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The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth News

The Binding of Isaac: Repentance+ Online Beta v

Sorry for the delay in posting this update(got a little sick, I blame Alex). It was more important to get you the patch than to hold it up with patch notes.

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Berkano locusts could persist when used with Glowing Hourglass
Fixed an issue causing The Stairway, Card Reading, and Isaac’s Tomb to not function properly
Fixed an issue where the Karma trinket could show up in daily runs and challenges if the trinket pool was depleted
Fixed an issue where force quitting a daily run would not reset the win streak counter
Fixed an issue where the restock machine would still double reroll if destroyed via coins instead of bombs

For Modders
Game():RerollEnemy(Entity) no longer crashes
Added Lua enums for Deathmatch and Lil Portal backdrops, NUM_BACKDROPS now works as intended
Level:AddCurse() will now apply the modded curse instead of always applying Curse of the Unknown
EntityPlayer:QueueItem() no longer crashes
ItemPool:RemoveTrinket now properly removes modded trinkets
Setting the challenge mid-run can now properly set to the ID of a modded challenge
log.txt no longer logs an error if all attributes are not provided
Updated the Lua ButtonAction enum to match what's in code
Fixed an issue where wrong kerning value could get applied to a character set

The Binding of Isaac: Repentance+ Beta v1.9.7.9

Hello again!, It's me, Tyrone.

As usual the team has been working on good update for version It's live NOW, you can go play it. But be sure to check out the changelog below. Lots of good improvements for features, balancing and bug fixing--including an annoying one related to online unlocks when someone joins. Oh yes, and input delay adjustment!

As always, Isaac Producer Alex and I are available on X, if you have questions. For bug fixes, please do send details emails to [email protected].

Lastly, if you haven't checked out the Nicalis YouTube channel, we're uploading multiple Isaac-related videos every week, starting with Rebirth items. You may recognize the voice!

Increased the charge of Mega Bean from 4 to 6
Increased the damage multiplier for the Apollyon’s Best Friend trinket
Added the shop to Card Reading’s potential destinations
Restock machines no longer double roll items when destroyed
Fixed an exploit with Abyss and Void where players could get the effect AND the item
Reduced the maximum number of Eden’s Blessing items granted on subsequent runs to 2
Added a map indicator for Lil Portal’s location
Locust trinkets and Purgatory now correctly spawn in challenge rooms, Boss Rush and Greed mode
Rune of Berkano has been reworked to give 3 Abyss locusts for the duration of the room
Removed the wind-up for Mars’ dash and added impact tremors when hitting an enemy or obstacle. The player will now bounce off of enemies when colliding with them during a dash
Updated Abyss with many more synergies and art to differentiate locust types
Added a win streak counter to daily runs
Removed Karma trinket from challenges and daily runs
Added tainted characters to Tuesday daily runs (unless there is a special seed)
Tainted Maggy won’t have her score reduced when taking damage if she is in her bleeding state

Fixed an issue where holding R could prevent pickup text from properly appearing on the next run
Fixed an issue where Gabriel was not spawning angel babies
Fixed an issue where the pill banning system for deathmatch was applied globally
Fixed several graphical issues with boss “vs.” screens
Fixed an issue where destroying Key Beggars and Bomb Beggars did not affect the chances of spawning a Devil Room
Fixed an issue where Found Soul would disappear during the Mother fight
Fixed an issue where Tainted Forgotten would get double the expected health from sleeping in a bed

Fixed an issue where Tainted Isaac could be played in online matches without having him unlocked
Fixed an issue where joining in progress could disable unlocks for all players
Fixed an occasional crash during gameplay while firing tears
Increased the maximum message length in online chat
Added an in-game option to manually adjust input delay in online matches
Completed online runs now take players back to the lobby screen
Reveal and hide password for online matches is now a toggle
Added public and friend lobby system to daily runs
Fixed a desync that could occur in online matches when join-in-progress players entered the Mom's Shadow area
Fixed an issue where players would incorrectly get double the gambling stat in co-op matches when using a Slot Machine or Fortune Machine
Fixed a crash in co-op related to Guppy’s Eye previews
Fixed a variety of bugs, desyncs and crashes caused by Glowing Hourglass
Resolved various crashes and desyncs


The Binding of Isaac: Repentance+ Beta Version Update

And welcome back!

