2. News


Welcome to Talandre Giveaway

Continue your quest now with the Welcome to Talandre Giveaway. This limited time special pack contains free fully upgraded Rare-quality Tier 2 gear. Tune into participating Creators on Twitch for a chance to receive a code containing your new favorite gear set. Codes will be available while supplies last.
  • One Weapon Selection Chest from the Resistance Vanguard Set (choose 2 weapons)
  • One of the following armor selection chests. There are options for all players, whether you prefer Tanking, DPS, or Healing.
  • Holy Truth increases Cooldown Speed, Swamp Assassin improves Attack Speed, and Plateau Watcher reduces damage taken.
  • All items are +9 level with pre-selected traits.
  • This powerful gear can be equipped at any level and will make the Wilds of Talandre content far more accessible for new and returning players.
  • Please note all gear is character-bound (non-tradeable), cannot be transferred into other gear, cannot be dissolved, and cannot be sold to merchants.

Watch any of the following Creators live on Twitch for a chance to receive a code and then follow the redemption instructions below.
  • summit1g
  • Naguura
  • KingGothalion
  • hens333
  • Shobek
  • kristoferyee
  • Nezba
  • Savix
  • Ziqoftw
  • JokerdTV
  • realkraftyy
  • Dorki
  • Moxsy
  • Silvervale
  • Poopernoodle
  • xaryu
  • Venruki
  • Graycen
  • towelliee
  • Dhalucard
  • MckyTV
  • Shlorox
  • Torro
  • Entenburg
  • Jessirocks
  • Kimuh
  • asleyia
  • sarahtoninx9
  • honeypuu
  • xthesolutiontv
  • jennyan
  • KDRkitten

[h3]Code Redemption Instructions[/h3]

Once you have your coupon code, follow these steps to redeem it in-game:
  • Launch THRONE AND LIBERTY and progress to the Title Screen.
  • Either select an existing character or create a new one.
  • Complete the tutorial and progress to Kastleton to unlock the Coupon feature.
  • Open the Main Menu and select the Coupon button from the right-most pane.
  • Enter the coupon code received, then press the Use button.
  • The relevant rewards will automatically become available on the character once the coupon is claimed.
Limited supply of packs. Codes only redeemable while packs last.

For more information on all things Wilds of Talandre, check out our release page. Thanks for your support and we’ll see you in Solisium!

Battle Pass: Dawn Traveler's Star

Continue your adventures throughout Talandre in style. This new Battle Pass features the Dawn Traveler Outfit, Conspicuous Yeddy Amitoi, Bonsai Dracoryft morph, Big Yikes Pose, and more. Want even more unique rewards for completing seasonal challenges? The Battle Pass is an optional seasonal purchase that can turn your accomplishments into new cosmetics, crafting materials, items, and various in-game currency. Each Battle Pass features a free track and a premium track that can be unlocked with Lucent. Look forward to new spoils every season.

Learn more about the Dawn Traveler’s Star rewards below and then explore answers to your most common questions.


The Dawn Traveler's Star Battle Pass is available now through April 10, 2 p.m. PT. There are desirable rewards at every level, but the most ambitious adventurers will strive to achieve max level (level 50) for the following loot:
  • Level 1 (Premium Track): Bonsai Dracoryft Morph
  • Level 10 (Premium Track): Big Yikes Pose
  • Level 20 (Free Track): Baazul Polymorph
  • Level 31 (Premium Track): Conspicuous Yeddy Amitoi
  • Level 45 (Free Track): Dawn Traveler Headpiece
  • Level 50 (Premium Track): Dawn Traveler Outfit

Don’t forget to use your Star Crystals for valuable items in Dawn Traveler's Star Point Shop. As you progress your Battle Pass, you’ll earn Star Crystals as free rewards at levels 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35, and 45. Additional Battle Pass experience upon reaching level 50 will be converted into Star Crystals. Be advised, at the end of the Battle Pass season, your Star Crystals will turn into Quality Recovery Crystals.

Here are some of the featured items from the Dawn Traveler's Star Point Shop:
  • Rare Rune Category Selection Chest
  • Precious Processed Gem Selection Chest
  • Trait Extraction and Conversion Stones
  • Nebula Charge Stones
  • Rare Artifact Chance Chests
  • Weapon Mastery Experience
  • Skill Conversion Books
  • Trait Unlock Stones
  • Precious Parchment
  • and more!

Want to learn more about how the Battle Pass works? Check out our FAQ.

Thanks for your support and we’ll see you in Solisium!


THRONE AND LIBERTY Update 2.1.0 downtime will begin at 10:30PM PT (5:30AM UTC) on March 12 and last approximately 7.5 hours. It includes Nebula Island, Artifacts, new solo dungeon bosses, and new 3-Star Dungeons. Find the full list of changes listed below, plus a guide on our new features from GrobsXO.

[h3]New Activity: Nebula Island[/h3]
“For me, one of the biggest highlights of Talandre is Nebula Island and the Artifact System,” GrobsXO said. ”If you’re into PvP and love tweaking your character’s build, you're going to love these updates.”

