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Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch News

Lost Eidolons is a Baldur's Gate 3 style turn-based RPG, and it's 20% off

To wile away the dark and dreariness of Scottish wintertime, I've found myself diving back into Baldur's Gate 3. As someone who initially hated its turn-based combat, I've fallen in love with the tactical strategizing and coinflip decision-making; something that I genuinely didn't expect would happen. While I've still not made it to the titular city yet, it's a genre that I'm eager to explore, and Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch looks like it could be the perfect companion to BG3.

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Demo Now Available for Veil of the Witch

Dear Tacticians,

We hope you’ve been enjoying the latest update for Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch! We’re excited to announce the release of a new demo that is available now! This is the perfect time to introduce the game to your friends who you think may be interested.

The demo features content from the recent Winter Update (Patch 0.07.010) with the following limited offerings:
  • The Prologue
  • All of Act 1, and most of Act 2 (excluding the boss), from a total of 3 acts
  • Early tiers of persistent upgrades
  • Limited Party characters (5 of a total 9)

Get your friends to experience the game’s turn-based tactical RPG gameplay with roguelite twists! If they enjoy the demo, they can purchase the full game on our Steam page and join you in experiencing all the exciting updates we have planned for Early Access. Don’t forget to check out our roadmap that we shared recently here.

Best of all, demo save files will transfer seamlessly to the full game, so players can pick up right where they left off. So what are you waiting for? Share the demo, recruit some Tacticians, and get your game on together!

- ODS Team



Winter Update Patch Notes (12/16/2024)

Dear Tacticians,

It’s been over a month since we released Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch on Early Access! As you’ve seen, we’ve had a minor patch as well as some hotfixes to patch some game breaking issues.

Today, we bring you a bigger patch with focus on adjustments and changes based on player feedback and suggestions we’ve gotten during Early Access so far! We are even introducing a new feature, the beta version of God Mode, which you can learn more about below.

[h3]Patch Schedule[/h3]
PT: 6 PM, December 16, 2024
ET: 9 PM, December 16, 2024
CET: 3 AM, December 17, 2024
KST: 11 AM, December 17, 2024

Here are the changes within version 0.07.011 that we’ve made to the game:

[h3]New Content / Features[/h3]
  • Implemented the new God Mode (beta) difficulty setting, reducing incoming damage from enemies for a more accessible gameplay experience
    • Added a tutorial to explain this mode
    • Can change this setting within non-battle paths
  • Introduced a new status effect, Confusion, which is applied for one turn when all of a monster's weak points have been attacked. The status effect will:
    • Decrease physical and magical defenses by 10
    • Stop the enemy from counterattacking
  • Added a new tab in the Records, allowing players to view expedition logs for each class of the player character separately

