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Asteroids ++ News

Asteroids ++ 1.2.8b

The game is now playable on https://infi.land FOR FREE
Check out the games tab and click on Asteroids ++

[h2]7 new Achievements![/h2]
Infiland Fan Club
  • Create or login to your Infiland account, join the community!
  • (There will be a way to connect your Infiland account with Asteroids ++ to get exclusive rewards and a brand new free campaign in the future)
sudo apt discover
  • There are secrets in these computers...
  • Begin your addiction by merging two of the same weapons for the first time!
Music Kit Collector
  • Have and collect 10 music kits in your Steam Inventory
Weekly Planet Collector
  • Have and collect 20 weekly planets in your Steam Inventory
Asteroid Collector
  • Have and collect 20 asteroids in your Steam Inventory
Weapon Collector
  • Have and collect 10 weapon items in your Steam Inventory

  • Improved performance in main menu where it tried to load steam inventory items
  • Fixed the font issue for first time players
  • Fixed issues with languages causing '\n' to be everywhere
  • Fix tutorial with spawning asteroids in the middle of the screen

  • You can translate the game on https://github.com/Infiland/AsteroidsPLUSPLUS_Languages
  • Fork this repository, make changes and make a pull request for changes
  • You can add brand new language and fix existing ones! I want to translate the game to the entire world!
  • Documentation will be made in the upcoming days

Asteroids ++ 1.2.8a - Added Serbian Cyrillic

  • Added serbian cyrillic (thanks rammba!)
  • As well, serbian latin was also improved (thanks rammba!)
  • Credits updated, crediting all translators involved in the translations:
    German Translators: devcey
    French Translators: Sanslesquellete
    Italian Translators: Huevo Lumaca
    Spanish Translators: novex
    Serbian Translators: Infiland, rammba
    Ukrainian Translators: Kamepin UA
    Russian Translators: MYSTICAL CREATOR
    Macedonian Translators: Crimson
    Czech Translators: Frsik

    All of the translators got a recruitment name

[h3]Gift Balance changes:[/h3]
- When spawning money, no matter what setting, the cash will spawn across the map instead of always being given to the player.

Asteroids ++ 1.2.8

  • Added translations to the game! Finally! Translations for this game were worked on for quite some time, there still needs more work to be done but for the most part it looks good enough.
  • Added the following translations: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Serbian (Latin, Cyrillic will be added later), Russian, Macedonian, Ukrainian
  • Due to translations, I had to change the font throughout the entire game, because the old font didn't use unicode, please tell me what you think of the new font.
  • Translators will be thanked in a future update (1.2.8a presumably)
  • Sometimes the text can go outside of buttons (seen in the picture), but that will be fixed in future updates
  • New languages will be added later, I am still seeking translators so please join here

  • Black Hole cannot pull the final boss anymore (thanks MYSTICAL CREATOR)
  • Fixed pitch going under 0.00x in Sound Test (thanks MYSTICAL CREATOR)
  • Fixed pitch going over 4.00x in Sound Test (thanks MYSTICAL CREATOR)

[h3]Balance Changes:[/h3]

Space Gifts
  • Money weight increased from 40 > 50
  • Money gained from collecting a gift changed from 2 - 4 per level to 1 - 4 per level
  • Spawning additional gifts weight decreased from 5 > 1
  • Spawning additional gifts effect only spawns 1 copy instead of 2
  • Gift spawning did not change and still depend on spaceship level and wave
  • Nuke weight decreased from 4 > 1
  • Black hole weight decreased from 4 > 1
  • Weapon, Utility and Ability level up weight decreased from 10 > 5
  • Rockets weight decreased from 20 > 10
  • Rockpods weight stays the same (10)
  • Ability Power weight increases from 40 > 50
  • Health boost weight increases from 30 > 50
  • Everything else is the same (golden asteroids, recruitment and bouncy orbs spawns)

  • Laser now has a dropoff. Damage on the laser decreases the further the targeted asteroid is (decreases by 25% on furthest distance)

I think with these additions and changes it is very fair to say to support me through DLCs or getting a donation gift. The game is free, and without these donations the development will drastically slow down. Thank you.

5 DLC Releases!

I'm releasing 5 DLCs to the game, which contains 4X more content than the base game!

These DLCs are:

  • Instant unlock! No download required!
  • You no longer have to own steam inventory items (certain planets) to play these campaigns when you get a certain DLCs! If you own a DLC of a campaign, you can keep it to yourself forever!
  • All of these are now under 10% off sale up to 24th February (except Pluto which is up to 20th).
  • Every DLC gives you a 'gift' in your inventory, which contains credits and multiplier EXP boosts, even if you have beaten the campaigns previously, this is a bonus!
  • Support the developer!

All of these DLCs are also under a Campaign Pack bundle, 12 euros, and now on sale for 10% which brings it down to 10.79e

The Pluto Campaign features a planet Pluto and it's moon Charon! Beat those very difficult sectors and beat the boss in the end! Master this campaign and earn campaign stars!

  • Pluto: 2x2 planet
  • Charon 1x1 celestial body (with a final boss)
  • Earn a campaign gift from this DLC! (1000 credits, two 2X Multiplier)

The Proxima Centauri Campaign features the Proxima Centauri Star System! Beat those very difficult sectors and beat the boss in the end! Master this campaign and earn campaign stars!

  • Proxima Centauri A: 2x2 star
  • Proxima Centauri B: 2x2 planet
  • Proxima Centauri C: 2x2 planet
  • Proxima Centauri D: 2x2 planet (with a mothership boss)
  • Earn a campaign gift from this DLC! (5000 credits, two 4X Multiplier)

The Sun Campaign features the Sun! The Sun is huge, so take multi sector conquering to your advantage! Master this campaign and earn campaign stars!

  • Sun: 6x6 star
  • Earn a campaign gift from this DLC! (1500 credits)

The Red Moons Campaign features the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos! Can you beat all of the red asteroids? Master this campaign and earn campaign stars!

  • Phobos: 3x3 moons
  • Deimos: 2x2 moons
  • Earn a campaign gift from this DLC! (4000 credits, three 2X Multiplier)

The Kepler-90 Campaign features the Kepler-90 solar system! This campaign features 8 planets, it is as long as the main campaign and has new content! Master this campaign and earn campaign stars!

  • Kepler-90b: 2x2 planet
  • Kepler-90c: 2x2 planet
  • Kepler-90i: 3x3 planet (with a triplet boss black variant)
  • Kepler-90d: 3x3 planet
  • Kepler-90e: 4x4 planet
  • Kepler-90f: 3x3 planet
  • Kepler-90g: 4x4 planet
  • Kepler-90h: 5x5 planet
  • Earn a campaign gift from this DLC! (10000 credits, twenty-five 4X Multiplier)

I hope that you enjoy these campaigns! More of them are coming in the upcoming 1.3.0 release with brand new never seen before content! So be on the lookout!

If you want to support the developer further, purchase the donation gift.

Asteroids ++ 1.2.7b (Patch 1)

Fixed startup crash (thanks ItsChugg)