Nebula Island is a new interserver activity accessible to level 55 players through the Secret Dungeons' Lawless Wilds tab. Players can spend up to 5 hours per week there, with additional time available through Nebula Charge Stones.

The island consists of a central village and six distinct regions, including one peaceful zone and four war zones where PvP is always enabled. Players can access various hunting grounds through portals in the central village and collect Lesser and Greater Nebula Stones to exchange for items. The island features hourly events and periodic field boss battles with limited participation capacity. A new exclusive accessory system called Artifacts has also been introduced specifically for Nebula Island content.

[h3]New System: Artifacts[/h3]

Redefine your playstyle through unique skills with Artifact item sets. Artifacts can be obtained from Nebula island and Abyss Dungeons in Talandre.

The system consists of six parts: four Talistones, a Solarstone, and a Lunarstone, each with unique stats and effects. There are 14 different Artifact sets across three grades (2 Common, 4 Uncommon, and 8 Rare), with some stats being randomly determined upon acquisition. Players can trigger set bonuses by equipping 2, 4, or 6 matching pieces from the same set. The Solarstone provides an Active Skill while the Lunarstone grants a Passive Skill when equipped.

[h3]New Solo Dungeon Bosses[/h3]

Conquer new solo dungeon bosses like Umbrakan and Lionhead for unique rewards on your way to the throne.


The ferocity of a beast, the intelligence of a human, and the vitality of a great tree. This grotesque being hid in the forest to eat small animals and insects for nutrients. However, after absorbing the mana from a human wizard, it began hunting humans. Now it casts illusions to slaughter intruders.


The Arkeum subjected Demian, a child born between a demon and a human, to intense training, including mana infusions from the Abyssal Meteor. Demian achieved remarkable feats on the battlefield. However, upon seeing blood he caused excessive slaughter. His steel lion helmet became a symbol of death and terror.

[h2]New 3-Star Dungeons[/h2]
[h3]Doomrot Grove[/h3]

Norn Bercant was kidnapped by the Crimson family and turned into a ferocious, mutated creature. With a power as immense as her deep grudge, she created Doomrot Grove, a secluded garden cut off from the outside world.

[h3]Twisted Laboratory[/h3]

Bioweapons leaked out of the Crimson family’s lab and killed most people in the manor. The mystery of Kaiser Crimson’s survival remains. Those who discovered the truth have taken it to their grave.

[h3]Vanguards - Multi-Party (Raid) System[/h3]
We now support raids (multi-party groups) of up to 8 parties and 48 players.
  • Vanguards can be created through the Party Management window.
  • The player who first forms the raid becomes the initial Vanguard Leader, and can transfer the role later.
  • Vanguard Leaders can adjust party composition or remove members from the vanguard.
  • Vanguard Leaders may also set join conditions such as 'Guild Members Only','Allied Guilds Only', or open-entry.
  • Various content can be completed while in Vanguards with some exceptions.
  • You cannot join party-based instances such as Dungeons or Dimensional Trials while in a vanguard.
  • Field Boss instances are also unavailable for entry as a vanguard.
  • If a player enters a Dominion event they will be removed from the vanguard.
  • Entering Siege or Tax Delivery events as a vanguard will remove all members not in the Vanguard Leader's guild from the parties.

[h3]Nameplate Targeting Enhancements[/h3]
  • New targeting features have been added to Settings > Gameplay > Character > Large Scale Combat Mode.
  • When Large Scale Combat Mode is activated, an effect is added that emphasizes the target's nameplate more.
  • Additional options are available in this new setting menu to customize your targeting experience:
  • Character nameplate transparency
  • Non-target character nameplate transparency
  • Target color adjustments
  • An additional new option has been added to Settings > Gameplay > UI > HUD to adjust the size of the vertical target indicator line that appears on the nameplate of targeted characters.

[h3]Dimensional Trial Season 1 Rewards[/h3]
  • Ranking rewards from Dimensional Trial Season 1 will be distributed after this maintenance, to characters who had eligible scores prior to Server Consolidation. Check your mail to receive these!

[h3]Field Bosses[/h3]
  • All Talandre field bosses will have their health nerfed by 30% to account for those struggling to kill them in guild vs guild and dominion events. This is a temporary measure and a permanent feature will arrive in a future update.
  • Reduced wait time at the start of Field Bosses: Party formation portals will continue to remain open for 5 minutes, while the Boss preparation time after parties have entered the instance has been reduced to 1 minute, down from 5 minutes.
  • Field Boss: Daigon: The boss will now reset properly when the last player dies during his leap phase.
  • Field Boss: Fixed an issue that caused allied players to appear as targetable during Dominion or Peace Field Boss events.

  • Battle Pass: Fixed an issue where the "Craft 3 Uncommon or higher equipment items" mission would not complete after 3 successful crafts.
  • Battle Pass: Abundance Fruit and Weapon Mastery Book items now have a 30 minute effect duration when consumed.
  • Unfortunately, Golem shapeshifts acquired while on the quest 'When the Day Comes' will now have to remain in the quest area and may not go on adventures to boss fights or other world locations.
  • PvP: Adjusted the Fonsine's Blessing timers for respawn locations used during Siege and Tax Delivery.
  • Cooking: Fixed several instances of incorrect utility buff icons on craftable food items.
  • The opening Talandre cutscene now only plays automatically once when entering the game after the Talandre update.
  • Black Anvil Forge: Fixed an issue that caused team colors to not display when re-entering the Dominion event in Black Anvil Forge.
  • Console: Fixed several issues related to automatic party matchmaking for Dominion bosses on consoles.