[h3]Changes / Improvements[/h3]
  • Adjusted the balancing of Bernhardt by lowering the amount of his shield
  • Adjusted the balancing of certain mythic skills
    • Increased the damage of the Tree of Life and Dead Reckoning skills
    • Increased the number of enemies attacked to 6 and increased the number of turns marked by 1 when using the Shooting Spree skill
    • Adjusted the Radiant Refuge skill so that the caster also receives damage reduction and healing
  • Improved all the Greater Blessing effects except for the Blade of Doom
    • Judgement of the Sages: Adjusted so that it reduces the cooldown of all magic spells by one
    • Guardian Spirit: Adjusted so that allies within a 2-tile radius of the unit will gain a shield with 20 temp HP
    • Axe of Woe: Adjusted so that enemies within a 1-tile radius of the target will take 20 damage
    • Hunter’s Dread: Adjusted so that enemies within a 1-tile radius of the unit will also take 20 damage
  • Improved camera movement options
    • Added the ability to choose camera preference at the start of the game
    • Added the option for free movement when using WASD
    • Added the ability to rotate the camera with Q and E, in addition to the arrow keys
    • Added the ability to zoom in and out on the battlefield
  • Added buttons to quickly navigate to the top or bottom of the Undo page
  • Increased the stats of temporary allies when they join during Act 2 and Act 3 to better match the progression
  • Adjusted the cost of rerolling relics depending on the number of relics offered
    • Rerolling 1 relic will cost 500 gold
    • Rerolling 3 relics will cost 1,000 gold
  • Added an option to play battle animations at 4x speed, while keeping the 2x speed option available as well
  • Created universal fixed hotkeys for battle actions, ensuring consistency across all characters
  • Removed the Forked Road rewards page that appeared after battles
  • Adjusted the "Threat Range" setting to persist across battles
    • Adjusted the "Threat Range" shortcut to appear at the bottom of the screen when a character is selected
    • Added the "Threat Range" option with the Combat section in the Gameplay settings
  • Added a setting to toggle Easy Attack on or off, allowing attacks when clicking on an enemy
    • Added a tutorial to explain Easy Attacks
  • Added a new tutorial describing the different rarity of skills when acquired (Common, Rare, Legendary, and Mythic)
  • Included the duration of Blessings and Curses in their respective descriptions
  • Adjusted the ending credits to only appear the first time you complete an expedition with a victory
  • Added new illustrations that appear when returning to the Base Camp after successful expeditions
  • Added an icon to indicate when no skills are available for use due to the cooldown period
  • Changed the location of the cooldown icon within the in-game battle menu
  • Increased the number of Sacred Embers received at the end of battles
    • Regular battles will reward 2 Sacred Embers
    • Sacred Ember Forked Road battles will reward 4-5 Sacred Embers
    • All boss battles will reward different amounts
      • Act 1: 3, Act 2: 5, Act 3: 10
  • Decreased the price of Sacred Ember items within the Shop
  • Added a reward of 10 Sacred Embers when unlocking the Altar of Fire
  • Added a text description to indicate the option to toggle helmet visuals on or off
  • Updated the description of stat cards to include how the stats were improved numerically
  • Increased the visibility of objects within non-battle paths
  • Increased the requirement to unlock character promotion from 3 rune fragments to 4
  • Adjusted the “Beyond the Veil” Steam achievement to also be obtained when re-encountering Sable after successfully completing an expedition on the first run
  • Adjusted the effect of the Orb of Chaos relic so that on odd-numbered turns, only 3 (no longer 4) random stats of all allies are reduced by -5
  • Adjusted some events to occur upon a shadow clone taking an action such as triggering a trap
  • Improved the UI to show what the player needs to promote a character
  • Improved the UI of skill cards to show that they can be flipped for more details
  • Adjusted Blessings that trigger “when attacking” or “when hit” to also activate during counterattacks
  • Adjusted the conversion ratios within the Alchemy Lab
    • Stardust Shard will now cost 10 Sacred Embers
    • Essence of Fire will now give 3 Stardust Shards
  • Adjusted the skill description for Evie’s Radiance skill to better describe its limitations
  • Added the ability to view Character Info and the Skill Codex within the skill upgrade screen when the player has the Jeweled Bookmark relic
  • Replaced the player character illustration within the first flashback scene
  • Added new sound effects to when:
    • Upgrading the store through Porter’s Wares
    • Receiving a reward after completing a challenge

