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  3. The Gods of The Deadly Path - Part 1

The Gods of The Deadly Path - Part 1

Greetings, Penitents!

The gods are a truly charming bunch, aren’t they? Nothing quite like a pantheon composed of a walking biohazard, an overworked blacksmith of destruction, an existentially hungry void, and a giant corpse-eating fly to really set the mood.
If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to serve deities that range from “mildly concerning” to “outright catastrophic,” then you’re in luck. Today, we’re taking a closer look at some of the delightful patrons you’ll be grovelling before in The Deadly Path.

Roiann, The Blightcaster

He from whom all manner of pestilence is borne - like a particularly unsanitary delivery service. Toil diligently, for The Blightcaster is as likely to spare you as he is to take up knitting. A hideous amalgamation of cadaver and rodent (both of whom are clearly regretting the merger), his skin pulsates with vile contagion, as if auditioning for the role of “most horrifying biology experiment gone wrong.” Woe betide all who encounter the Lord of Disease, not least because he’s a very inconsiderate dinner guest.

The One Who Rusts

A vicious deity of inconceivable strength, she toils ceaselessly at the corrosive forges of fortune. Her dreadborn hammer and tools produce only ruin, though one suspects her real talent lies in somehow making every project look like it was designed by a particularly ill-tempered architect on a bad day. If you believe in craftsmanship, she believes in its inevitable decay.

The Maw

A vile contradiction made flesh - or possibly something less appetizing. An incessant famine personified, it is intent on devouring all but the fabric of reality, leaving nothing but an awkward silence where existence used to be. The choice is simple: evolve its domain or become the main course. Either way, The Maw dines tonight.


A repugnant deity whose grandmotherly form is merely an unsettling disguise for a grotesque, bloated Bluebottle. Winged, deadly, and thoroughly unpleasant at tea parties, she spreads fear and panic wherever she goes, feasting on filth and hunting for fresh corpses like some sort of highly motivated waste management system. Pray you never catch her attention - she will follow you home.

These are but a few of the divine horrors that lurk in The Deadly Path. Each god has their own strengths, demands, and questionable personal hygiene habits. Who will you serve? Who will you defy? And more importantly... how long will you last?

[h2]The Deadly Path is coming soon![/h2]
Right then, Penitents - mark your calendars, set your alarms, and maybe carve the date into a particularly ominous-looking slab of stone. The Deadly Path is launching on March 25th, which means you’ve only got a few weeks left to mentally prepare for the horrors that await. Want to be the first to suffer? Wishlist now, and Steam will kindly notify you the moment it’s available - like a concerned friend reminding you of an appointment you’re definitely not ready for.


[h2]Join the Community[/h2]
The gods delight in watching your struggles - so why not share them with others? Join our Discord to discuss strategies, trade suffering stories, and maybe even earn their favor (unlikely, but we can pretend).

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Until next time, Penitents. May your offerings be plentiful and your suffering just enough to amuse the gods.