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  3. Update on languages Escape Z

Update on languages Escape Z

In the next update, I am excited to announce the addition of three new languages to Escape Z: Chinese, Dutch, and Greek. This represents the final step in my efforts to make the game accessible to a global audience.

[h2]Why these languages?[/h2]
I chose these languages based on community feedback and the goal of including regions of the world that are still underrepresented in the game. Each new translation has been carefully edited to ensure consistency and quality, with the support of experienced, native-speaking translators.

[h2]Latest round of translations[/h2]
With the addition of these languages, my work on internationalizing the game is officially complete. Escape Z now supports a wide range of languages covering multiple geographic areas, providing an increasingly inclusive experience.

[h2]A thank you to the community[/h2]
I could not have achieved this goal without your support and suggestions. Your passion has guided me every step of the way, and I am happy to have made Escape Z even more welcoming to players around the world.

Keep following me for more news: as I finish work on translations, new content and features are already under development. Stay tuned!