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed the initial positioning of the promotion menu when not playing in FHD
  • Fixed the skill text and cooldown counter to not overlap when playing in 1280x800
  • Fixed the issue where some Curses were applying different status effects than described
  • Fixed the Skill Primer shop item to interact correctly with the Silver Spectacles and Loaded Dice relics
  • Fixed any overlapping text due to using italics in Chinese
  • Fixed the options when coming across the temporary ally Aaron for a second time
  • Fixed the issue where Marco’s health did not decrease when failing a dice event
  • Fixed the issue where Elena’s Shooting Spree skill would consider the Ballista an enemy and cause the game to lock
  • Fixed the issue where the dice would continue rolling when pressing Esc during the event
  • Fixed the issue where all enemy threat range would disappear after skipping enemy’s turn
  • Fixed the positioning of the conversation options during a non-battle event
  • Fixed an issue with story progression when a defeated temporary ally reappears during an expedition for the second time
  • Fixed the rewards not being applied when the dice roll was successful during an ally non-battle event
  • Fixed the issue where Soraya would obtain partnership points with allies not within the party
  • Fixed the issue where Emile and Evie would converse within an expedition when Evie is not in the party
  • Fixed an issue where certain passives that apply the Shrouded Terrain effect under specific conditions would not activate when damage was received from a combat event
  • Fixed the issue where the “New” icon would not disappear within the Codex
  • Fixed the issue where the current gold display showed an incorrect value if the player purchased a Chest of Curses while holding the Box of Greed relic in possession
  • Fixed the issue where some mythic equipment skills could not be used by shadow clones
  • Fixed the issue where characters could not be promoted when the player character promotion was interacted with prior
  • Fixed the issue where Fellheart’s Shadow Brand would target objects
  • Fixed the issue where Fellheart would overlap with one his Shadow minions when the turn animation was skipped
  • Removed the “Horns Out” Challenge as the Behemoth map is currently not in the game
  • Removed tooltips that were not relevant to this version of the game
  • Fixed the issue where Elena’s Poisoned Trap+ would not disappear after the trap is triggered by an enemy
  • Fixed the dual-wielded weapons so that when attacking the last weak point of an enemy, the first attack will also be a critical hit
  • Fixed an issue where certain monsters did not play a sound upon death
  • Fixed the Vermilith’s skill and status text so that skills are active verbs and status effects are adjectives
  • Fixed an issue where the game hangs within the battle where monsters are being tamed
  • Fixed an issue where Bernhardt, equipped with the Tenacious Warrior passive, could still be stunned or put to sleep by traps
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not allow players to choose another key when the four directional keys were changed to a duplicated key within the Controls setting

Again, we would like to thank everyone for sharing all of your feedback and suggestions on how to make the game better! We’re so happy to continue developing games with our community and hope that you also feel like you’re making an impact!

We hope that you’ll continue to follow Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch as we work on adding new features and making improvements. Please continue to share your thoughts and feedback with us through our Steam discussion boards or our Discord server.

-ODS Team



Our Roadmap Leading to Official Release

Dear Tacticians,

Since we released Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch on Early Access last month, many of you have been requesting a roadmap of what’s to come! Well, wait no further, as we are sharing our plans for the game with you today!

Creating this roadmap took some time because we wanted to thoughtfully consider all the amazing feedback and suggestions from our community. We carefully balanced your ideas with what we envision for the game and what we can realistically develop.

Without further ado, here’s the roadmap along with the content you can expect from each update. We’ll also be rolling out a patch tomorrow, addressing many of your recent suggestions and paving the way for the roadmap’s first update. Stay tuned for the full patch notes!

Thank you for playing Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch and for sharing your invaluable feedback. We’re excited to continue building and improving the game together—and we hope you’ll join us for the journey ahead!

You’ll hear from us again very soon!

- ODS Team



Veil of the Witch Hotfix #6 (11/15/2024)

Dear Tacticians,

Thank you for your continued support of our Early Access game. We are planning another hotfix patch later today to fix some of the bugs that our community has brought to our attention.

[h3]Patch Schedule[/h3]

PT: 5 PM, November 15, 2024
ET: 8 PM, November 15, 2024
CET: 2 AM, November 16, 2024
ICT: 8 AM, November 16, 2024
KST: 10 AM, November 16, 2024

Here are the changes within version 0.06.006 that we’ve made to the game:

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed the issue where the Forked Road showed ineligible path choices. This fixed issues where:
    • Players were unable to continue on a reward path to collect a rune
    • Players were unable to continue on a reward path to collect a Sacred Ember prior to a boss map
  • Fixed the issue where UI elements would still show for allies who died while being swallowed by the Vermilith
  • Fixed the issue where the event to recruit Soraya did not trigger as intended
  • Fixed the issue where no partnership points were awarded for completing a partnership event for Elena
  • Fixed issues with character recruiting events, which could cause the game to freeze or a recruiting event to not appear

Again, thank everyone for reporting any bugs or issues that they came across while playing the game. We couldn’t have done it without you all, and it truly has shown us the power of the gaming community. Please continue to share your thoughts and feedback with us through our Steam discussion boards or our Discord server.

- ODS Team

