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OMSI 2 News

OMSI 2 Lancsbus Omnidecker Add-On OUT NOW!

🚨 Now on Steam! 🚨

The OMSI 2 Lancsbus Omnidecker Add-On brings Scania’s early 2000s double-decker to life! With multiple variants and deep customisation, it's time to hit the road. 🚌✨

Buy now ➡ https://links.aerosoft.com/Omnidecker

  • High customisability: Each repaint can be different with the use of setvars, allowing you to get as close to the variant you want to create as possible
  • High detail and accuracy bring you a life-like experience
  • Realistic operation of each variant - Multiple custom destination displays based on the Hanover and Mobitec display systems
  • Improved Ticketer ticket machine
  • licensed by Ticketer
  • Realistic sounds from several real-life counterparts

Included Variations:

  • Lancsbus Omnidecker N94UD - 10.6m (1DR / 2DR)
  • Lancsbus Omnidecker N94UD - 12.0m (1DR)

OMSI 2 Likino-677 Update v 2.0! 🚍

OMSI 2 Likino-677 Update v 2.0! 🚍


  • Added buses 677 model 1981 (with 11 repaints)
  • Darily another repainment for 1989 of a bus from Arzamas
  • Corrected and supplemented documentation
  • Corrected the layout of covers for export headlight grilles
  • Corrected the script for steam formation from the exhaust pipe
  • Made a mechanical windshield washer pump СО203 for buses before 1982
  • Programmed a separate camera for viewing the glove compartment

🚍 OMSI Likino 677 Update v1.9! 🚍

Changes in version 1.9
-Added buses 677M of 1982 model (with 17 repaints) with round taillights and without bumpers
-Corrected and supplemented documentation
-Corrected texture of dirt in winter snow and in winter snowfall
-Added one more font for rear license plate doublers
-Corrected some bugs

Update now and hit the road! 🚦✨

OMSI 2 Add-on | Power Tool kit | Update Out Now

🚨 The new update v1.13 for the OMSI 2 add-on “Power Toolkit” is here! 🚨

We are happy to introduce you to the latest version 1.13 with exciting new features, important improvements and bug fixes! Here's what's new:

🛠 Fixes

Chrono events:

-Fixed a bug that caused invalid ZIP files to be created when exporting chrono events.

✨ Changes

Vehicle management made easy:

-New option to delete all vehicles of a certain type in an AI group.
-New option to change the livery of all vehicles of a certain type in an AI group.

Secure deletion of chrono events:

-Files are now only renamed so that accidentally deleted events can be easily restored.

New in-app features:

-You can now open your own README template directly in the app.

Manual update:

-The manual has been updated to make it even easier for you to use.

OMSI 2 Add-on | City & Regionbus 200 Series | Update now available

A new update for the OMSI 2 Add-on | City & Regionbus 200 Series is now available!

Change log:
- Added version S213UL with automatic transmission;
- Fixed Matrix operation in 213/221;
- Fixed ticket printer operation. Now the names of the buttons correspond to the ticket price;
- Fixed cash register operation. Now the cash register gives out the required amount of money;
- Made the engine sound quieter in the cabin;
- Added the ability to repaint the interior trim in 215H;
- Added molding on the engine compartment cover in the pre-restyling version of 215H;
- Fixed the signal horn. Now it has become quieter and the effect of volume has appeared in the cabin;
- Added the sound of the pneumatic clutch booster;
- Fixed the position of the door lock toggle switch in 213/221;
- Fixed the hole in the interior trim in 215H;
- The rear bumper in 215H now corresponds to the actual dimensions;
- The holes in the engine compartments of 213/221 have been removed;
- The indication on the dashboard in 213/221 has been fixed;
- The sunshades in the rear of the 215H no longer pass through the seats;
- Now you can get to the camera on the schedule with one click of the "insert" button.