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  3. Forensic Friday 73: Containcorp is Feature Complete-ish

Forensic Friday 73: Containcorp is Feature Complete-ish

Originally posted by Friday

Hey Readers!

It’s been a while, and there’s a lot to share. The big news is that Containcorp is now feature complete (ish)! We’re shifting focus from adding features to polishing what we have. There are still some micro-features and major system redesigns to tackle, plus a bunch of bugs and game design tweaks.

Research Redesign
I’ve revamped the research and experimentation system. Previously, it was pretty bland, just placing desks and watching menus. Now, researchers create Experimental Data Logs and turn them into reports and research papers, which are archived for inspiration and future use. This should make research more interactive and engaging.

Region Extensions
I’ve improved the system for placing regions, making it easier and more intuitive to set up containment cells for experiments.

New Staff Roles
We’ve added Paramedics and Janitors. Paramedics handle light injuries and transport unconscious NPCs, while Janitors clean and repair. We also optimized the grime system for better performance.

Needs Menu
We’ve introduced a Needs menu to track staff needs, similar to Prison Architect but with some unique features.

Anomaly: S-0033
Our first anomaly, the Propulsive Brick, is half-implemented. It’s a dangerous brick that causes harm if not constantly observed. Implementing this anomaly is also helping us develop an anomaly behavior framework, which we’ll discuss more in the future.

Storyteller Events and Main Characters
Storyteller events are now easier to define and mod, and we’re adding main characters to anchor the story. These characters will be central to the narrative, providing a clearer focus for the player.

Development Update
We’re now in the polishing phase and fixing earlier design issues. The game’s roadmap has shifted to emphasize game design and polishing, with public playtesting on the horizon. Despite some delays, we’re ahead of schedule and aiming for a December release.
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