The team has been busy with updates. Hope you like all the improvements and fixes on this latest build. See below for exact patch notes.

As always, message me or Producer Alex on Twitter. See you online!

PSA: new #IsaacOnline build will prompt you to opt-in. we’re collecting crash reports + desync info to fix critical issues more rapidly. Data collection is optional and not required for offline play. Thanks for the help!

Version has the following fixed!

Fixed an issue where players could join in-progress Daily Runs
Fixed multiple issues that caused game crashes in solo and online play
Made additions to "online_logs_” folder to more accurately diagnose desyncs, crashes, and save file issues
Blocked Lil’ Portal from spawning portals in Angel Shop, Secret Shop, Crawlspaces, and Black Markets
Made only one Lil’ Portal create a portal. If the player has more Lil’ Portals they will still grow but remain as offensive familiars
Fixed overlapping HUD issues for Tainted Isaac and Tainted ???
Fixed a bug where Dice Bag wasn't displaying on the HUD
After dying, players in deathmatch can shoot out mini-bombs to hurt other players
Fixed an issue where enemies spawned from friendly sources couldn't be damaged by tears (Dark Bum, Flush, etc.)
Turdlings now react to the Flush! item
Void portal is now guaranteed after defeating Mother if the Mother ending has been seen once by any character
Fixed an issue with More Options and Glowing Hourglass creating alternate treasure room layouts and items
Added "Rumble" to options menu
Password protected lobbies will now display in the Friend Match lobby list
Full Friend Matches will be displayed in the Friend Match lobby list
Popup will now display error when trying to join a Friend Match with mismatched versions
Kicked players can no longer rejoin Friend Match lobbies
Fixed an issue where characters with alternate player types (ex. Lazarus) would not get credit for completion events
Fixed an issue where the HUD for Jacob and Esau could run off screen
Fixed an exploit where Eden's Blessing could be stored when earned in a challenge and deployed on the next standard run
Fixed an issue with Abyss locust damage modifiers resetting if a player quits and resumes
Fixed an issue where Hush spawned from Delirious would kill any boss when it died
Fixed an issue with the Void portal not being accessible after the Mother fight when resuming a run
Fixed a soft-lock with Mega Mush when entering trap door to the Womb
Data collection consent popup now shows up before online play
Fixed issues related to Greed donation machine unlocks
Fixed an issue where Lil Portal wouldn't shoot if you also had GB Bug
Fixed issues where friendly enemies could sometimes hurt the player
Fixed an issue preventing Esau from donating to the Greed donation machine
Fixed issue where Revive machine could overlap the Member's shop in Greed mode
Fixed an issue causing red doors in ultra secret room to remain hidden after being opened with Red Key
Abyss locusts now appear larger or smaller based on their damage multiplier
Fixed various issues causing crashes
Fixed various desyncs related to player opacity
Reworked several unfair or excessively tedious rooms
Increased the minimum distance that Needle enemies can appear from the player
Reduced the overall health of Wizoob and Red Ghost enemies
Reduced the amount of random directional change for stone shockwave attacks
Fixed an issue that could allow online challenges to be started with any character
Fixed an issue with Lil Portal resetting its room contents when going to the Corpse
Fixed an issue where return doors wouldn’t open in online matches with Door Stop or Mercurius
Fixed an Issue where Bumbino attacks could knock coins out of dead or shielded players

