are having in the comments, forums or on the MicroProse discord.