2. News


And now for something different : "Bobs"

I took 5 weeks off game making to learn Unreal and make "Bobs"
This marks my return into movies and, coincidently, game engines are now common on set as you've seen with the Mandalorian so this feels doubly right at home.

And now I am back on McDROID Switch Edition. It seems that every last bug is gone and I will send the last build to Lotcheck... right about now.

As always you can join the discord https://discord.gg/faBNMxr where I added a movie section. I've worked on a few movies which you can check here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk1xPyKr3qkfepZsCQzuDGg

Vote for the Steam Award Nomination

McDROID has been in development since December 24th 2011, it was released in 2014 and last updated in 2020.

If that's not labor of love I don't know what is so since this is the only category that such a old game can be voted for, press that vote button, por favor, s'il vous plait m'kay?

Oh and latest in the Switch porting camp. Would you like to know more?

Oldies but goodies.

I just added McDROID 2016 and 2014 and 2013 in the branch menu for those who like to see the evolution of a game through time.

You can thank @supernet2!

CO-OP-by-default now in the main branch.

One of you (@supernet2) showed me how fun co-op can be so, for the next few days, I'll try something different:
  • Old build with CO-OP by default moved to the main branch (with minor fixes and + Asia region).
  • NEO build with the new engine, single player and all the fixes for the NX VERSION into the "n-e-o" branch.

Let me know how it goes.

If you have a Switch and want to play McDROID on it you can support me here, you'll have my gratitude as well as a few goodies like T-shirt or your very own monster:

Snow after playing "Arena4 - Gelatinous Cub Deity"? This is fixed.

Wow that was a weird one!

After playing (and dying) in that funky Arena you can no longer play the game: you'd get snow then crash until you reset progress.

Here is what was happening:
Arena 4 had its exit spawn in the wrong place, as a result McD was being respawned in the closest location which was near level 1, but on certain machines the respawn was throwing poor lil macky to infinity and beyond resulting in physics freaking out (NAN collider) and the camera following it in the netherworld of float error causing weird stuff in the view frustrum which Unity turns to snow.
So the UI was fine, the 3D camera was snow.

Solution: move the respawn point close to the navmesh so it's within the 2 unit radius.
R.I.P. weird glitch.

Thanks to Will and JY help so they get goodies.