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  3. Forensic Friday 76: Finalised Combat

Forensic Friday 76: Finalised Combat

Originally posted by Friday

In this update, we've made significant progress across various aspects of the game. We’ve finalized all the gameplay stories, bringing the game much closer to a fully playable state. Our research system has been revamped to focus more on anomalies, adding more depth with different research types. Researchers will now give unique suggestions based on their experience, making each playthrough feel fresh.

We've also given offices a functional purpose, where NPCs like researchers and doctors can carry out tasks such as writing reports and conducting research. We’ve added new lab objects like particle accelerators and gene sequencers to enhance research specialization and gameplay.

Beyond that, we’ve tackled several small improvements, such as fixing bed sprite issues and implementing a career menu for NPCs. NPC productivity is now influenced by their surroundings, and we’ve added security levels to respond to containment breaches, with lights turning red during emergencies to heighten the atmosphere.

Our fire system has been overhauled, making fire spread more realistically, heating up tiles and igniting objects nearby. NPCs now react more intelligently to fires. Combat mechanics were also redesigned, improving both group and small-scale fights. New weapons have been added, including gas-powered SMGs, sniper rifles, and pistols. While large-scale battles are promising, balancing survivability is still a work in progress.

On the technical side, we developed a custom 3D line algorithm to solve issues with bullets passing through walls. This new algorithm makes projectile interactions more accurate. We’ve also polished visual and sound effects for ordnance, adding more immersion to combat. The OSTF, our security faction, now has custom outfits with gas masks and vests, which will be crucial once gas mechanics are reintroduced.

We’re excited to announce that the game is now fully savable and loadable, a major milestone that took 50 hours of intense coding to achieve. The construction system has also been revamped, allowing objects to require multiple resources, which balances the economy and enriches gameplay.

We’ve added over 50 new dynamic storyteller events, ranging from sinkholes to staff strikes and research breakthroughs, all designed to add complexity and surprise to the game. Finally, we’ve implemented three game over conditions: nuclear failure, employee deaths, and bankruptcy, increasing the stakes for players!

Exciting stuff!
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