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Roboom News

Last Step Before Co-op: The Kaizen Update

[h3]Greetings, all Visicons![/h3]

In this update, there are many additions and improvements to many areas of Roboom. Let's dive right in!

[h2] Here's a summary of everything new in Roboom (Version 0.4.11):[/h2]


  • Sentinels & Sentinel Fin[/h3]

    Roaming within the walls of Oblivion's Nest, Sentinels will notice you if you stay around the walls for too long -- But if you decide to take them on, they will drop the special item of Sentinel Fins, and its respective powerup will allow you to dash!

  • New Weapons[/h3]
    Temurgen and Oneness of Heart are brand new weapons that you can get from Weapon Boxes.

    While Temurgen can deal massive amounts by covering enemies with arrows, Oneness of Heart will boost the damage of your adopted Warrior and Infohunter Baby Drones!

  • New Items & Powerup Ascensions[/h3]

    In addition to the Sentinel Fins, you will find other new items dropped by Oblicons.

    - Urumday, dropped by Sammlers, protects you against Sammler poison.
    - Singularity, dropped by Manipuloid, will create vortices around your Robo Bombs
    - Egg of The Smelter, dropped by Agents, will give you a game-changing upgrade for Radiation Field

    After picking up the item, all related powerups are optional. And if you want to increase your chances of getting either Singularity or Egg, upgrading the respective powerup will increase your chances a ton!


[h3]Robo Bomb & Radiaton Field[/h3]

Robo Bomb and Radiation Field now have cooler upgrade paths!

[h3]Manipuloid Fight[/h3]

Manipuloid now have new attacks in his fight! Manipuloid will recover slow amounts of HP when doing his manipulation waves. He may sometimes also summon a Zealoid or create a gravity field to pull you in, which of course he might drop in the form of the Singularity pickup.

[h3]Puppet Master[/h3]

Puppet Master now does collides with Ghosts only. Acquiring the 2. level of the Roboost will allow you the upgrade this ability, with more damage and creation of puppets from Agents.

Vision Carrier Roboost now creates the Azuroids correctly
Fixed Baby Educators trying to educate temporary Baby Drones during a run.

The next stop in Roboom's journey is going to be the new Co-op, along with a squad system and an awesome contest! If you have any feedback or suggestions, always feel free to share!

[h4] For Our Vision, Never Give Up![/h4]

Time for Your Style: The Individuation Update

[h3]Greetings, all Visicons![/h3]

As moving forward on Roboom's roadmap, this update brings features that would enable everyone to stylize their Robo and show to the world as they wish!

[h2] Here's a summary of everything new in Roboom (Version 0.4.9):[/h2]


  • Robo Personalization[/h3]

    You can now change the color of your Robo, and you can wear new hats and glasses!

  • New Leaderboard Profiles[/h3]

    You can now add social links like YouTube and Twitch, and add a custom bio in your leaderboard profiles! Your personalized Robo will also appear here too!

Next up, new gameplay improvements on the way, from powerups to roboosts and much more, as well as foundations for the upcoming co-op! [h4] For Our Vision, Never Give Up![/h4]

Upcoming Co-op, Roboom's Roadmap & Bug Fixes

[h3]Greetings, all Visicons![/h3]

Firstly, this update is a small update fixing various bugs. What is more important and exciting is Roboom's roadmap for the coming couple of months! Co-op is indeed planned to arrive at the start of November and many features are coming to lay the foundations for the co-op.

[h2]Patch Notes for v0.4.8.4[/h2]

[h3]猡达笍Improvements: [/h3]
  • Manipuloid health increased by 50% to a more reasonable level. If Seraphos appears at level 20, he will also have this health.

  • Further performance improvements
  • Fixed player drifting on when talking to Visicons in HUB
  • Fixed DualSense and DualSchock controllers, as well as Steam Input sometimes not working
  • Fixed game soft-locking when pausing during the first Beacon of Qut event
  • Fixed a possible bug when pausing game during weapon selection
  • Fixed enemy healthbars remaining on screen when player is defeated
  • Fixed Roboomerang exiting out of arena
  • Fixed audio stereo for various sounds in the game
  • Fixed leaderboard screen for Ultrawide and other screen resolutions

If you have any suggestions for co-op or any other features, feel free to share!

For Our Vision, Never Give Up!

Your Next-Generation Companions: The Baby Drone Update

[h3]Greetings, all Visicons![/h3]

Continuing on expanding the foundations of Roboom, this update brings color and life to the previous Baby Drone powerup. Baby Drones are now much more than that: You can adopt and raise them in the battle against Oblivion!

[h2] Here's a summary of everything new in Roboom (Version 0.4.8):[/h2]


  • New Baby Drones[/h3]

    Choose a Baby Drone from 5 different Visicon classes! All with different abilities, from healing to slash&dashing and more, assemble a cast of companions who will make you much more powerful against the forces of Oblivion!

    You can change the order in which they will appear according to your strategy:

  • Baby Drone Adoption and Leveling[/h3]
    To adopt a Baby Drone, you will need an Educator License. Feel free to talk to Minister Alumai for all the information!

    Your Baby Drones will gain experience throughout runs, and you can level them up to become stronger once they have enough experience:

  • Baby Drone Achievement[/h3]


  • Pre-Release Leaderboard as an Option[/h3]

    Many players have earned incredibly high scores since the change of the score system to an oblitropy-based maximum score from endless-runs, and the leaderboard now displays these scores as the default alltime scores. And of course, the previous scores achieved by players before the changes are visible when the "Show Pre-Release Scores" option is toggled.

  • New Powerup Icon for Baby Drones[/h3]
    The description will also show the name of your Baby Drones!

  • Baby Drones now follow you faster, remaining within your field of sight.
  • Players who have adopted Baby Drones will see the powerup much more frequently when they can get it.

  • General performance improvements, especially regarding post level 30 enemies.
  • Fixed some letters to render better as they should be in the leaderboard.

In addition to all these, many things are on the way, first and foremost Co-op, expansions to many powerups, and the Twitch Extension!

[h4]As again with this update, Robocon Universe is expanding day by day! For Our Vision, Never Give Up![/h4]

馃悹Can a fish make you rich?

[h3]Greetings, all Visicons![/h3]
Here is Roboom's first content update after the Early Access release! It was a great launch, and we are thankful to every single Roboom player.

As for the update: We are introducing a new enemy Robocon who is shy, and rarely shows themselves. But there is a special, rare reward for defeating them! Along with this, HUB now has a new area!

[h2] Here's a summary of everything new in Roboom:[/h2]


  • Nishiki[/h3]

    Now, throughout your runs, you will see Nishiki, who spawn quite rarely! While beautiful, they are shy creatures too, running away immediately after attacking you.

  • Mi Nishiki[/h3]
    If you defeat a Nishiki, you will get the chance to adopt a baby Nishiki, a Mi Nishiki, as your pet fish of fortune!

    Mi Nishiki will collect Robonium for you and sometimes will even collect in double, earning you much more Robonium!


  • New Warrior Area[/h3]

    Now, like Otachis and Info-Hunters, Warriors have their own area too! Roboosts have been moved to this area, which will be unveiling more and more of the Warriors! Feel free to boot up and dive into the Warrior Computer!

[h4]Robocon Universe is expanding day by day! Much more is coming to this journey, and remember: For Our Vision, Never Give Up![/h4]