Patch - v1.0.5
Hello Riders,
Greetings from sunny Berlin! We hope you’re all doing well!
We just released Version 1.0.5. for Steam and Xbox.
The most important changes are the new display settings which should also fix a lot of reported performance problems. Display settings don’t get reset anymore, and we added an optional frame rate rate limit to reduce GPU usage, support for variable refresh rates, monitor selection and more.
There are also a lot of other smaller fixes and changes concerning the multiplayer and the UI in general. Have a look at the full patch log if you want to know more.
[h2]Improvements & Polishing[/h2]
We wish you all a great start into the week and as always let us know if you run into any issues, but any feedback is highly apprechated!
All the best,
your Megagons
Greetings from sunny Berlin! We hope you’re all doing well!
We just released Version 1.0.5. for Steam and Xbox.
The most important changes are the new display settings which should also fix a lot of reported performance problems. Display settings don’t get reset anymore, and we added an optional frame rate rate limit to reduce GPU usage, support for variable refresh rates, monitor selection and more.
There are also a lot of other smaller fixes and changes concerning the multiplayer and the UI in general. Have a look at the full patch log if you want to know more.
- Critical: Fixed bug that reverted display settings on every restart.
- Critical: Fixed a bug that players were stuck on "Initialize Graphics” after the latest patch when they had turned off the imposter generation.
- Critical: Fixed various level loading issues that lead to endless loading screens in multiplayer.
- Critical: Fixed level not loading when the ghost file got corrupted. We are still unsure how the ghost files get corrupted though and added more logging to better understand the issue in the future.
- Major: Fixed automatic mode for render scaling, which always chose the lowest resolution in many cases.
- Major: Fixed an issue that the main menu environment scene was sometimes not loaded correctly.
- Major: Fixed an issue that broke the spectator mode when another player left the match.
- Major: Fixed a bug that sometimes host and clients didn’t load the same level or slope.
- Major: Fixed that challenges were not shown as achieved in the endscreen for very close results.
- Minor: Fixed that sometimes the wrong loading screens were shown.
- Minor: Fixed Team Mode video explanations not being available in the How To Play screen in the pause menu.
- Minor: Fixed that environment assets were visually fading in when switching between players in spectator mode or when respawning.
- Minor: Fixed wrong timings for sound effects for challenges in solo mode.
- Minor: Fixed that settings page tab buttons were making the wrong sound.
- Minor: Fixed missing localization for the “Enter Lobby Key” pop-up text field.
- Minor: Fixed that dropdown options sometimes were hard to select.
- Minor: Fixed gloss effect being broken for achieved challenges in the trail selection when hovering between different trails.
- Minor: Fixed that message pop ups for events like host migration would sometimes not appear correctly.
- Minor: Fixed that times on checkpoint lines and on the endscreen were sometimes not in sync.
- Minor: Fixed that ready up button was not selected by default after a multiplayer race.
[h2]Improvements & Polishing[/h2]
- Major: Added support for variable refresh rates on G-SYNC / FreeSync displays.
- Major: Added optional frame rate limit to reduce GPU usage.
- Major: Previously selected screen settings (resolution, fullscreen mode) are now applied right when starting the game, not at some point while loading the menu.
- Major: Simplified display settings to only show quality / performance mode on console.
- Minor: Added settings option to choose a monitor.
- Minor: Confirmation dialog is now shown when critical display settings are changed.
- Minor: Settings options now have explanation texts.
- Minor: Loading screen now shows the name, mountain and slope you will play next.
- Minor: "New best time" display in solo mode when crossing a checkpoint now has a sound effect.
- Minor: The end score display for Team Mode now has a "counting up" sound, and a "threshold crossed" sound for bronze, silver, and gold.
- Minor: The “AFK timer” and “end of race timer” now have a notification sound.
- Minor: The next trail in a tour starting now makes a slightly different sound than before.
- Minor: Polished the Finish screen layout so that it doesn’t overlap with the “end of race” timer.
- Minor: Added controller icons for Switch Pro Controller.
- Minor: You can now also manually override the controller icons used in the game.
We wish you all a great start into the week and as always let us know if you run into any issues, but any feedback is highly apprechated!
All the best,
your Megagons