1. Museum No.9
  2. News

Museum No.9 News


Three new cultural relics have been added. They can be claimed through the reputation interface.


Fixed the bug in the automatic explanation feature.


Fixed lag caused by too many tourist routes.
Fixed a bug where some archive achievements could not be completed.
Fixed a cloud save bug.
Fixed incorrect display in the monster guide.

Optimized the storyline text in the Longshan Culture Black Pottery Goblet.
Improved some English translations.


Fixed the bug of the display of the acquisition channels for decorations.
Fixed the resolution adaptation issue.
Fixed the potential bug when the backpack is full.

Fixed the bug that may prevent achievements from popping up.
Added 2 cultural relics, which can be obtained by opening stores.
Added explanatory texts for cultural relics.
Increased the quantity sold in the store.
Optimized the gameplay of Advent.
Optimized the stacking quantity in the warehouse.
Optimized the position of tips in the placement interface.