Additional Fixes:
Mods now have access to a REPENTANCE_PLUS constant to determine if the mod is running in Repentance+
Player:GetGreedDonationBreakChance no longer crashes if called without any parameters and returns the correct value again
Fixed an issue with Entity:Kill() for subclasses
Fixed an issue with GridEntity:Destroy() for subclasses
Fixed an issue with HUD.ShowItemText staying onscreen forever
Fixed an issue with Calling Isaac.FindInRadius causing the game to crash if no args are provided
Added wrapper for Room:MamaMegaExplosion method to support optional params for mod compatibility
Fixed an issue with Game::Fadein and Game::Fadeout causing a crash
Fixed an issue with Familiars Alpha Value being ignored
Added REPENTANCE global define back
HUD.ShowItemText now has a new parameter (for both versions of the function). if this new value is missing or true then it clears the message stack (legacy functionality). if it's false then they stack up (Rep+ functionality)
Fixed an error with number multiplied by Entity.SizeMulti
Room:DamageGrid() and Room:DestroyGrid() no longer expect an EntityRef
GridEntity:Hurt() no longer epects an EntityRef


Repentance+ #IsaacOnline Patch Notes

Hello! It is me, Tyrone.

By know you've hopefully played Repentance+. If not, go get some friends and play!

If you have, you know that we've been updating the game since beta launch.

For version, here's the changes you can find:

- Fixed an issue where correctly entered passwords were not being accepted
- Fixed an issue where kicked players could rejoin password protected lobbies
- Fixed an issue where ineligible players could enter password protected challenge lobbies
- Completing an online match against The Beast will now properly trigger the deathmatch event
- Fixed exit/Restart prompts persisting into the next run in some cases
- Moved "mods" directory back to its prior location and added first time disclaimer text about mod stability
- Fixed several issues in the modding API
- Fixed an issue where the Greed donation machine was not accepting coins
- Made adjustments to various proc chances for Abyss locusts
- Made Hive Mind increase damage of Abyss locusts
- Fixed an issue that caused colors to be much more muted in Repentance+ vs. Repentance
- Fixed an issue where debug console wasn't working in practice dailies
- Fixed an issue preventing mouse input from working in online matches
- Made Repentance+ daily seeds different than Repentance ones
- Fixed an issue preventing glitched active items from applying their effects
- Glitched active items will now always start fully charged
- Added guaranteed Void portal after the Mother fight (as long as the character has beaten Mother previously)
- Fixed issues with Mother boss intro animation
- Fixed an issue with Schoolbag not displaying second active item in HUD
- Fixed an issue where password lobbies could fail to be found
- Fixed an issue where kicking a player from a lobby would prevent other players from joining
- Fixed an issue with the game not correctly filtering lobbies when using Tag filters
- Improved search results when looking for public lobbies with custom filters
- Improved search results when looking for an Online Daily Run lobby
- Fixed an issue with special seeds not working for online matches
- Fixed an issue with achievement unlocks in special seeds that don't allow unlock progress
- In online runs, Wavy Cap only applies shader effect to the player that used it
- Fixed an issue where Wavy Cap shader effect could bleed over into the start of deathmatch
- Adjusted weight of deathmatch variants
- Fixed an issue where the restart button combo could be activated on any controller that was connected
- Fixed an issue where typing 'R' in online text chat would show the restart emote
- Mother's hole no longer takes 5 seconds to open in online co-op
- Fixed sizing and duration on Lil' Spewer pee creep
- Lowered Poke Go proc chance back to 20%
- Made Lil' Portal's follow priority higher so it will stay closer to the front of the familiar line
- Made Dead Bird stay active for players who have no red heart containers after they take damage
- Made Dead Bird reset between floors. If the player's health meets the parameters, Dead Bird will remain active for the floor
- Decreased the timer in deathmatch to 90 seconds
- Reduced overall health in deathmatch by 20%

As always, we appreciate the time you're putting into the game and any bug/bug reports you can send our way. Also, check out these cute tiny little Isaac/Guppy plushes.

See you online, xoxo.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth gets online co-op in the latest update with Repentance+

Available in Beta for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, is the new The Binding of Isaac: Repentance+ update that brings online co-op.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/11/the-binding-of-isaac-rebirth-gets-online-co-op-in-the-latest-update-with-repentance-