  • Fixed an issue that caused healing reduction effects between Meteor and Focused Fire Bombs to stack to excessive values.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the following combat abilities from firing successfully when using the auto-move to target settings. Affected abilities:
  • Greatsword: Devastating Smash, Guillotine Blade
  • Dagger: Inject Venom (Secondary Ability), Frenzied Sword Dance
  • Spear: Death From Above
  • Bow: Zephyr's Knock, Ensnaring Arrow, Strafing, Deadly Marker
  • Crossbows: Quick Fire, Recoil Shot, Weak Point Shot
  • Wand: Cursed Nightmare, Time for Punishment, Ray of Disaster

[h3]Hall of Illusion[/h3]
  • Fixed an issue that caused enemies to continue to spawn after the completion painting appeared.
  • Adjusted a water height that caused players to drop out of swim morph in the Waterways section of Hall of Illusion.

  • Fixed multiple mismatches between English voiceover and in-game subtitles in the Talandre Adventure Codex. Additional subtitle polishing will continue to address remaining mismatch issues in future updates.
  • Updated Weapon Mastery description tooltips across multiple skills to better reflect their functional behavior.

  • Party Window: Fixed the display of the controller version of the party menu that showed all members with the Party Leader icon.
  • Field Bosses: Updated text to fix Korean strings being displayed on Field Boss reward UI.
  • Ring Menu: No longer displays unacquired Emotes or Morphs when customizing the ring menu.
  • Characters below level 55 should no longer be able to access the Hall of Illusion UI when using a controller.
  • Players will no longer be blocked from leaving the Lithograph menu when using a controller.

Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Solisium.

THRONE AND LIBERTY: Wilds of Talandre + Alienware Arena

We’re partnered with Alienware Arena to celebrate Wilds of Talandre through Ornate Coin and Leveling Pass giveaways.

To participate, join Alienware Arena, link your Steam account and simply play THRONE AND LIBERTY. As you play, you’ll receive Arena Rewards Points. Once the community surpasses 50,000 cumulative hours, Alienware Arena will release 10,000 codes for 300 Ornate Coins (limit 1 per account). Members will also be able to redeem their Arena Reward Points for one of 500 Leveling Passes (level 51-55) at the Alienware Vault.

When we launched THRONE AND LIBERTY in October 2024, Alienware Arena members played 40,000 cumulative hours in only 8 days. Let's see if we can beat that record with Wilds of Talandre. Visit Alienware Arena to learn more. Terms and conditions apply.

Thanks for your support and we’ll see you in Solisium!

Wisdom for the Wilds of Talandre

Now is the perfect time to play THRONE AND LIBERTY, especially if you’re new to the game. Quality of life improvements, updates, and the free Wilds of Talandre expansion continue to help Solisium evolve into an even more enjoyable experience. Many of these changes were a direct result of player feedback. Whether you prefer PvP modes, lifestyle activities, the camaraderie of guilds, or something in-between, there’s something for everyone.

Join godspeed and Tico for an overview of the new zone, features, and systems, followed by guides featuring Twitch Creators KanonXO, Grenton, and Wakayashi before you set out on your next quest.

[h3]What is Wilds of Talandre?[/h3]
[h3]KanonXO - Overview[/h3]
“If you're a new player or someone who is thinking about returning to the game to check out the expansion, now would be the best time to do so,“ KanonXO says. ”Tier 2 means there is essentially a reset in gear, so even if you don’t have maxed out Tier 1 gear, that’s okay because everyone needs to farm new Tier 2 pieces and build it up from scratch again anyway. They’re also releasing new T2 blue gear, which is going to be on par with T1 purple, only with less traits that can be attached to them that should also aid in catching up.“

[h3]Grenton - Revamped Weapon Mastery[/h3]
“We finally have a way to put our unique play styles and flair into the weapon combination we pick,” Grenton says. “Do you want to be a TRUE tank and give up a lot of offensive capabilities to just be able to tank a ton of damage? Yeah, you can do that! Want to finally fully submerge yourself into the damage over time playstyle of wand and forgo the healing side of it almost completely? Yup, you guessed it you can do that too.”

[h3]Wakayashi - Returning Players[/h3]
Completed the main story, claimed the throne, or previously felt satisfied with your journey? Wakayashi has you covered. Returning players can look forward to level progression updates, new, diverse events, unexplored field dungeons, and ferocious new field bosses, plus a few surprises.

Note: This video is in German, but can be viewed with subtitles.

[h3]Featured Creators[/h3]
Make sure to follow our featured Creators on Twitch for more guides, live high-level THRONE AND LIBERTY gameplay, and other original content.

Let us know your thoughts on starting or continuing your adventure. For more information on all things Talandre, check out our release page. Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Solisium.